CDP 2023 Presentation

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Bachelor of Civil Engineering Technology

Presented by: Dr Chris Ackerman

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment

Department of Civil Engineering 1

• Integrated Civil Engineering Project comprise major design project, investigation

report and case study reports.
• Provides a real-world experience in Civil Engineering industry.
• An introduction to what will be faced when entering the engineering workforce.
• Use knowledge acquired in earlier and concurrent subjects in this programme.


To equip students with the skills and competencies, outlined by the 10 Graduate
Attributes to solve problems under many of the constraints and considerations that a
Civil or Structural Engineering Technologist encounters in the workplace.

The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) standard for the award of the qualification as specified
in Document E-02-PT states that the purpose and level of the qualification will have been achieved
when the student has demonstrated the defined knowledge, and secondly the GA skills and applied
GA 1: Problem solving

GA 2: Application of scientific and engineering knowledge

GA 3: Engineering Design

GA 4: Investigations, experiments and data analysis

GA 5: Engineering methods, skills, tools, including Information Technology

GA 6: Professional and Technical Communication

GA 7: Sustainability and Impact of Engineering Activity

GA 8: Individual, Team and Multidisciplinary Working

GA 9: Independent Learning
GA 10: Engineering Professionalism

These 10 GAs are divided into 50 competency indicators

Report 1: Planning Conceptual Design and Geotechnical Report (Group)

Report 2: Investigation Report (Individual)

Report 3: Structural Design (Individual)

Report 4: Water Infrastructure Design (Individual)

Report 5: Case Study Report (Individual)

Individual presentation

All 50 competency indicators has to be referenced in the

reports where applicable



GA 7 GA 9
Sustainability and Impact of Engineering Activity: Independent Learning:
31 41
32 42
33 44

31 The impact of technology is explained 41 Learning undertaken is reflected on

in terms of the benefits and limitations and own learning requirements and
to society strategies are determined to suit
32 The engineering activity is analysed in personal learning style and
terms of the impact on occupational preferences
and public health and safety and the 42 Relevant information is sourced,
impact on the physical environment organized and evaluated
33 Personal, social, economic, cultural 44 Assumptions are challenged critically
values and requirements are taken and new thinking is embraced
into consideration for those who are
affected by the engineering activity

Refer to document REPORT 5 Individual Case Study Report on
how to complete this report

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the impact of Cover page
engineering activity on the Introduction
• Society Description of case study
• Economy Analysis of case study
• Industrial Evaluation
• Physical environment Mitigation proposals
address issues by analysis, mitigation and evaluation References


Civil engineering technology has a significant impact on society, both in terms of benefits
and limitations.


Improved infrastructure: Civil engineering technology has led to the development of better
infrastructure such as roads, bridges, buildings, and water supply systems, which has
improved quality of life and increased economic productivity.

Increased safety: Advanced technologies in the field of civil engineering have made the
construction of safer and more resilient buildings and infrastructure, reducing the risk of
loss of life and property in the event of natural disasters.

Enhanced sustainability: Civil engineering technology has enabled the construction of more
sustainable and environmentally friendly structures and infrastructure, reducing the
negative impact on the environment.

Increased efficiency: The use of technology in civil engineering has increased the speed,
accuracy, and efficiency of construction processes, reducing costs and improving the
delivery of projects.


Cost: The adoption of advanced technology in civil engineering can be expensive, and
some communities may not have the financial resources to invest in the necessary
equipment and training.

Inequality: The benefits of civil engineering technology may not be evenly distributed, and
some communities may not have access to the same level of advanced infrastructure and
technology as others.

Disruption: The implementation of new technology in civil engineering can disrupt

traditional ways of working, leading to job losses and changes in the skills required in the

Dependence on technology: The increasing reliance on technology in civil engineering can

lead to a reduced emphasis on manual skills and knowledge, which can be problematic in
the event of technical failures or breakdowns.

Overall, while civil engineering technology has brought many benefits to society, it is
important to consider the limitations and ensure that its impact is positive for all


The analysis of the impact of a civil engineering activity on occupational and public health
and safety, as well as the physical environment, is crucial in determining its overall impact.

Impact on occupational health and safety:

Workers' safety: The safety of workers involved in the construction and maintenance of
civil engineering projects is a major concern. Factors such as the use of hazardous
materials, heavy machinery, and working at heights can pose a significant risk to worker
Health risks: Exposure to dust, fumes, and chemicals during the construction process can
pose a risk to the health of workers and the surrounding community.

Impact on public health and safety:

Structural safety: The safety of the general public using the infrastructure and buildings
constructed as a result of civil engineering activities must be considered. This includes
ensuring that the structures are able to withstand the forces to which they will be
Environmental pollution: Civil engineering activities can result in environmental pollution,
which can have a negative impact on public health and safety. This includes air, water, and
soil pollution, as well as noise pollution.

Impact on the physical environment:

Land use: Civil engineering activities can have a significant impact on land use, including
the displacement of wildlife and the destruction of natural habitats.

Soil and water pollution: The construction process and the use of heavy machinery can
result in soil and water pollution, which can have a long-term impact on the

Landscape: Civil engineering activities can have a visual impact on the surrounding
landscape, which can affect the aesthetics and cultural heritage of the area.

It is important to consider these impacts when planning and implementing civil

engineering activities. By conducting a thorough analysis, it is possible to identify
potential risks and to take appropriate measures to mitigate them, ensuring a positive
impact on occupational and public health and safety, as well as the physical environment.


When designing or implementing an engineering activity, various personal, social, economic, and
cultural values and requirements are considered to ensure that all stakeholders are positively

Personal values and requirements refer to the individual needs, preferences, and expectations of
those who will be directly or indirectly affected by the engineering activity. These can include privacy,
safety, health, comfort, and convenience.

Social values and requirements take into account the social impact of the engineering activity on the
local community, including its effects on the local culture, traditions, and relationships. This can
include preserving cultural heritage sites, minimizing disruption to local communities, and promoting
social cohesion.

Economic values and requirements consider the financial impact of the engineering activity on those
affected by it. This can include job creation, support for local businesses, and fair compensation for
those impacted.

Cultural values and requirements focus on preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the
affected community. This can include respecting local customs, traditions, and beliefs, as well as
ensuring that the engineering activity does not negatively impact the local cultural landscape.


Tertiary learning refers to education beyond the secondary level, typically in colleges or
universities. This type of learning is often more independent and self-directed than previous levels
of education.

To reflect on one's own learning in this context, it's important to understand your personal learning
style and preferences. This includes assessing how you prefer to receive information (e.g. visually,
auditory), how you process information (e.g. through hands-on activities or writing), and how you
retain information (e.g. through repetition or summarization).

Once you have an understanding of your learning style, you can determine your own learning
requirements and develop strategies that suit your preferences. This may involve seeking out
course materials that align with your preferred learning style, using technology or tools that
support your learning, and actively engaging with course material to aid in comprehension and

It's important to note that learning styles are not set in stone and can change over time, so
regularly reflecting on your own learning and adjusting your strategies accordingly can help
improve academic performance and overall satisfaction with the learning experience.


Civil engineering, like all fields of study, is constantly evolving and being re-
evaluated. As a result, students are often challenged to critically examine
long-held assumptions and embrace new thinking. Some common
assumptions that are being challenged include:

Reductionist thinking: Traditionally, civil engineers have approached design

problems using a reductionist approach, breaking down complex systems
into smaller components. However, more recent thinking recognizes the
need to also consider the interconnections and relationships between
systems, leading to a more holistic approach.

Linearity of materials: It has been assumed that the behavior of materials is

linear and predictable, but this assumption is now being challenged as
engineers increasingly recognize the importance of non-linear behavior and
the influence of external factors such as temperature, humidity, and load

Sustainability: Sustainability has traditionally been seen as an add-on to civil
engineering projects, rather than being integrated into the design process.
However, with increasing awareness of the impacts of human activity on the
environment, there is a growing recognition of the need to incorporate
sustainable practices into all aspects of civil engineering design.

Risk assessment: The traditional approach to risk assessment in civil

engineering has been to focus on individual components and potential failure
modes. However, more recent thinking recognizes the need to also consider
the interconnections between components and the potential for cascading

These are just a few examples of the types of assumptions that are being
challenged and new thinking that is being embraced by civil engineering
students. It's an exciting time to be a student in this field, as new discoveries
and technological advancements are constantly expanding the boundaries of
what is possible.


The mitigation measures below have not been categorised under particular risks they
address. Many of them are general in the sense that they address a multitude of potential
• An Environmental Control Officer (ECO) must be appointed to oversee construction
activities and be made responsible for monitoring.
• The ECO must confirm the presence or absence of protected plant species before
any site clearing. Trees must be earmarked for preservation to ensure no there is no
disturbance to legally protected species (e.g. the marula tree).
• If for any reason a legally protected species needs to removed or relocated, the
relevant licenses will need to be obtained. For nationally protected species, for
instance, the marula tree the issuing authority would be the Department of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. For provincially protected species which may be
encountered, a permit must be obtained from the relevant Provincial Wildlife office.
• The listed invasive alien plants are to be controlled as stipulated by their category in
the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10/2004): Alien and
Invasive Species List, 2014.

• Care must be taken once clearing has begun, as disturbance to the soil creates a
habitat for opportunistic invasive plants, which can be detrimental to the ecological
integrity of the area.
• In order to reduce erosion risk, reduce alien plant invasion, minimise
unnecessary/excessive vegetation clearance and avoid exposing soils, sites should
not be cleared of vegetation more than two months prior to being developed. During
the rainy season, this period should be shortened to one month as increased rainfall
results in accelerated erosion and alien plant establishment.
• The development, as well as associated activities involved (e.g. storage of
construction material/equipment, movement/parking of vehicles) must be kept within
the boundary of the proposed property.
• No activity is to occur on neighbouring/privately owned land unless written consent
and arrangements have been made with land owners prior to commencing the

• Areas susceptible to erosion must be protected by installing appropriate
temporary or permanent drainage works or water dispersal and water velocity
reduction structures. A Storm water Management Plan has to be drafted to
address this.
• All materials for construction must be sourced from sustainable and appropriately
licenced stock (sand, stone etc.).
• Ensure compliance with legislation where applicable such as the Hazardous
Substances Act, 1973 (Act No. 15 of 1973), the National Environmental
Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act 59 of 2008, The National Environmental
Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act 10 of 2004)
• Ensure appropriate handling of hazardous substances, any such substances must
be stored in bund walls or secondary containment and in an area that can’t be
accessed by unauthorised persons.

• Reduce spills by maintaining preventative measures on site and ensure tools,
construction vehicles and machinery are well maintained.
• Ensure correct waste management, sorting and recycling of materials used for
construction. Waste should be stored in scavenger proof bins. Bins must be
secured in an area specifically designed, constructed and maintained for such
• Ensure appropriate location of concrete mixing areas. Avoid areas susceptible to
soil erosion (steep gradients) and water pollution and drainage lines.
• Should artefacts or skeletal remains be found, the provincial heritage recourses
authority must be notified for further investigation and evaluation



An investigation differs from a design in that the objective is to produce knowledge and understanding of a
phenomenon / problem. Both scientists and engineers contribute to the world of human knowledge, but in different
ways. Scientists use the scientific method to make testable explanations and predictions about the world. A scientist
asks a question and develops an experiment, or set of experiments, to answer that question. Engineers use the
engineering design process to create solutions to problems. Engineers can also use the scientific method to produce
knowledge and understanding of a engineering problem. This is GA 4.

In order to achieve this GA the student has to conduct investigations of broadly-defined civil engineering problems
through locating, searching and selecting relevant data from codes, data bases and literature, designing and
conducting experiments, analysing and interpreting results to provide valid conclusions.



The test for a broadly-defined civil engineering problem is based on three logical steps:

Step 1: Establish whether a problem is in fact a civil engineering problem by virtue of requiring
engineering knowledge. The following questions are posed to establish this:
 Is the problem a civil engineering problem?
Extract from journal paper:

Yes. Water Engineering and some

Environmental Engineering

 Does it require coherent and detailed engineering knowledge underpinning the civil engineering
technology area?
Yes. Analysis of water quality

Step 2: Establish the factors describing complexity of the initial state and the desired end state of the
problem. The following questions are posed to establish this:

Extract from journal paper:

 How many factors are known or specified, what is

unknown, are there multiple goals?

Extract from journal paper:

 What is the nature of the problem? Does it have one of

the following characteristics:
 A problem which may have more than one solution, or
in which the solutions depend discontinuously upon
the initial data, or under or over specified, requiring
identification and interpretation into the civil
engineering technology area
 encompass systems within complex civil engineering
 belong to a family of civil engineering problems which
are solved in well- accepted but innovative ways

Step 3: Test the complexity of the solution path or process from initial state to the goal state. The solutions
have one of the following characteristics:
 can be solved by civil engineering analysis techniques
 may be partially outside civil engineering standards and/or codes

Extract from journal paper:

 require information from the civil engineering field that is current, complex or incomplete
 involves a variety of issues which may impose conflicting constraints: technical, engineering and
interested and affected parties

Extract from journal paper:




17. Plan and conduct investigations and experiments within an appropriate discipline
18. Search available literature and material and critically evaluated for suitability to the investigation.
19. Perform analysis as necessary to the investigation.
20. Selected and use equipment or software as appropriate in the investigations.
21. Draw conclusions from an analysis of all available evidence.


• Student choose one of the topics from list or own topic

• Student present report in the format of a research project. See document:



• The format is not critical. As long as the competency indicators are addressed

Research Topics 13. Development of sustainable homes making use of renewable energy
1. Highway condition monitoring and data collection; sources.
2. Effects of climate change and disaster management; 14. The use of sustainable materials for construction: design and delivery
3. Road maintenance management; methods.
4. Traffic signal violations; energy management; 15. The role of environmental assessment tools in sustainable construction
5. Road safety and accident modelling 16. The use of warm mix asphalt in road construction
6. Design urban transp. systems to meet the needs of an older population 17. Research to study properties of concrete to achieve sustainability
7. Visions for the role of walking and cycling; 18. Development of waste reduction strategy to achieve sustainable
8. Understanding walking and cycling; concepts
9. Evaluating the impact of individual habits on the implementation of a 19. High-level review of the barriers and drivers for sustainable buildings in
sustainable transport system; developing countries
10. Developing Urban Transport in Turkey with Much Higher Dependence 20. Research to study the impact of sustainability concepts on
on Walking and Cycling; organisational growth and development.
11. As in all engineering activity, safety and reliability are key to a successful 21. Sustainable technologies for the building construction industry
project and on-going operation of the transport sector. This research 22. Building Information Modelling in the construction industry
theme includes study of risk and reliability transferred from the more- 23. Research regarding micromechanics of granular materials.
traditional construction industry into the transport sector. 24. Research to study and develop water treatment processes.
12. Projects include decision-making tools based on: 25. Research to set up remote sensing applications to assist in the
a. Safety-cost analysis; development of sustainable construction techniques.
b. Life cycle analysis; 26. High-level strategies, best practice guidelines and methodologies for
c. Uncertainty analysis; sustainable construction.
d. Safety-critical software assessment; 27. State of the art practice for recycling in the construction industry.
e. Dynamic and static finite element analysis; 28. Key factors and risk factors associated with the construction of high rise
f. Safety case preparation for industry. buildings.

29. An investigation into health and safety in the construction industry. 44. Traffic flow modelling under heterogeneous traffic conditions
30. Steps to conduct management of change to ensure smooth process 45. Analysis of interrelated activity and travel pattern
improvement. 46. Study on the effect of geometric design consistency on level of safety on
31. Research to sustainably manage a project team. intercity roads
32. Research to study the management of engineering projects and various 47. Dynamic traffic assignment under multiple vehicle classes
risks involved with them. 48. Study of merging at urban uncontrolled major-minor road junctions
33. Research to identify process improvement plans to support business under heterogeneous traffic conditions
strategies. 49. Evaluation of turn lane at signalized intersection in heterogeneous traffic
34. Efficient supply chain management to ensure and develop key using microscopic simulation model
motivational skills within staff members. 50. Studies on safety performance of two-lane rural highways under mixed
35. How leadership can help efficiency within a learning organisation. traffic
36. Developing an integrated approach to strategic management in 51. Route choice modeling and network assignment in heterogeneous traffic
organisations. conditions
37. Creating and sustaining competitive advantage in engineering 52. Impact assessment of bus priority measures on heterogeneous traffic
organisations. flow using computer simulation
38. Developing frameworks for sustainable assessments taking into account 53. Network level pavement management system for rural roads
eco-engineering measures. 54. Study of traffic flow characteristics on intercity highways using computer
39. The role of engineers in managing development in emerging countries. simulation
40. Performance of bituminous mixes with modified binders 55. Study of variability in asphalt properties between production and
41. Study of Asphalt transition construction
42. Travel time and congestion analysis under heterogeneous traffic 56. Study of vehicular interactions in heterogeneous urban road traffic using
conditions computer simulation
43. Experimental investigations and analytical modeling of rutting of asphalt 57. Development of appropriate level-of-service criteria for roads carrying
concrete mixes heterogeneous traffic

58. Pavement material characterization and its influence on the stress 76. Modeling of solute transport in heterogeneous porous media modeling
strain analysis of pavement layers . of solute transport in heterogeneous porous media
59. Interference effect of footings and anchors 77. River Mechanics/ Sediment Transport Mechanics
60. Dynamic response of machine foundations 78. Flow Measurements
61. Soil Reinforcement and Geosynthetics: Use of Coir Fibers for 79. Use of Remote Sensing for Irrigation Water Allocations
Sustainable Development 80. Optimization in Water Resource Systems. Optimization in Water
62. Soil Nailing Resource Systems
63. Studies on Geocell Reinforced Foundation Beds 81. Structured Irrigation Network
64. Field Tests on Geosynthetic Reinforced Unpaved Roads 82. Studies on Fiber Reinforced Concrete
65. Design of Efficient Surface Aerators for Waste Water Treatment 83. Studies on Creep and Shrinkage in Normal and Heavy Density Concrete
66. Modeling Contaminant Transport in Ground Water and Vadoze 84. Studies on Repair of Concrete Elements
Zone 85. Feasibility Studies on Use of GFRP Rebars as Reinforcement in
67. Fuzzy-Stochastic Modeling for Water Quality Control in Streams Concrete
68. Water Distribution Network 86. Behavior of Stabilized Mud Block and Burnt Clay Brick Masonry and
69. Electrokinetic Decontamination of Soils Stabilized Rammed Earth Walls
70. Re-Use of Hazardous Wastes in Civil Engineering Applications 87. Experimental Investigations into the Fracture Behavior of Cementitious
71. Characterization of Bentonites as Buffer Material for Deep Interfaces
Geological Repository 88. Experimental Studies on Fatigue Behavior of Cementitious Interfaces
72. Defluoridation of Ground Water 89. Thermal Stress Intensity Factors
73. Pollution Induced Heave in Soils 90. Correlation Between Damage and Fracture
74. Role of Osmotic Suction in Volume Change Behaviour of 91. Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of Plain Concrete
Expansive ClaysRole of Osmotic Suction in Volume Change 92. Fracture of Cementitious and Other Composites
Behaviour of Expansive Clays 93. Continuum Damage Mechanics
75. Geochemistry of fluoride rich groundwater

94.Strengthening of RCC bridges under IRC loading.
95.Strengthening of existing residential building without
interrupting residents.
96.Strengthening of columns using jacketing same as in pile
97.Strengthening of flexure member using external bonded steel
plates at lower cost.
98.To lower the final cost of repair of existing buildings.
99.To improve the aesthetic conditions of the bridges, T-beams
and existing buildings.
100.FRP strengthening of RC T-beams with different types of
fibers such as carbon, aramid & basalt.
101.Study of bond mechanism between CFRP, AFRP and BFRP
and concrete substrate.
102.Strengthening of RC L-beams with FRP composite.
103.Strengthening of RC L-section beams with web opening.
104.Effects of web openings of different shape and size on the
shear behavior of T & L-beams.
105.Effects of shear span to depth ratio on shear strengthening
of beams.
106.Numerical modelling of RC T & L-beams strengthened with
FRP sheets anchored at the end.


GA 2 GA 5
Application of scientific and engineering knowledge: Engineering methods, skills, tools, IT:
5 25

• An appropriate mix of knowledge of mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, natural
science and engineering science at a fundamental level and in a specialist area is brought to
bear on the solution of broadly-defined engineering problems using theories, principles and
• Perform formal analysis and modelling on engineering materials, components, systems or
• Communicate concepts, ideas and theories
• Reason about and conceptualize engineering materials, components, systems or processes
• Handled uncertainty and risk
• Create, select and use computer applications as required

Analyse and design one of the following:
• Hydrology and storm water infrastructure.
• Water treatment plant.
• Water distribution system.
• Wastewater collection and treatment system.


Water infrastructure design report (Use previous reports format as guidance for this report)

Refer to documents as examples named:

• Small Waste Water Treatment Works


GA 3 GA 8 GA 10
Design: Multidisciplinary Working: Professionalism:
10 38 45
11 46
12 47
13 48
14 49
15 50


10 Formulate the design problem to satisfy user needs, standards, codes of practice and legislation
11 Plan and manage the design process to focus on important issues and recognizes and deals with
12 Acquire and evaluate knowledge, information and resources in order to apply appropriate principles
and design tools to provide a workable solution.
13 Perform design tasks including analysis, quantitative modelling and optimization to the relevant
premises, assumptions, constraints and restrictions.

14 Evaluate alternatives for implementation and a preferred solution is selected based on techno-
economic analysis and judgement.
15 Assess the selected design is in terms of the social, economic, legal, health, safety, and
environmental impact and benefits.
16 Communicate the design logic and relevant information in a technical report.
38 Organize and manage a design or research project
45 Describe the nature and complexity of ethical dilemmas and the ethical implications of decisions
46 Apply ethical reasoning to evaluate engineering solutions
47 Maintain continued competence through keeping abreast of up-to-date tools and techniques
available in the workplace
48 Understand the system of continuing professional development and embraced as an on- going
49 Accept responsibility for consequences stemming from own actions
50 Make judgements in decision making during problem solving and design

Analyse, design, prepare contract documentation, prepare programme and drawings for tender
purposes a broadly-defined structure such as:
• Community hall
• Light industrial building
• Apartment block
• In-situ cast reinforced concrete culvert under roadway
• RC retaining wall
• Steel water tower

• Structural design report (design software can be used for analysis and design)

Refer to document named Report 4 - How to write a Design

Report, for example how to complete the report

• Construction drawings for tender purposes

• Contract document for tender purposes (including BOQ)
• Construction programme



Table of Contents
Problem Statement and Assumptions
Architectural and Structural Features
Design Technique and Philosophy
Gravity Loads
Dead Loads
Live Loads
Roof Live Load
Lateral Loads
Wind Load
Design Process
Ultimate Load Effects
Final Results and Considerations
Designed Structure
Additional Considerations

GA 1 GA 6 GA 8 GA 9
Problem Solving: Communication: Multidisciplinary Working: Independent Learning:
1 26 34 40
2 27 35
3 28 36
4 29 37
30 39


1 Define and analyse the problem and criteria are identified for an acceptable solution
2 Identify relevant information and engineering knowledge and skills for solving the
3 Generate and formulate possible approaches that would lead to a workable solution for
the problem
4 Model and analyse possible solutions and the final solution is formulated and presented
in an appropriate form

34 Demonstrate the principles of planning, organizing, leading and controlling
35 Carry out individual work effectively, strategically and on time
36 Contribute to team activities, including at disciplinary boundaries, support the output
of the team as a whole
37 Demonstrate functioning as a team leader
39 Carry out effective communication in the context of individual and team work

26 For the purpose of communication and target audience the structure, style and
language of written and oral communication are appropriate
27 Use accepted methods for providing information to others involved in the
engineering activity

28 Slides are error-free and logically present the main components of the
process and recommendations. Material is readable and the graphics
highlight and support the main ideas.

29 Speaker is audible and fluent on their topic, and do not rely on notes to
present or respond. Speaker respond accurately and appropriately to
audience questions and comments.

30 Body language, as indicated by appropriate and meaningful gestures (e.g.,

drawing hands inward to convey contraction, moving arms up to convey lift,
etc.) eye contact with audience, and movement, demonstrates a high level of
comfort and connection with the audience.

40 Learning tasks are managed autonomously and ethically, individually and

in learning groups


A Municipality bought land for the development of a new township. They appointed your consulting firm to
design the infrastructure. You and three colleagues will develop a concept design proposal for the
Municipality that include the following:
• Transportation Engineering
• Water Engineering
• Structural Engineering
Submit group planning and conceptual design report
Each person in group present his/her part of report
Report headings:
1. Description of project
2. Selected engineering activities (housing, buildings, roads, drinking water, effluent…)
3. Group management
4. Activity 1
5. Activity 2
6. Activity 3
7. Activity 4


Form groups of 4 to determine:

• Project scope
• Choose topics from the Civil Engineering sub-fields (community hall, industrial building,
water tower, houses, road pavement, sanitation water supply, water storage, etc…).
• Discuss how the topics will be linked
• Develop project outline
• Set milestones
• Information required
• What information is needed
• Where will information be gathered
• How will information be gathered
• Set milestones
• Conceptual design
• Identify parameters as per sub-field
• Set milestones
• Hold 4 formal meetings with agenda, minutes and different chairpersons for this purpose

Group Management Tools

• Planning: set objectives, select strategies, implement strategies and review achievement;
• Organising: set operational model, identify and assign tasks, identify inputs, delegate
responsibility and authority;
• Leading: give directions, set example, communicate, motivate;
• Controlling: monitor performance, check against standards, identify variations and take remedial

Activity 1 to 4:
Considering the assessment of performance against GA 1, two criteria are set. Firstly, whether the
student performs a creative, systematic analysis of a Civil Engineering problem and secondly, works
systematically to synthesize a solution to the Civil Engineering problem.

Regarding systematic analysis the student:
 Interprets and clarifies requirements, leading to an agreed definition of the problem to be addressed
 Identifies interested and affected parties and their expectations
 Gathers, structure and evaluate a sufficient range of information relating to the problem
 Performs a structured analysis
 Evaluates the result of the analysis and revise or refine as required
 Documents and report conveying outcome to the requesting party

And regarding the synthesis phase, the student:

 Proposes potential approaches to the solution
 Conducts preliminary synthesis following selected approaches
 Evaluates potential solutions against requirements and wider impacts
 Presents reasoned technical, economical and contextual arguments for the selected option
 Fully develops the chosen option
 Evaluates the resulting solution
 Documents the solution for approval and implementation

Example: The Mbombela Municipality bought land for the development of the new Bohale
township near Kabokweni (highlighted below)

For the conceptual design of a industrial building the following construction factors for instance need
consideration :
• Location of structure and environmental conditions
• Site and foundation conditions (Geotechnical Report)
• Weather conditions likely during construction
• Availability of materials
• Location and reputation of fabrication industry
• Transport of materials and fabricated elements to site
• Availability and quality of labor for construction
• Degree of supervision needed for construction
• Measures needed to give protection against corrosion and fire
• Likelihood of damage or failure due to fatigue or brittle fracture
• Etc.

Further examples:

The main features considered for geometric design

Factors Affecting Pavement Design of a road:
• Wheel load • Cross section elements
• Axle configuration • The gradient
• Contact pressure • The intersection
• Vehicle speed • The consideration of sight distance
• Repetition of loads The geometric design of a road is influenced by:
• Subgrade type • The characteristics of the vehicle
• Temperature • The behaviour of the driver
• Precipitation • The psychology of the driver
• Traffic Volume
• Traffic Speed

Note that this is not a Environmental Impact Assessment.

Each factor is considered/discussed and used to develop the activity.

The factors are considered/discussed in terms of (where applicable):

• Problem solving parameters
• Relevance
• Quantity
• Quality
• Details
• Etc.


GA 5 GA 9
Engineering methods, skills, tools, IT: Independent Learning:
22 43

• Assess the method, skill or tool for applicability and limitations against the required result
• Apply the method, skill or tool correctly to achieve the required result
• Test and assess results produced by the method, skill or tool against required results
• Comprehend and apply knowledge acquired outside of formal instruction

• The group develop a Geotechnical Report using the knowledge and results gained from
previous modules
• Information not available are assumed but the means of locating it has to be described


Upon completion of the geotechnical investigation and analysis, the information and findings must be
compiled in a standard report format. The report serves as the permanent record of all geotechnical data
known to be pertinent to the project and is referred to throughout the design, construction, and service life of
the project. The data and recommendations are typically compiled in a Geotechnical Report. The intent of the
Geotechnical Report is to present the data collected in a clear manner, to draw conclusions from the data, and
to make recommendations for the geotechnical aspects of the project. The primary clients that use the report
are roadway designers, Bridge Engineers, construction personnel, and contractors. The Geotechnical Report is a
professional document, and must be prepared under the direction of a registered professional engineer. When
Consultants prepare reports, the Consultant’s recommendations must be reviewed, documented and retained
by the Geotechnical Engineer assigned to the project.


The Geotechnical Report contains factual data, interpretations, engineering studies and analyses, and
recommendations for design and construction. The report should be formatted to present information using a
standardized approach, so that users are able to locate information readily and consistently. The format and
contents of the Geotechnical Report are somewhat dependent on the type of project. The general outline for a
Geotechnical Report is as follows:

1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary
4. Introduction
• General
• Scope
• Other reports and investigations
5. Project Description
6. Geologic Conditions and Seismicity
• Local Geology
• Faulting and Seismicity
7. Field Investigations (summary, with details in Appendices A, B, D, and E)
8. Laboratory Analyses (summary, with details in Appendix C)
9. Discussion (with supporting figures in Appendix A)
 Anticipated Subsurface Conditions (soil, rock, groundwater)
 Geologic Hazards
 General Site Evaluation

10. Summary of Engineering Analyses and Calculations (typically a summary will suffice in a main section of the
Geotechnical Report, and the detailed documentation of analyses and calculation could be in an appendix or as a
separate report.)
11. Recommendations
 Site Grading and Earthwork
 Use of Materials
 Embankments
 Cut Slopes
 Drainage
 Rock Slopes (slope angles, stabilization, rock fall mitigation)
 Foundations
 Spread Footings
 Driven Piles
 Drilled Shafts
 Micro piles
 Retaining Walls
 Construction Specifications
 Recommended Construction Observations, Testing and Instrumentation
 Closure
12. References

13. Appendix A: Figures
Site Location Map
Soil Boring Location Map
Geologic Mapping
Supporting Photographs of Site Conditions
Interpreted Geologic Cross-Sections
Recommended Design Details
14. Appendix B: Subsurface Explorations Data
Boring Log Key
Boring Logs
Test Pit Logs
Geophysical Data
15. Appendix C: Laboratory Test Results
Test Result Summary Sheets
Particle Size Distribution Report Sheets (gradation curves)
Consolidation Test Report Sheets and/or Summary Table
Triaxial Test Results Sheets and/or Summary Table
Direct Shear Test Report Sheets and/or Summary Table
Chemical Analysis Results Sheets and/or Summary Table
16. Appendix D: In Situ Test Results
17. Appendix E: Instrumentation Results

The title page should include the formal name of the project, the project identification number, the county, the date the report
was finalized, and the names with titles of report preparers and their signatures (which include the author, the reviewer, and
approval by the overseeing engineer).

The table of contents should list the report sections and subsections, followed by appendices. A list of tables and figures should be
included. A table of contents is not necessary for a short report or technical memorandum.

The Executive Summary may be desirable for larger reports to help provide the most important findings and recommendations in a
short and simple manner. An Executive Summary is not necessary for a short report or technical memorandum.

This section introduces the scope of work as it relates to the general project description (a more detailed project description is
provided in the next report section). A list of previous reports and investigations that are relevant to the current project and site
should be identified in this introductory section.

This section describes the elements of the project and the geotechnical related items. Provide a list of project information that was
received during the course of the investigation (alignment, foundation layout, plans, scour estimate, etc.). The details should
include the various grading requirements and structure needs. Project constraints should be identified.
Design loads and seismic criteria should be addressed. Provide a description of width, composition, and condition of existing
roadway. Provide the estimated depths of scour used (typically determined by the Hydraulics Engineer), if applicable. A vicinity
map is useful to show the general location of the project.

This section describes the known and published geology of the site and vicinity, as well as the regional and local seismicity. Provide
a description of significant geologic and topographic features of the site. The principal geologic formations are described, along
with their soil and rock characteristics. The general thicknesses (and contact elevations) of the principal geologic units should be
described based on available information. Describe both natural and man-made features that are of construction importance or
need to be protected.
Include pertinent geologic mapping. Identify the closest relevant faults and areas of seismic activity, along with the published
expected peak horizontal ground acceleration (as stated in reliable geologic publications).

This section presents an overview of the exploration program. Information presented here should include geologic reconnaissance
work, the method of subsurface explorations, in situ testing, and instrumentation. The sampling methods should be briefly
described. Each boring and test pit should be identified and labeled, along with its depth and purpose. Provide a sentence
referencing the exploration logs, in situ test results, and instrumentation results in the appendices.

List the types of tests performed and summarize the results, leaving the details in the appendix. Briefly describe key findings from
the laboratory tests. Provide a sentence referencing the laboratory test results in the appendix.

The subsurface conditions should be described along the route of the project. This might require splitting the discussion into
sections along the alignment. Describe the engineering characteristics and anticipated behavior of each soil and rock unit. Identify
potentially difficult or problematic conditions. Describe any precedent information such as past slope performance or instabilities
and ground settlement evidence. The groundwater regimes throughout the project should be described. Describe any potential
geologic hazards, such as unstable slopes and rock fall hazards.

A complete set of the analysis computations should be adequately documented and saved in a separate file or report. All
calculations by Consultants are reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer. The Geotechnical Engineer reviews and makes
recommendations back to the Consultants to be incorporated into the calculations. Consultants remain responsible for the
accuracy and completeness of all deliverables.
Provide an overview of the geotechnical engineering analyses and studies performed. Describe the purpose of each set of
analyses, and provide the assumptions used, the corresponding results, and impact on the project. Details should be included in
an appendix, if necessary. When applicable, analyses for alternate foundations including spread footings, driven piles and drilled
shafts should be provided for all structures. A description of the analyses performed and an explanation of why specific foundation
alternatives were eliminated should be included.

The Geotechnical Engineer must provide recommendations for all earthwork, rock slopes, retaining walls, foundations and
geotechnical problems. The excavated materials must be described in terms of their behavior and its suitability for use as Borrow
material. Address how the materials satisfy Department standards for Borrow materials. Unsuitable materials must be addressed
and their locations identified.
If groundwater or seepage could impact the project, describe any recommended drainage systems and their locations. Estimate
earthwork shrink/swell factors to allow for computation of earthwork quantities.
Provide recommendations for embankment construction, including methods to ensure slope stability and manage settlement.
Estimate the magnitude and rate of settlement.
Evaluate possible alternatives if magnitude or time required for settlement is excessive, and recommend treatment based on
economic analysis, time and environmental constraints.
When addressing stability, describe the factor of safety criteria and the level achieved with the recommended approach. Evaluate
possible treatment alternatives if the factor of safety is too low. Provide recommendations for any ground improvement.
Reinforced slopes, if to be used, should be detailed for design. Landslide mitigation measures require detailed design

Provide rock slope recommendations including the design of slopes (appropriate cut slope angles) and fallout area dimensions.
The potential for rock fall should be described and any recommended mitigations should be detailed.
Foundation recommendations should be provided for all structures including bridges, sound walls, earth retaining walls, channels,
box culverts and poles. Address the use of both shallow and deep foundations and describe advantages and disadvantages for
each. Provide detailed recommendations for preferred foundation types. For shallow foundations, provide the recommended
elevations of bottom of footings and the allowable soil pressures based on settlements and bearing capacities. Describe suitable
pile types and reasons for design selections and exclusions. Provide plots of soil resistance for selected pile size alternates.
Plots should be developed indicating both Davisson’s curve and ultimate soil resistance versus elevation, and should show end
bearing and skin friction as well as total resistance. Depth of scour should be accounted for on each plot. Separate pile analyses for
recommended pile sizes are to be performed for each boring. A corresponding pile capacity curve for each analysis should be
provided. When more than one boring is drilled at a pile group location or when it is appropriate to generalize the soil strata, one
design analysis is performed for each pile size. Recommendations for piles include:
 Lateral capacity
 Vertical (axial) capacity
 Seismic criteria and design parameters
 Minimum pile length or tip elevation (related to axial capacity)
 Minimum pile spacing
 Estimated pile settlement or pile group settlement
 Effects of scour, down drag, and lateral squeeze, if applicable.
 Pile cap depths or elevations
 Maximum driving resistance to be encountered in reaching the estimated bearing elevation including the estimated amounts
of scour used in the capacity analysis
 Recommended locations of test piles and pile installation criteria for dynamic monitoring
 Selection of load test types, locations and depths, where applicable

Recommend which retaining wall types are appropriate for the project. Provide detailed recommendations for design of the
preferred wall type(s). Include any requirements for tiebacks, geo-textiles, reinforcing materials, etc.
Describe the effect of roadway construction (vibratory rollers, utility excavations, settlements, etc.) on surrounding structures and
any possible impacts they may have on the use of the structures during construction. Structures in close proximity to construction
activities must be evaluated for potential damages caused by these activities. When warranted, recommendations such as time
restraints on certain operations, underpinning, and monitoring need to be provided to reduce the damaging effects of the
construction. Where there is a potential impact on existing buildings in the surrounding area, include the structure’s address, type
of construction, the estimated vibration level that may cause damage, the usage (storage building, hospital, etc.), what the
potential problem may be and what actions should be taken to minimize the impact in the report.
Provide recommendations for geotechnical testing, observations, and/or instrumentation, depending on the needs of the project
and the relative complexity or criticality of the work to be performed. Describe the benefit of performing the testing and
instrumentation, and the possible consequences if they are not performed or if the instruments are accidentally damaged. List the
tests and instruments to be used and their planned locations.

Cite the references used in the geotechnical evaluations and analyses.

Figures are typically presented in Appendix A. The main figures should include:
 Topographic site plan, usually with a vicinity map
 Boring location map
 Geologic mapping
 Supporting photographs of site conditions
 Geologic cross-sections and typical sections along the alignment, if approved by the Principal Geotechnical Engineer
 Recommended design details

The details of the exploration methods are in the main body of the Geotechnical Report and do not need to be repeated in the
appendices. On large projects, a Summary Table with borings listed in numerical order and their corresponding stationing locations
may be included to allow the reader to find boring locations and numbers readily. Subsurface exploration data including Boring
Logs, Test Pit Logs, and/or Geophysical plots are typically presented in Appendix B. A key to Boring Logs needs to be included.


A Summary Table of laboratory test results and detailed graphs of results of tests such as consolidation, shear strength, triaxial,
and gradation are typically presented in Appendix C.


Details of any in situ testing (other than SPT) and corresponding test data and results are typically presented in Appendix D.


Details of the instrumentation installations and the monitoring program are typically presented in Appendix E. The results of the
monitoring program are typically included.


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