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for Criminology Students

2x2 PHOTO Address Rabanal St., Brgy. Bisocol, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
Educational Bachelor of Secondary Education and Bachelor of Science in Criminology
With 27 Units /PSU, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
Graduate Studies
SPO/ Inspectorate Exam/ LET/ Criminologist
Alaminos City Police Station, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
Date Entered the July 16, 2003
Mandatory Training
on -SWAT
(at least 3 -CRIDEC
Specialized -BPC

1. Technical Report Writing (Criminology)- Is a report writing that conveys a particular piece of information and
purposes: Criminology Research, Police reports, Blotter Entries, Memorandum, etc.

2. Communication- is defined as the use of language, spoken or written to exchange ideas or transfer of
information. The transfer of information or ideas from one person to another includes the transmission and receipt
of a message to effect some type of action or change.

3. Report- is a detailed account of an event, situation, etc., usually based on observation or inquiry.

4. Fact- is anything which either through careful observation or investigation, has been proven to exist as to have

5. Note Taking- is defined as a brief notation concerning specific events that are recorded while fresh in your mind
and used to prepare report.

6. Chronological Order- is the arrangement of events and/or actions in order by the time of their occurrence.



This unit focuses on the fundamentals of report writing. It aims to help learners familiarize with how
reports are written, as it points out to the fact that report plays an important role in the success of any
investigation. Included in this unit are the points to consider in writing reports, the strategies in preparing
good reports, and the types of report writers.

One of the basic works of an investigator is writing reports, and with that the importance and purposes
of police report writing is also elaborated. Additional concepts are also emphasized like clarity, accuracy,
completeness, brevity, fairness, and specificity. Together with this are the basic requirements of police report
writing which are the 5W’s (Who, What, Where, When, Why) and 1H (How) questions. These are vital
questions that should be answered by an investigator in completing his report.

The Nature of Report Writing

A report is an objective statement of the findings of the investigator; this is an official record of the
information that is relevant to an investigation. Therefore, a good report plays an important role in the
success of any investigations. But the fact remains that there are many reports that are haphazardly written,
and its results in jeopardizing the whole investigation process. There is a great demand for every report
writer to fully develop his writing skills so that the best written outputs will be achieved.

Reports are helpful and may influence the career of the investigator, or any law enforcer. Recognition
and promotion are mostly based on the quality of reports. The personality of an effective report writer is also
reflected in the kind of report he writes. Well written reports show a favorable impression not only on the
competence of the writer but also on his credibility. In contrast, erroneous reports can damage the writer’s
career, as it may also destroy the image of the agency or the organization he is connected with.

Points to Consider in Writing Reports

Well-written reports do not happen in a snap of a finger, but rather they are products of
series of writing activities that are perfected over constant practice. Good report writers are those
who painstakingly take the effort of writing and revising their work to achieve the best output.
They follow certain points of considerations and rules in writing reports like: using the best
language, avoiding the errors of form, and avoiding errors of substance.

The best language in report writing is one that could be easily understood by the target
leader. A report that contains the best language includes the following characteristics: concise,
clear, organized, thorough, accurate, and adequate. Faulty report is awkward and ambiguous,
and those with grammatical errors are an additional headache to the reader, because it may
present meaning aside from what it intends to convey.

Points to Consider in Writing Reports

Reports writers are greatly expected to be well-versed in grammar and all its governing rules to avoid
errors in spelling, typographical forms, file number, and report format. The substance of the report is the most
important aspect in writing; this has something to do with the exact content of the report with the
completeness of 5W’s and 1H. The accurate content of the report is seriously considered because it can
seriously affect the lives of people like a criminal being set free, or an innocent person being convicted.

In addition, the credibility of the writer will be tarnished, along with the reputation of the whole company
or agency he is representing. To avoid this error, the writer must not delay in investigating and reporting, he
must include essential facts, must cover obvious leads, and must conduct adequate interviews.

Strategies in Writing Good Report

Writing is a process that requires strategies, Good written outputs are the products of carefully crafted
writing activity. A writer must have specific goal, and follows from a time-tested strategy. The following are
suggested strategies that a writer must adhere in writing report.

1. Check and re-check first whether notes on gathered facts are already complete and organized.
2. If notes on gathered facts are insufficient, go back into the process of gathering more facts
related to the situation.
3. Make an outline of the report basing from the completely gathered facts.
4. Use the chronological order of writing in presenting facts and ideas in the written report.
5. The outline of the report should basically answer the complete 5 W’s and 1H.
6. Prepare a report that could either be simple, brief, complex, or in memorandum form,
depending on its required format.
Types of Report Writers
1. Those who write without thinking.
- Do not bother to gather facts and information to support the written report;
- Not keen in observing and gathering facts to supplement the written output;
- Not conscious of their grammar errors and do not intend to correct what is grammatically
- Lay and careless in gathering specific information; and
- Not concern whether their readers will understand the written report or not.
2. Those who write and think at the same time.
- These are the writers who gather information and facts and put them into writing;
- Review and verify their works but they are in a hurry to write;
- Gathered informations are not properly documented;
- Partially conscious of the grammaticality of their written output; and
- Submit reports with average accuracy.
3. Those who think first and write afterwards.
- Gather specific data, facts, and evidences carefully before they write;
- Keen in observing and gathering information to back up their report;
- Conscious of their grammar and goes on correcting themselves to improve their written output;
- Submit reports with 100% accuracy.

I. Explain each item extensively:

1. How does the following concept affect the quality of a report?

A. Using the best language

B. Avoidance in errors of form
C. Avoidance in errors of subtance

II. Explain in your own words the following concepts:

A. Report writers who write without thinking

B. Report writers who write and think at the same time
C. Report writers who think first and write afterwards
D. Among the three types of writers mentioned above, which do you think is the type that could best
describe you as a writer? Explain.


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