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Can you guess them?

Can you guess them?
• To get a kick out of something
• To be on cloud nine/over the moon/in 7th
• To jump for joy
• To be walking/floating on air
• To be/feel on top of the world
• To be thrilled to bits
• Something makes somebody’s day
• To blow a fuse
• To drive somebody up the wall
• To hit the roof
• To ruffle someone’s feathers
• To give somebody a piece of his mind = to give
somebody an earful=to give somebody a mouthful
• To have/throw a fit
• Not be on speaking terms
• To rub someone up the wrong way
Pay attention!
Find and correct the mistakes:
• The child was thrilled for bits to appear in the newspaper.
• Your telephone call has really done my day.
• Jill said she was on cloud seven and Jack agreed that he was in
ninth heaven.
• I threw a fuse when I heard I was being sacked.
• The old lady gave the children an eyeful for knocking her over.
• He’ll give the boys a peace of his mind if he catches them in
the garden.
• Jim always says something to rub his father up the right way.
• Complete with the missing word:
• It’s horrible living with people who are not on
• Your mother will throw a………….if you go out like this.
• Your boss will surely give you a piece of his……………….for
failing to meet the deadline.
• She was thrilled to……………..for winning that prize.
• I get a……………out of going for a run first thing in the morning.
• He abused her trust and this drove her up the……………….
• You always say things that ……………………me up the wrong way.
• She literally jumped for………………….when they announced the
• He’s been feeling nervous, on…………………all day long.
• Which one is correct?
To get on really well:
a) To get on like a house on fire
b) To get on like a forest on fire
To like somebody immediately:
c) To take a bright spot for somebody
d) To take a shine to somebody
To be determined to criticise or harm someone:
e) To have it out for someone
f) To have it in for someone
When somebody is very pleased with you:
g) You are in his good books
h) You are in his good shoes
When you feel a lot of affection for someone:
i) You have a light spot for someone
j) You have a soft spot for someone
When you feel depressed:
k) You feel down in the dumps
l) You feel down in the caves

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