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Definition of terms

refers to live or disposed to live in
companionship and consequences
• of human behavior.

• Culture
The ideas, customs and social behavior of a
particular people or society.

• Value
The regard that something is held to deserve the
importance, worth or useless of something.

• Norm
Something that is usual, typical or standard.

• Socialization
Process whereby an individual acquires a personal
identity behavior and social skills appropriate to their
social positions.

• Social change
The process of alteration in social patterns behavior and

• Institution
The large organization that is established,
foundation, society or the like devoted to the
promotion of particular cause or program.

• Society
Is the Large group of people to which any
individual belongs.[according to Green A.W]

• Community
Group of people with common characteristics.

• Folkway
Are behaviors that are learned and shared by a
social group that we often refer to as customs in
a group that are not morally significant but can
be important for social acceptance.

• Institution
The large organization that is established,
foundation, society or the like devoted to the
promotion of particular cause or program.

• Society
Is the Large group of people to which any
individual belongs.[according to Green A.W]


The end.

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