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Lesson 1 – Vocabulary
Student Book p.36-37
By the end of the lesson, students are able to:

Understand and use vocabulary related to rooms, homes and

Use the words and phrases to talk about the type of
houses they want to live in

To introduce the unit topic (home)

To recall some vocabulary related to houses (rooms, furniture)

INSTRUCTIONS Exercise 1 (SB p.36)

 Work in groups.
 List all the rooms in a house and at least six items in each room.
WARM-UP: BRAINSTORM To recall some vocabulary related to houses (rooms, furniture)
Work with your partner to list out all rooms in a house and items you can find in each room


suggested answers
WARM-UP: BRAINSTORM To recall some vocabulary related to houses (rooms, furniture)
Work with your partner to list out all rooms in a house and items you can find in each room

living room bedroom


dinning room
hall Click on the icon to see the answer

attic basement


To teach phrases about the type of houses

PRESENTATION To present vocabulary

a camper van
/ˈkæmpə væn/
a large vehicle designed for
people to live and sleep in
when they are travelling
PRESENTATION To present vocabulary

a bungalow
a house built all on one level,
without stairs
PRESENTATION To present vocabulary

a detached house
/dɪˈtætʃt haʊs/
a house that is not joined to
another house on either side
PRESENTATION To present vocabulary

a terraced house
/ˈterəst haʊs/
a house that is one of a row of
houses that are joined together
on each side
PRESENTATION To present vocabulary

a block of flats
/ˌblɒk əv ˈflæts/
a tall building that contains a
set of rooms for living in,
usually on one floor of a
PRESENTATION To present vocabulary

a semi-detached
house (n)
/ˌsemidɪˈtætʃt haʊs/
a house that is joined to
another house by a wall on
one side that is shared
(a): adjective (n): noun (v): verb
a terraced house /ˈterəst haʊs/ a house that is one of a row of houses that are Nhà bậc thang
joined together on each side

a block of flats /ˌblɒk əv ˈflæts/ a tall building that contains a set of rooms for Tòa chung cư
living in, usually on one floor of a building

a semi-detached house /ˌsemidɪˈtætʃt a house that is joined to another house by a wall Nhà liền kề
haʊs/ on one side that is shared

a detached house /dɪˈtætʃt haʊs/ a house that is not joined to another house on Nhà ở riêng lẻ
either side

a bungalow /ˈbʌŋɡələʊ/ a house built all on one level, without stairs Nhà gỗ

a camper van /ˈkæmpə væn/ a large vehicle designed for people to live and Nhà di động
sleep in when they are travelling

To practice listening for details.

To practice using language about rooms, houses, and buildings.

PRACTICE To practice listening for details.

Exercise 2 (SB p.36)

1. In Warsaw (Poland)
2. It’s small but complete.
3. 92 – 152 cm
4. Two floors
5. Only one
PRACTICE To practice using language about
rooms, houses, and buildings.
Exercise 3 (SB p.36)

That house is small but great!

I want to live in it because I love
small things.
Exercise 4 (SB p.36)

a camper van a bungalow a detached house

a terraced house a block of flats a semi-detached house

PRODUCTION Exercise 5 (SB p.36)

Which type of house in Exercise 4 do you want to live in? Why?

Name Type of house Reasons

It’s vintage and

Bob A bungalow peaceful.

1. Do exercises on workbook pages 34.

2. Prepare for Unit 4 – Lesson 2: Grammar

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