Decsion Making

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Steps to become a good decision

What dress to wear?
5 Simple steps…….
Start with desired outcomes.

Rely on data and insights to spot patterns.

Use S.W.O.T analysis.

Simulate the outcomes.

Trust your instincts.

Rely on data and insights…..
Use S.W.O.T analysis
Simulate the outcomes…
Trust your instincts
What will you do?
It’s Saturday and you’re looking forward to hanging out with
friends and having some fun. However, you get two phone calls
early in the morning that make you stop and think. First, a
friend calls to invite you to an all-day basketball tournament.
With tickets, lunch, and dinner, you figure you’ll spend $50.
That would put a dent in the money you’re saving for a future
goal. Then your neighbors call offering you the opportunity to
help paint their apartment. They will pay you $75 for the day of
work. What will you do?
Decision making techniques
Categories of Decision making


Decision making techniques that
provide unique advantages
Multiple criteria decision analysis.

Paired comparison analysis.

Analytic hierarchy process.

Decision making tree.


Influence Diagrams.
Decision making techniques that
provide unique advantages
Game theory.

Multi voting.

Trial and error.

Heuristic method.

Scientific method.
Would you rather be able to fly or be

Would you rather be an elf or a wizard?

Would you rather have an imaginary jet

or a flying broomstick?

Would you rather have feet for hands or

hands for feet?
Would you rather live in the future or in the

Would you rather have many good friends

or one best friend?

Would you rather be able to breathe

underwater or fly in the air?

Would you rather live on mars or on the


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