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Family Umbelliferae


By:1-Nourhan Mohamed
Sohila Abed-2
Under the supervision of: Dr. Mona El-Bous
Kingdom: Plantae-
Division: Magnoliophyta-
Class : Magnoliopsida-
Subclass: Rosidae-
Order: Apiales-
Family: Apiaceae-
:General morphological characters
The umbel with a flat top looks similar to an umbrella giving
this family an alternate name, which is Umbelliferae. Flowers
of these plants are usually bisexual and rarely unisexual,
actinomorphic (radial symmetry), or zygomorphic (bilateral
symmetry.) It has an aromatic scent /The flower is epigynous
if hypanthium
5sepals, gamosepalous, green, acute, valvate-
.aestivation, superior, calyx tube adnate to the ovary wall

petals, polypetalou 5-
Imbricate aestivation-

•stamens, alternate with petals,polyandrous 5

,Bicarpillary, syncarpous
with axile placentation, ovary , two celled

:Floral Formulae
:Example of umbelliferae

Petroselinum crispum-1

Pimpinella Anisum-2
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