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Friend Function and Friend Class

in C++
Friend Function
• Generally, non-member functions
– Cannot access the private members of a particular class

• A friend function is
– A function that is declared outside a class but is capable of
accessing the private and protected members of the class
– May be
• A global function
• A member of another class
When we need a Friend Function?
– There could be situations in programming wherein
• Two classes may want to share their members which may be
data members, member functions or function templates

• In such cases, a function is defined which is a friend to both

these classes which will allow accessing public, private and
protected members of the class
Declaration of a Friend Function in C++
– The friend function is declared
• Using the keyword friend inside the body of the class
• Syntax-
class className
... .. ...
friend returnType functionName (arguments);
... .. ...
• By using the keyword, the friend
– The compiler understands that the function is a friend
function of the class
Characteristics of a Friend function
• The function is not in the scope of the class
– To which it has been declared as a friend
• It can be declared
– Either in the private or the public part
• It cannot be called using the object as
– It is not in the scope of that class
– It can be invoked like a normal function without using the object
• It cannot access the members of the class directly
– It has to use an object name and dot membership operator with
the member name
Implementing Friend function
• Friend Functions can be implemented in two ways:
– As a Global function
– As a member function of another class
Implementing Friend functions
– As a Global function (Accessing the members of one class)
#include <iostream>
int sum(Calculator c)
using namespace std; {
return (c.x + c.y);
class Calculator }
private: int main()
int x, y; Calculator c;
public: cout << "\nSum of x & y = “ << sum(c) << endl;
Calculator() return 0;
{ }
x = 5;
y = 10;
} Output:
friend int sum(Calculator); //friend function
}; Sum of x & y = 15
Implementing Friend functions
– As a Global function (Accessing the members of more than one class)
using namespace std;
class B; int sum(A a1, B b1)
class A return (a1.x + b1.y);
{ }
int x; int main()
public: {
A() A a;
{ B b;
x = 5;
} cout << "\nSum of a & b = " << sum(a, b) << endl;
friend int sum(A, B); // Friend function
}; return 0;
class B }
int y;
B() Output:
x = 5; Sum of x & y = 10
friend int sum(A, B); // Friend function
Implementing Friend functions
– As a member function of another class
#include <iostream> void A::display(B b1)
using namespace std; cout << b1.x << endl;
class B; // forward declaration of A needed by B
int main()
class A {
{ A a;
public: B b;
void display(B b); //no body declared
}; a.display(b);

class B return 0;
{ }
int x;

B() Output:
x = 4; Value of x = 4
friend void A::display(B);
Implementing Friend Class
• A friend class is used
– When a class needs to access private and protected members of
another class
– Syntax-
class A
//Other declarations
friend class B;


class B

Implementing Friend class
#include <iostream> class B
using namespace std; public:
void print(A &a1)
class A {
{ cout << "\n Value of x = " << a1.x << endl;
private: }
int x;
int main()
public: {
A() A a;
{ B b;
x = 5; b.print(a);
friend class B; return 0;
}; }


Value of x = 5
some important points about friend functions
and classes
• Friends should be used only for limited purpose
– Too many functions or external classes are declared as friends of
a class, it lessens the value of encapsulation in object-oriented
– Friendship is not mutual
• If class A is a friend of B, then B doesn’t become a friend of A
• Friendship is not inherited

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