English 4 Q4 Week 1

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Writing a Story with its Complete A

Elements Y

Think about what the characters did, and what this shows the
character is like (Worksheet)
Directions: Analyze the picture. Before the number draw a
check (✓) if it shows REALITY and cross (X) if it is
Directions: Analyze the picture. Before the number draw a
check (✓) if it shows REALITY and cross (X) if it is
Watch and learn.
Let us study the situations and tell the appropriate ending.
1. Jake wanted to win quiz bee contest very much. His teacher
told him that if he would like to win, he must spend more time
2. “I’ll race you to my house! “ Andie shouted. Rebecca
struggled to catch up with him. She ran to the street with heavy
rain. As soon as they reached the house, they pulled off their wet
coats and boots. Ondoy made a hot broth and offered some to
Rebecca. What might happen next?
Activity 1
Directions: The events listed below were taken from the story
that we have read entitled “Dodong`s Dream”.
Read each sentence and differentiate the action or event
shown. On each line provided, write R for reality and F for
_____1. Dodong lives in Barangay Jinalinan.
_____2. Dodong encountered a monster named Covido.
Activity 1
_____3. He thanked God for keeping him and his family
safe during this pandemic.
_____4. Eating junk food and unhealthy foods are the
things that Dodong is fond of doing.
_____5. A monster is coming near Dodong trying to reach
and hug him.
Activity 2
Determine if the following sentences are FANTASY or
REALITY. Write the sentences inside their appropriate
1. Anyone can fly if they believe they can.
2. You can be a better reader if you practice reading very
Reality refers to a situation that may happen in real life.
A fantasy refers to any situation that is magical or a make-
believe that could not happen in real life.
Directions: Read the following sentences carefully.
Determine if it is reality or fantasy by simply writing the
letter of the correct answer in the space provided before the
____1. One can be infected by the Covid 19 if he/she will
not be very careful and does not follow the safety measures
or precautions.
A. reality B. fantasy C. maybe
____2. Tiklo finished his writing right away using his
magic pen.
A. reality B. fantasy C. maybe
____3. I can fly when I shout the word “Lipad!”.
A. reality
B. fantasy
C. maybe
____4. If you do things you like wholeheartedly you
will end up doing it with a great outcome.
A. reality B. fantasy C. maybe
____5. Eating healthy foods such as fruits and
vegetables will make our body strong and healthy.
A. reality B. fantasy C. maybe
Writing a Story with its Complete A
Elements Y

Read the story. Complete the organizer.
The Wolf, the Kid, & the Goat
Mother Goat was going to market one morning to get
provisions for her household, which consisted of but one
little Kid and herself.
"Take good care of the house, my son," she said to the Kid,
as she carefully latched the door. "Do not let anyone in,
unless he gives you this password: 'Down with the Wolf
and all his race!'"
Strangely enough, a Wolf was lurking near and heard what
the Goat had said. So, as soon as Mother Goat was out of
sight, he trotted to the door and knocked.
"Down with the Wolf and all his race," said the Wolf softly.
It was the right password, but when the Kid peeped through
a crack in the door and saw the shadowy figure outside, he
did not feel at all easy.
"Show me a white paw," he said, "or I won't let you in."
A white paw, of course, is a feature few Wolves can show,
and so Master Wolf had to go away as hungry as he had
"You can never be too sure," said the Kid, when he saw the
Wolf making off to the woods.
Directions: Read the following sentences. Write the word
REALITY on the space before each sentence that can
happen in real life and FANTASY if it can’t happen.
1. We are living on the planet called Earth.
2. Covido turns into a horrible monster at night.
3. Anyone can send messages or pictures using a messenger
4. Randy saw a beautiful enchantress in the mountain of
5. One day has 24 hours, so we must spend it with much joy
and love with the family.
Watch and learn.
It was a virus that could harm a person whom he touched and
talked with. “Oh, please don’t come near me. I promise I will be
a good child and I will obey my parents.” Dodong was trembling
and crying out of nervousness. He was searching for the alcohol
to let the monster away from him. Unluckily, he could not find
the alcohol or sanitizer. Covido was coming near him trying to
reach and hug him. Suddenly, when Dodong opened his eyes and
wiped his sweat in his forehead, he just realized that he was just
This time, he did the sign of the cross and prayed. He
thanked God for keeping him and his family safe during
this pandemic. Then, he promised that he will follow his
parent's advice in observing and following the protocol to
stop the spreading of COVID 19.
1. What is the title of the story you have read?
2. Who are the characters in the story?
3. Do you really think that the story happens in real life?
Why/why not? (Answers to the sentences will vary)
Activity 1
Directions: Draw a smiley face if you agree with the statement
and sad face if you disagree.
_____1. Project Liwanag is a non-profit organization devoted to
allowing and improving the quality of living of indigenous
people in the Philippines.
_____2. A group of young graduates visited the Aeta community
to help them.
Activity 1
_____3. Indigenous people are not happy to have access of
_____4. Bayanihan is a custom which means helping one
_____5. After the Project Liwanag Pablo Tarosca can now read
at night.
Activity 2
Read the story.
Santiago’s Survival Story
Santiago is a 14-year-old boy and has four siblings. E.J., Amiel,
Princess, and Gerardo. He’s partial to 4-year-old Princess, his
only sister. When she smiles, her eyes light up. The princess feels
closest to Santiago too. “I love him because he always takes care
of me and he feeds me,” she says.
Activity 2
When Typhoon Haima bore down on the Philippines, Santiago’s
family went to his grandparents’ house. But when the 10-storm
worsened, “My father and my grandfather had to destroy the
plywood at the back of his house for us to escape,” Santiago says.
“When we checked on our house the following day, I could no
longer see a trace of it,” he says. “Our things were soaked in
floodwater, my books and school materials all destroyed.”
Activity 2
Recalling their narrow escape and their losses, Santiago breaks
down and cries. But three days after Super Typhoon Haima
ravaged Northern Luzon, relief goods arrived in Solana. Source:
World Vision (Google)

Directions: Draw a star if you agree with the statement and moon
if you disagree.
1. The Philippine government gives out relief goods during/after a
Activity 2
2. You can go play outside while there is a typhoon.
3. Helping each other in times of need is a must.
4. Only the Northern Luzon experience disasters every
5. Typhoon is a natural disaster that can’t be stopped.
Listen to the story.
Mang Boyong

Mang Boyong, a street food vendor selling Taho, was

seen in giving up his daily income and chose to give away
the popular Filipino snack to feed checkpoint personnel
along Valenzuela, Meycauayan Bulacan boundary.
Directions: Write YES if the statement is true and NO if it
is false.
______ 1. During pandemic, you don’t have to help other
______ 2. It is necessary to have checkpoints between the
boundaries of city/town to ensure order and discipline.
______ 3. Taho is a famous and popular Filipino snack.
______ 4. COVID-19 is a type of medicine to cure
______ 5. Mang Boyong is a selfless and generous person
to help personnel despite losing income.
To evaluate the likelihood of story/events could really
happen, if there is evidence of facts such as; pictures,
videos, tale of people who experienced or witnessed the
action. Documents, chart, and important timeline are also
Janitor to Lawyer Ramil Comendador may seem like an
ordinary guy working at COMELEC as a janitor.
Without the knowledge of his colleagues, he had been
going to law school for five years at the Universidad de
Manila. Aside from following his studies, he was
supporting his wife and two children in Bicol.
“I just want to say that we can stop the cycle of poverty. You
just need to work hard. Don’t think that you will forever be
poor,” he said in one interview.
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if
it is incorrect.
______1. Age cannot stop you from achieving your dreams.
______2. Ramil’s family is in Mindanao.
______3. A janitor is someone whose job is to make a
mess. ______4. A person can be successful as long as there
is a goal and perseverance.
______5. Ramil is a hardworking and selfless father.
Writing a Story with its Complete A
Elements Y

Read the story, The Wolf and the Lamb. Fill in the blank with the
important parts of the story.
A stray Lamb stood drinking early one morning on the bank of a
woodland stream. That very same morning a hungry Wolf came
farther up the stream, hunting for something to eat. He soon got
his eyes on the Lamb. As a rule, Mr. Wolf snapped up such
delicious morsels without making any bones about it, but this
Lamb looked so very helpless and innocent that the Wolf felt he
ought to have some kind of an excuse for taking its life.
"How dare you paddle around in my stream and stir up all the mud!" he shouted
fiercely. "You deserve to be punished severely for your rashness!"
"But, your highness," replied the trembling Lamb, "do not be angry! I cannot
possibly muddy the water you are drinking up there. Remember, you are
upstream, and I am downstream."
"You do muddy it!" retorted the Wolf savagely. "And besides, I have heard that
you told lies about me last year!" "How could I have done so?" pleaded the
Lamb. "I wasn't born until this year."
"If it wasn't you, it was your brother!"
"I have no brothers."
"Well, then," snarled the Wolf, "It was someone in your family anyway. But no
matter who it was, I do not intend to be talked out of my breakfast."
And without more words the Wolf seized the poor Lamb and carried her off to
the forest.
Circle the word “reality” if it can happen in real life. Circle the
word “fantasy” if it cannot happen in real life.
1. The dragon roared, and then flew off reality fantasy into the
2. The two little ponies ran around the field all morning. reality
3. The strange old woman clicked her heels together three times,
and. disappeared. reality fantasy
4. If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake, your
wish will come true. reality fantasy
5. After a rainstorm, you can sometimes reality fantasy see a
6. The little old man wiggled his nose and the rainstorm stopped.
reality fantasy
7. The clerk in the ice cream shop made an ice cream cone with a
cherry on top.
Watch and learn.
Let us now read the story.
“Project Liwanag”
Like many upland communities, the Aeta community from
Sitio Caoayan in Capas, Tarlac did not have access to
electricity before, but their lives changed after a group of
young graduates visited them. A group called Project
Liwanag installed solar panels in the community for free.
The community chief's son, Pablo Tarosca, said that their
community is grateful because finally they have access to
electricity. A Grade 2 student, Pablo said that before, he
found it difficult to study when night fell. "We didn't have
lights, so we found it hard to read. Now that there's light,
we are happy because we can finally read at night," Pablo
said in Anci, a local language used by the Aeta community.
Pablo hopes that someday, he will be able to pay it forward.
"When I finish studying, I hope to help other indigenous
communities," he said.
Read the sentences carefully. Do the thumbs up if the
sentence is correct and thumbs down if the sentence is not
____1. There are plenty of Aeta families living in the
Northern part of Luzon.
____2. Many upland communities from Sitio Caoayan in
Capas, Tarlac did not have access to electricity.
_____3. Pablo Tarosca was a Grade 4 student.
____4. Project Liwanag installed solar panels in the
community for free.
____5. The Aeta community were very grateful for having
an electricity source in their place.
Activity 1
Listen to the story.
Junkshop Boy
Jayvee Acorita Calayag, who used to work as a ‘junkshop boy,’
believed in the saying “dreams do come true.” Despite working
as a junkshop boy – meaning he had to look and dig into garbage
bins or anywhere that has recyclable materials in exchange for
money for food and other life materials, Jayvee proved that being
underprivileged isn’t an excuse NOT to finish studies.
Activity 1
Nevertheless, Jayvee graduated from BS Electronic Engineering
and probably the best gift a parent could ever have!
Directions: Write Agree if the statement is correct and disagree if
it is incorrect.
______1. Hard work beats talent any day, but if you’re talented
and work hard, it’s hard to beat.
Activity 1
______2. Success is possible to those who work hard.
______3. No one can steal what you learned in school.
______4. School is not needed.
______5. It is better to play games than to study.
Activity 2
Directions: Arrange the events to form a short story.
The Ants and The Grasshopper
1. He gave him a little bit of food and he told him that he
would not share next summer if he didn’t work hard.
2. He told the grasshopper that he should have worked
harder in the summer.
Activity 2
3. The Ant looked at the grasshopper and felt sorry for him.
4. Grasshopper went to Ants house and asked for food.
5. Ant had a lot of food to eat. Grasshopper had no food.
6. Four months later, winter came, and it was freezing
Activity 2
7. The grasshopper said he didn’t care and went back to
8. Once winter came, they wouldn’t have any food.
9. The Ant told the grasshopper to get to work before the
winter came.
10. There was once an ant and a grasshopper. The ant was
very hardworking. He worked all day and night. The
grasshopper was very lazy. He did not work at all.
Directions: Write a short fiction story. Complete the given
When writing a story, the writer needs to consider the
following elements:
1. Setting – it refers not only to the physical location
of the story but also the time the action takes place. It
is where and when the story happens.
2. Character – these are the people, the animal or
object in the story.
3. Plot – these are the events in the story. Plot can be
divided into three sub-elements: the beginning,
middle and ending. Plot usually begins with a
problem and ends with story’s resolution.
4. Conflict – this is where the problem in the story
starts. Conflicts are the challenges met by the main
character in the story.
5. Theme – this is the moral idea that the writer is
expressing in the story. It is often thought of as the
“message” of the story.
Directions: Write a short story with complete elements.
A. Title
B. Character
C. Setting
D. Plot
E. Conflict
F. Ending
Writing a Story with its Complete A
Elements Y

Read the story. Then complete the organizer.
The Frogs & the Ox
An Ox came down to a reedy pool to drink. As he splashed
heavily into the water, he crushed a young Frog into the mud.
The old Frog soon missed the little one and asked his brothers
and sisters what had become of him.
"A great big monster," said one of them, "stepped on little
brother with one of his huge feet!"
"Big, was he!" said the old Frog, puffing herself up. "Was
he as big as this?"
"Oh, much bigger!" they cried.
The Frog puffed up still more.
"He could not have been bigger than this," she said. But
the little Frogs all declared that the monster was much,
much bigger and the old Frog kept puffing herself out
more and more until, all at once, she burst.
Circle the word “reality” if it can happen in real life. Circle
the word “fantasy” if it cannot happen in real life.
1. The mother bird laid three eggs reality fantasy in her nest.
2. The hummingbird and the small fairy played among the
flowers. reality fantasy
3. The little boy tricked the leprechaun and won the pot
of gold. reality fantasy
4. The bus driver stopped at the bus stop to let two more
people get on. reality fantasy
5. The little dog ate alphabet cereal, reality fantasy and
suddenly started to talk.
6. The pizza delivery man brought the wrong kind
of pizza. reality fantasy
7. If you sprinkle fairy dust on your pillow, you
will have good dreams. reality fantasy.
Watch and learn.
Directions: Write the given words in the box. Put
them in its proper column.
Fiction Non-fiction
Activity 1
Directions: Write Fiction or Non-Fiction.
1. To learn how to make chocolate chip cookies?
2. A letter to Santa Clause?
3. A web page telling you about the weather?
4. To be entertained about an alien adventure?
Activity 1
5. Information to assemble your new toy?
6. A restaurant menu?
7. An advertisement in the newspaper?
8. A poster letting you know when the book fair will be
9. A travel brochure?
10. A telephone book?
Activity 2
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

A. Jill and Dad
B. Jill and Jack
C. Jill and Mom
D. Jill and Jam
Activity 2

2. What is the setting of the story? A. at the store

B. at the Supermarket
C. at the market
D. at the playground
Directions: Read the passage, then answer the questions
1. Zandra looked out the window of the space deck. The
ship was travelling at warp speed. She thought of a mission
ahead of her. She smiled. She liked challenges.
What is the setting of the Story?
2. When Jose Rizal was little, he had many adventures. One day after
school from home. He saw a pretty butterfly flitting from one branch to
another. He followed it eagerly to find out how far it could go. Soon he
realizes that he had strayed far from home, and it was getting dark. He
left the butterfly alone. Young Jose knew that at that hour his parents
and brother Paciano must be looking for him. So, he ran back home as
fast as he could because he did not want the family to worry about him.
What is the plot of the story?
Who is the character in the story?
Fiction is created from the imagination and includes
made up stories with characters, a setting and plot from
the author’s own imagination. Some examples of fiction
texts would include picture books, novels, and classic
fairytales. Nonfiction is created with the intention of
relaying truth or information of actual events to the
audience. Example: Autobiographies, textbooks,
1. Setting – it refers not only to the physical location of the story
but also the time the action takes place. It is where and when the
story happens.
2. Character – these are the people, the animal or object in the
3. Plot – these are the events in the story. Plot can be divided into
three sub-elements: the beginning, middle and ending. Plot
usually begins with a problem and ends with story’s resolution.
. Conflict – this is where the problem in the story starts.
Conflicts are the challenges met by the main character
in the story.
5. Theme – this is the moral idea that the writer is
expressing in the story. It is often thought of as the
“message” of the story.
Directions: Write a short story with complete elements.
A. Title
B. Character
C. Setting
D. Plot
E. Conflict
F. Ending

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