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Workplace safety - Safety at
Why, How often and to whom do workplace
accidents occur?

 Around 3 millions accidents occur in the workplace, in 2015 there were 4,836 deaths.

Who is injured most often at work?

 Workers between the ages of 15 and 25 are more frequently injured on the job.
This is due to:
 Lack of experience or proper traning
 They tend to take more risks
 They do more physical and dangerous work.
The most common types of accidents in the
workplace are:

 Slips
 Trips
 falls

There are estimated to be 25,000 slips, trips, and falls each day at work.
What are the 5 most common causes of work

 Laziness
 Being distracted or tired
 Alcohol and drug abuse
 Overconfidence
 Ignoring safety procedures or rules

 Taking shortcuts
When working with dangerous tolos or machines. Taking exposes a person to unnecessary
risk and potencial disaster
Being distracted or tired

 If you are not 100 focused on your task or surroundings you are exposing yourself to
unnecesary danger.
Alcochol and drug use

 It is estimated that 40% of fatalities are linked to alcochol or drugs.


 In when a worker feels that they are invincible and so good at their job nothing bad can
happen to them.
Ignoring safety procedures or rules

 Safety rull and procedures are crated to prevent accident.

 At work, ignoring them will eventually lead to someone getting hurt or killed.
 awarareness and focus

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