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Bagaimana membuat kalimat menyangkal? Kita

harus meletakkan “not” sesudah kata kerja bantu.
Dan jangan lupa pasangan-pasangan pokok kalimat
dengan to be (is am are).

I am not: a priest a king

a nurse an artist
a worker an optician
a teacher a driver
a policeman
a, an = seorang, seekor, sebuah, sebutir
You are not: a lecturer
a thief
a typist
a receptionist
a postman

He is not: a doctor
a singer
a leader
a pilot
a driver
She is not : a surgeon
a midwife
a magician
a hairdresser
a waitress

We are not : children

They are not: visitors
fools (orang bodoh)
1. Buatlah kalimat menyangkal dengan
menggunakan kata-kata di bawah ini!

midwife leader
nurse optician
thief postman
teacher fishermen
servant carpenter
2. Latihan: Ubahlah kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa
1. She is not a loyal nurse
2. I am not a typist
3. We are not lazy policemen
4. You are not a magician
5. They are not naughty children
6. He is not a honest servant
7. I am not a beautiful woman
8. You are not a stupid driver
9. I am not a teacher
10.He is not a fool
• Sebelum anda meneruskan pelajaran berikut,
hafalkan kata-kata ini sampai mahir:

Now sekarang
Today hari ini
The day after tomorrow lusa
The day before yesterday dua hari yang lalu
At midday tengah hari
Formerly dahulu
Yesterday kemarin
At midnight tengah malam
Tomorrow besok
Last month bulan lalu
This week minggu ini
Next year tahun depan
Tonight malam ini
At first mula-mula
Everyday setiap hari
Later nanti, kemudian
An hour ago satu jam yang lalu
Two hours dua jam
Just now baru saja
Forever selamanya
Two more days dua hari lagi
Last night tadi malam
Two days ago dua hari yang lalu
Five days ago lima hari yang lalu
Ten days ago sepuluh hari yang lalu
Weekly setiap minggu
Monthly setiap bulan
Afternoon petang
At once segera
In the evening pada sore hari
Once a year setahun sekali
The whole day sepanjang hari
Five times a day lima kali sehari
Every afternoon setiap sore
A day sehari
In the night pada malam hari
Early in the morning pagi-pagi benar
Once in a month sebulan sekali
• Ucapkan kalimat ini dengan keras, agar lidah anda
menjadi terbiasa.

1. I am very tired now

2. You are not very pretty
3. He is very proud
4. She is not very busy today
5. It is very hard
6. We are not ready today
7. They are deaf now
8. I am very satisfied
9. They are impolite
10. We are not confident
BAGAIMANA membuat kalimat bertanya?
Kita harus meletakkan kata kerja bantu to be (is am are)
sebelum pokok kalimat atau di depan kalimat.

Am I dreaming? Are you whispering?
Am I winning? Are you working?
Am I loosing? Are you coming?
Am I growing Are you going?
Am I playing? Are you falling?
Are you thinking?
Are you eating?
Are you drinking?
Is he sitting? Is she learning?
Is he smiling? Is she waiting?
Is he running? Is she cooking?
Is he arriving? Is she helping?
Is he dancing? Is she trying?
Is he laughing? Is she jumping?
Is he following? Is she catching?
Is he visiting? Is she sewing?
Is he smoking? Is she pushing?
Is he reading? Is she pulling?
Is it getting dark? Are we flying?
Is it raining? Are we counting?
Are we talking?
Are we walking?
Are we rowing? Mendayung
Are they peeping? Mengintip
Are they fighting? Berkelahi
Are they hiding? Bersembunyi
Are they camping? Berkemah
Are they digging? Menggali
Are they sailing?Berlayar
Are they climbing? Memanjat
Latihan : Ubahlah kalimat-kalimat ini ke dalam bahasa Indonesia

1. Are you hiding?

2. Are policemen talking?
3. Is your wife dancing?
4. Is your husband dreaming?
5. Am I standing?
6. Is it getting dark?
7. Are we working?
8. Is the baby falling?
9. Are they smoking?
10.Is the blind man coming?
BAGAIMANA membuat kalimat bertanya sekaligus menyangkal?
Kita harus menempatkan kata kerja bantu to be (is am are)
sebelum pokok kalimat atau di depan kalimat dengan
menambahkan kata “not”.

Aren’t you a doctor? Bukankah anda seorang dokter?
Isn’t he sad? Apakah ia tidak sedih?
Isn’t your friend blind? Bukankah teman anda buta?
Aren’t they dancing? Apakah mereka tidak sedang menari?
Aren’t your children naughty? Apakah anak2 anda tidak nakal?
Isn’t the time over? Bukankah waktu sudah habis?
Aren’t you well? Apakah anda tidak sehat?
Cara lain membentuk kalimat bertanya disebut
dengan QUESTION TAG. Bagian akhir kalimat
pertanyaan ini dapat diartikan : bukan?

Cara membentuk bagian akhir kalimat

pertanyaan :
“bila sebutan atau kalimat itu positif (berita)
maka bagian akhir kalimat pertanyaannya
adalah negatif dan sebaliknya bila sebutan
atau kalimat negatif (menyangkal) maka
bagian akhir kalimat pertanyaannya positif”.
• Dari positif
1. You are greedy, aren’t you? Anda rakus
2. He is very polite, isn’t he? Ia sangat sopan
3. She is slow at understanding, isn’t she?
Ia lambat mengerti bukan?
4. It is very bitter, isn’t it? Itu sangat pahit
5. We are going now, aren’t we? Kita brkt skrg
6. They are sailing, aren’t they? Mereka sdg
• Dari Negatif
1. You are not well, are you? Anda tidak sehat
2. He is not an English teacher, is he? Ia bukan
seorang guru bahasa Inggris bukan?
3. She is not very happy, is she? Ia tidak sangat
bahagia bukan?
4. It is not raining now, is it? Hari ini tidak hujan
5. We are not free, are we? Kita tidak bebas
6. They are not sure, are they? Mereka tidak
yakin bukan?
Latihan: Buatlah kalimat bertanya sekaligus menyangkal

1 It is very tight
2 You are a waitress
3 He is walking now
4 They are farmers
5 She is hiding
6 We are learning English
7 Your husband is dreaming
8 My wife is loyal
9 The deaf man is coming
10 It is getting dark
Latihan: Buatlah bagian akhir pertanyaan dari kalimat ini.

1. You are talking loudly,…… ?

2. He is not a sailor, …… ?
3. They are smiling now, ….. ?
4. It is not very heavy, …… ?
5. We are not waiting, …… ?
6. She is very anxious, …… ?
7. You are not a deaf man, …… ?
8. It is very hot, ….. ?
9. They are not fat, …… ?
10.You are alone, …… ?

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