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Marriage and Relationships

Session 1: Marriage (10 minutes)

Session 2: Roles & Relationships (10 minutes)
Session 3: Elements of a Harmonious
Relationship (15 minutes)
Session 4: Other Related Laws on Marriage
(5 minutes)
Session 5: Services Available for Nurturing
Marriage (5 minutes)
Marriage and Relationships

Session 1
Marriage and Relationships

Why do you
want to get
Marriage and Relationships

Marriage is…
A binding legal contract
between a man and a
woman for the
establishment of conjugal
and family life.
Marriage and Relationships

Marriage is…
(The New Family Code of the
“A special contract of
a permanent union
between a man and a
Marriage and Relationships

Marriage is…
The Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (UDHR)
“Men and women of full age,
without any limitation due to race,
nationality or religion, have the
right to marry and to found a family.
They are entitled to equal rights as
to marriage, during marriage and at
its dissolution.”
Marriage and Relationships

Marriage is…
Entered into for two reasons:
• To satisfy a man’s and a
woman’s need for love and
intimacy; and
• To provide foundation for the
formation of family.
Marriage and Relationships

The New Family Code of the Philippines

The primary purpose of marriage is to
spiritually, emotionally and physically
unite a man and woman together, as
husband and wife, in a covenantal
(agreement or contract) relationship
between themselves and their Creator.
Marriage and Relationships

1. Are we both ready to enter a life-long
commitment with each other and to our
community as married couple or as a social

2. Have we prepared ourselves for the legal,

formal, psychological, and other
requirements of marriage?
Marriage and Relationships


1. Contracting parties have legal capacity

2. Must be a male and a female
3. Eighteen years or upwards
4. Consent freely given in the presence of
the solemnizing officer
- The New Family Code
Marriage and Relationships

Essential requisites:
1. Authority of the solemnizing officer
2. A valid marriage license
3. A marriage ceremony which takes place with
the appearance of the contracting parties
before the solemnizing officer and their
personal declaration that they take each other
as husband and wife
Marriage and Relationships

The absence of any of the

essential or formal requisites
shall render the marriage void
ab initio (from the very
Marriage and Relationships

Session 2

Marriage and Relationships

Both husband and wife have shared

responsibilities, duties and obligations
in their married life, establishing and
nurturing the family and to encourage
and support each other’s personal
growth and development.
Marriage and Relationships

The husband and wife:

• are obliged to live together, observe
mutual love, respect and fidelity, and
render mutual help and support;
• shall decide on the family domicile;
• shall be jointly responsible for the
support of the family;
Marriage and Relationships

• are free to exercise their profession,

occupation or activity without the
consent of the other. They may only
object provided that there is a valid,
serious and moral grounds.

The management of the

household shall be the right and
duty of both spouses.
Marriage and Relationships

The husband and wife:

• shall take care of each other’s health
and wellness;
• shall be each other’s primary support
system; and
• shall strive and work to resolve
conflicts peaceful and amicably.
Marriage and Relationships

Maintaining positive relations

is not limited between
spouses but also with each
spouse’s family.
Marriage and Relationships

• Treat your in-laws as you would your parents.

• Build mutual respect by observing traditions,
special occasions, privacy and differing
• Let your in-laws enjoy your kids as much as you
let your own parents.
• Be mature.
• Be kind.
• Communicate with them openly.
• Be open to change.
Marriage and Relationships

No marriage/relationship is perfect.
There would always be challenges,
however, all couples experience the
same conflicts and issues along their
married life.
Marriage and Relationships

What possible issues that

you feel or think you
would encounter during
your married life ?
Marriage and Relationships

The experts say:

• Boundary problems
• Talking vs. communicating
• Time management
• Intimacy
• Turned focus
• Emotional infidelity
• Money
• Inability or unwillingness to forgive
• Lack of appreciation
• Allowing technology to interfere.
Marriage and Relationships

Session 3
of a harmonious
Marriage and Relationships

Ask yourself when you feel most loved

in your relationship.

Make a list of the top three things your

partner does that makes you feel
Marriage and Relationships

ACTIVITY: The Five Love Languages


I look forward to compliments I like to spend one-on-one time Gifts don’t have to be I feel loved when my spouse I feel loved when my spouse
and verbal praise, making an with my partner. Our time being expensive but it sends a does things to help me. What would hold my hand, give me
effort to avoid criticism. I like it together is the best way to powerful message of love to my partner does, including hugs or unexpected kisses.
when my partner tells me that I show love to me. I look forward me whether these are sincere efforts to provide
am attractive or I look good. It to doing things together and purchased, found, or made. practical help such as running It matters to me when my
uplifts and affirms my self- focusing on one another. errands and doing chores, partner holds me in his/her
image and confidence. I like it when you give me home projects or tasks without arms or sits close to me,
I deeply appreciate when doing visible symbols of love (gifts) as being asked, matters to me leaning on each other. I
I like to receive regular notes meaningful activities together these are always special to me. than what is actually being said. understand and respond better
and words of affirmation from such as taking long walks or Several inexpensive gifts mean I know my partner loves me when my partner holds my
my partner. I feel loved when going places. more to me than one large when he/she sincerely does hand.
he/she acknowledges me and Quality conversation matters to expensive gift. I feel loved things for me that he/she
the words of acceptance are me. when you celebrate my doesn’t necessarily enjoy I feel whole and secure when
important to me. birthday with a gift. doing. my spouse touches me,
I appreciate it when my partner cuddles, or simply gives
I feel loved when my partner looks at me when we are I appreciate it when you I appreciate the many things shoulder massages.
celebrates my birthday with talking, listening patiently and remember special days with a my partner does for me. I feel
meaningful words (written or doesn’t interrupt me. gift. loved when he/she
spoken.) enthusiastically does a task I
I would expect my spouse to I know you are thinking of me have requested, knowing that
I feel encouraged when my give undivided attention and whenever you give me a gift. he/she is concerned enough to
partner is able to see the world listen to me sympathetically, When I receive a gift for no help me.
from my perspective. taking time to understand my occasion or your presence
I feel loved when my partner feelings. alone during a crisis make me
knows and recognizes what is feel loved.
important to me.
Kind words and tone of voice
matter to me.
Marriage and Relationships
Marriage and Relationships

of a

Marriage and Relationships

willing to invest in your

marriage and to sacrifice for
the other
Marriage and Relationships

being aware of each

other’s expectations;
verbalizing and
articulating needs and
Marriage and Relationships

understanding a person’s
perspective by
putting oneself in his/her
Marriage and Relationships

accept each other for
who and what he/she is.
Couples are usually more
secured and more
confident in their
Marriage and Relationships

feeling of confidence that you
are able to keep the love and
interest of your partner.
*not doing anything that will
create doubt and insecurity
on the part of the spouse
Marriage and Relationships

done as an expression of love and
care, sex serves as a powerful
instrument of marital fulfillment
and happiness
Marriage and Relationships

Financial Security
Wise budgeting and spending
of income is necessary to
support the financial needs of
the family
Marriage and Relationships

putting God or Supreme Being
at the center of your marriage/union.
When God completes the
relationship, the marriage/union is
Marriage and Relationships

Mutual service
Married life is a life of mutual service
and aid. You aid each other through
division of labor in maintaining a home.
Marriage and Relationships

Session 4

Other related
laws governing
Marriage and Relationships

Legal Basis for Marriage:

The 1987 Philippine Constitution and the Family Code
recognize that marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is
the foundation of the family and shall be protected by the
Republic Act 10354, or the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Law, affirms the roles of the State in
protecting the family.
This also promotes the rights of the couples to exercise
their reproductive rights particularly their right to have their
desired number, timing, and spacing of children within the
demands of responsible parenthood through universal
access to reproductive health information and services
including family planning.
Marriage and Relationships

RA 9262 – Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of

2004 (Promulgated March 08, 2004)

The State recognizes the need to protect

the family and its members particularly
women and children, from violence and
threats to their personal safety and
Marriage and Relationships

RA 9262 – Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of

2004 (Promulgated March 08, 2004)

Violence is any act or series of acts. . . physical,

sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or
economic abuse including threats of such acts,
battery, assault, coercion, harassment or
arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
Marriage and Relationships

RA 9710 Magna Carta of Women (2009)

The state shall ensure the same rights for
women and men to: enter into and leave
marriages, freely choose a spouse, decide on
the number and spacing of their children,
enjoy personal rights including the choice of
a profession, own, acquire, and administer
their property, and acquire, change, or
retain their nationality
Marriage and Relationships

RA 9710 Magna Carta of Women (2009)

• Protection from all forms of violence,...and

defense of women against gender-based
violence (including domestic violence);
• Equal rights in all matters relating to
marriage and family relations.
Marriage and Relationships

RA 8353 – Anti-Rape Law of 1997

(September 1997)
The law states that rape is committed by a man
who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman
who uses force, threat, or intimidation.

Forced sex between married couples is still rape

and cannot be excused under the guise of
Marriage and Relationships

Session 5
Services available
for Nurturing
Services and programs:
Marriage and Relationships

1. Marriage counseling
2. Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning
(RPFP) Classes
3. Classes on Male Involvement in RPFP and Gender
4. Parenting Education on Adolescent Health and
5. Services for victims of violence against women
and children (VAWC)
6. Pre-Departure Guidance and Counseling
Program (PDGCP) for Filipino spouses
Marriage and Relationships

Agencies that provide the services and programs:

1. Municipal/City Social Welfare and Development Office
2. Municipal/City Population Office
3. Barangay Violence Against Women Desk
4. Commission on Population
5. Commission on Filipino Overseas
6. Gender and Development Office
7. Others such as Local Government Units, Non-
Government and Private Organizations.
Marriage and Relationships

What have we learned about marriage?

What does the law provides to our marriage?

We are some tips on how to prevent and handle

marital issues?

Having learned what it takes to get married, in the next

topic we will learn what it takes to be good and
responsible parents, how to treat and manage our children
and bring them up well.
Marriage and Relationships

Couple Time

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