Report in First Aid

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• The scence of any incident can present Aims and Objectives
many potential danger,whether someone • To protect yourself from the danger and
has become ill or has been make the area safe
injured,whether in the home or outside at
• To assess the situation quickly and calmly
the scene of an incident.
abd summon help if necessary
• This provides advice for the first aiders
• To assist any casualties and provide
on how to ensure safety in an emergency
necessary treatment with the help of
situation.There are specific guidelines for
emergencies that pose a particular
risk.These includes fires,traffic incidents • To call 999/112 for emergency help if you
and incidents involving electricity and suspect serious injury or illness
drowning. • To be aware of your own needs
Assessing the Situation All incidents should be managed in a
Evaluating the scene-accurately is one of similar manner.Consider the following:
the most important factors in the • Safety-What are the danger and do they
management of an incident.You should still exist?Are you wearing equitments?
stay calm,state that you have first aid Is it safe for you to approach?
training and, if there are no medical • Scene-What factors are involved at the
personel in attendance,calmly take charge incident?What are the mechanism of the
of the situation. inuries?
• Situation-What happened?How many
people are involved and what age are
Making the Incident Area Safe
The severity of traffic incidents-can • Park Safety-Well clear of the incident site,set you
hazard lights flashing and put on a high visibility.
range from a fall from a bicycle to a
major vehicle crash involving many • Set up warning triangles-At least 45m (49yd) from
the incident in each direction;bystanders can do this
casualties.Often, the incident site will while you attend to the casualty.
present serious risk to safety,largely • Make vehicles safe-Pull the supply cut-off on large
because of passing the traffic. diesel vehicles this normally found on the outside of
the vehicle and will be marked.
It is essential to make the incident area • Stabilise vehicles-If a vehicle is upright,apply
safe before you attend any casualties handbrake ,put it in gear and /or place blocks in front
of the wheels.
this not only protects you,but also the
casualties and any other road user. • Watch out for physical danger-Such as traffic.Make
sure that no-one smokes anywhere near the incident
• Alert the emergency services-To damaged power
lines,split fuel or any vehicles with Hazchem sign.
Fire spreads very quickly, so your first The Elements of Fire
priority is to warm any people at risk.If A fire needs three components to start aand
you are in a building,activate the nearest maintain,it ignition (a spark of flame) a source of
fuel(petrol,wood or fabric) and oxygen(air).Removing
fire alarm,call 999/112 for emergency one of these elements can break this “TRIANGLE OF
help,then leave the building. FIRE”
Encourage and assist people to evacuate • Remove combustible material,such as paper or
cardboard,from the path of the fire,as they can fuel
the area as quickly and calmly as the flames
possible • Cut off a fire oxygen,supply by shutting a door on
a fire or smothering the flames with a fire blanket.
• Switch off a car ignition or pull the fuel cut-off on
a large diesel vehicle or switch off the gas supply
Clothing on Fire Smoke and Fire
• Stop-The casualties panicking,running Any fire in a confined space,creates a highly
dangerous atmosphere that is low in oxygen and may
around or going outside;any movement also be polluted by carbon monoxide and other toxic
or breeze will fan the flames. fumes.
• Drop-The casualty to the ground.If • When you are trapped in a burning building,If
possible,wrap him tightly in a fire possible go into a room at the front of the building
with a window and shut the door.
blanket, or heavy fabric such as a
• Stay low if you have to cross a smoke-filled
coat,curtain,blanket. room;air is clearest at the floor
• Roll-The casualty along the ground • If escaping Through a high window,climb out
until the flames have been smothered. backwards feet first;lower yourself to the full
length of your arms before dropping down
When a person is electrocuted, the passage High Voltage Current
of electrical current through the body may Contact with a high voltage currend found
stun him.causing his breathing and in power lines and overhead cables, is
heartbeat to stop. usually immediately fatal.High voltage
The factors that affect the severity of the electricity may jump up to 18m (20yd) from
injury are:the voltage;the type of current its sources.The power must be cut off and
and the path of the current.A low voltage isolated before anyone approaches the
of 240 volts is found in a home or casualty.Once you have been officially
workplace,a high voltage of 440-1000 informed that it is safe to aaproach,assess
volts is found in industry and voltage of the casualty,open the airway and check
more than 1000 volts is found in power breathing.

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