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Identifying Training Requirements

with Training Need Analysis Model to
Fill Gap Competency
in Setjen Wantannas

Presented By:
Renie Dwi Sulistyani

Politeknik STIALAN Jakarta

Profile Presenter
Work Setjen Wantannas
Analis SDM Aparatur (2019)

(recent) S1 Management
Jenderal Soedirman University
● Age: 27
● Gender: Female
● Birthdate: may 17th 1995
● Birthplace: Jakarta Education
S2 Public Administration

Renie Dwi Sulistyani Politeknik STIA LAN Jakarta

(2020 - Now)
Table of contents
01 02 03
Introduction Theoretical Study Methods

04 05
Results and Discussions

Training Development
5 Presidential Work
Priorities (2019-2024)

6P Strategies
Sekretariat Jenderal Dewan Ketahanan Nasional (Setjen Wantannas) is a non-
ministerial government institution that has the task of assisting the President in
organizing the National Resilience Development Movement to ensure the achievement
of Indonesia's national goals and interests.

There are 5 (five) employees as Human

Resource apparatus analyst (analis SDM
aparatur) in setjen wantannas, with
educational qualification:
• 1 person from high school
• 4 persons from bachelor degree
• 1 person from magister degree

Based on ASN Professionalism Index (IP ASN) 2021, Setjen Wantannas has score total 65
(scale 100)
Theoritical Study
“Training is the process of acquiring specific skills for better
performance in the job”

—Lynton & Pareek, 1990

Training needs analysis (TNA) is a systematic study of an
educational problem by collecting data and information from
various sources, to obtain problem solving or suggestions for
further action

—Mangkunegara, 2003
Problem Documentation The average education level of employees is still low, as indicated by the 2021 ASN IP score which is
relatively low, which is 65 (scale 100)

Problem Investigation There is a skill gap, the skill needed is not fulfilled for the actual skill

Planning Needs Analysis 1. Organizational Analysis: indicates the skills needed by the Organization, namely communication skills,
listening skills, skills to assess work quality.
2. Job analysis: analyzing the need for jobs in the organization.: job understanding skills work planning
skills, feedback process skills, and job effectiveness skills
3. Person analysis: indicates that the skills shown by production workers are lacking in innovative behavior.

Selection of Analysis Techniques Needs assessment technique:

1. optimal (analyze skill needed)
2. actual (analyze actual skills)
3. feeling (analyzing some opinions of foremen,
4. causes (analyzes the reasons so that training is needed)

Doing Analysis Perform analysis according to analysis technique

Data Analysis Findings: less motivation of workers, less commitment, need training and improvement of HRM
Result and Discussion
Trigger Input
there is a performance ● Organiztional Analysis
deficiency and skill ● Job Analysis
degradation which is ● Personal Analysis
indicated by a skill gap

Process Output
TNA Findings: employees
are lacking in innovative ● Training Improving
behavior Effective Listening
● Training to Improve
Communication Skills
● Effective Feedback
Comprehension Ability
Result and Discussion

1. To focus the objectives related to aspects of increasing sales performance,

the company must create a separate concept to reunite the company's vision,
mission and goals with the vision, mission and work objectives, aspects of
product innovation.

2. Companies should establish a formal performance appraisal system where

one part of the manager and supervisor discusses the development of
employee performance. This is done in discussing every performance
development, not just monthly evaluations, even if daily, weekly, and
monthly are used to evaluate the performance of production workers.
Result and Discussion

3. To solve problems related to motivation, the company may pay more attention
to rewards, chance to improve their self by education and training, Clarity on
incentives is needed so that employees are motivated to increase their innovative
● The model developed in the training Need analysis is reactive. This
Reactive TNA model uses a system paradigm where TNA is a simple
analytical process that is used in order to identify training needs or not, so
in this study using several steps in a system in order to be able to develop a
TNA model, namely starting from the trigger or (Trigger) just obtained is
break down into input, process and output. The output of this research is
conducting needs training or non-training analysis to help deal with the
gap between Standard Competencies and Actual competencies.
● Blanchard NP, T. (2004). Effective Training: Systems,
Strategies, and Practices. New Jersey: Second Edition.
Pearson Education, Inc.
● Irianto, J. (2001). Basic Principles of Training
Management (From Needs Analysis to Evaluation of
References ●
Training Programs). Surabaya: Insan Scholar.
Lynton, R., & Pareek, U. (1990). Training for
Development. West Hartford City: Kumarian Press.
● Mangkunegara, AP (2003). HR Planning and
Development . Bandung: PT. Aditama Refika.
● Tovey, M. (1997). Training in Australia: Design Delivery,
Evaluation & Management. Sydney: Prectice Hall.
Thank You
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including icons by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik

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