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Group 1

Anisa Suci S. 1300904

Anna Nurul A. 1405446
Dewani Tediana Y. 1400970
Hanifah Herlini 1304083
Ihsan Mulyadi K. 1404946
Indah Putri F.1401459
Pinka Alisa D. S. 1404352
Riska Sulastri 1406109
Tri Indah R. 1400049
Definition of Radiobiology
Radiology :
The science dealing with X-rays and other high-
energy radiation.(oxford dictionary)
Radiobiology :
The branch of biology concerned with the effects of
ionizing radiation on organisms and the application in
biology of radiological techniques.(oxford dictionary)
History of Radiobiology

Wilhelm Cornad Roentgen

Discovery of X-rays
History of Radiobiology (cont)

Antoine Henri Becquerel

Discovery of Radioacivity
History of Radiobiology (cont)

Marie Curie & Pierre Curie

Discovery of Radium &
Case example of radiation effects
 A few month after discovery of X-rays, many victim
found caused by radiation energy. (Erythema, Skin cancer,
Leukimia, etc)
 Becquerel got a burn injury when he brought some radium
on his pocket.
 Marie curie and her daughter died cause by leukemia
 Etc,
History of Radiobiology (cont)

Jean A Bergonie &

L M Tribondeau

Law of Bergonie and
Radiosensitivity Theory of Bergonie & Tribondeau (1906).

• Stem cells are radiosensitive, mature cells are

• Younger tissues are radiosensitive.
• Tissues with high metabolic activity are
• A high proliferation rate and a high growth
rate result in increased radiosensitivity.
 in modern radiobiology, fundamental principle of
radiobiology has been applied in the heat of agriculture,
medicine, pharmacy, and others.

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