2 Search Engines

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Search Tools
Search allows you to search content
created by tools within a worksite or
course. It achieves this by creating an
index of all content that other tools
make available to the search tool. This
index is updated automatically, so as
content is added to the worksite or
course, it will be indexed.
a web-based tool that enables
users to locate information on
the World Wide Web
Allows user to submit a query
that consists of a word /
How SEARCH Engine
Search engines work through
three primary functions:
How SEARCH Engine
1. Crawling: Scour the Internet
for content, looking over the
code/content for each URL they
find. The discovery process in
which search engines send out a
team of robots (known as
crawlers or spiders) to find new
and updated content.
How SEARCH Engine
2. Indexing: Store and organize the
content found during the crawling
process. Once a page is in the index, it’s
in the running to be displayed as a result
to relevant queries. Search engines
process and store information they find
in an index, a huge database of all the
content they’ve discovered and deem
good enough to serve up to searchers.
How SEARCH Engine

Ranking: Provide the pieces of

content that will best answer a
searcher's query, which means
that results are ordered by
most relevant to least relevant.
Example of search engines
1. Google – created as a research in
1996 by Sergey Bin and Larry Page.
2. Microsoft Bing - is a web search
engine owned and operated
by Microsoft.
3. Yandex - is a search
engine belonging to the Russian
multinational of the same name
specializing in services and products
relating to the internet.
Example of search engines
4. Wiki.com - developed by an
independent group of developers. It
was created in 2004 and it primary
purpose is to search all Wikia wikis, as
well as Wikimedia projects and other
Wiki-related websites.
5. CC Search - will help you find
photos, music, text, books, educational
material, and more that is free to
share or build upon utilizing Creative
and strategies
are the methods you use to
search catalog, article
databases, and web search
engines to find information.
is a mechanism through which
one can find relevant
information from information
Search Process
is a set of functions
which are performed
for searching the
relevant information
Search Process
Recognize and State the Need
Development of Search
Execution of the Search
Review Search Results
Edit Search Results
Evaluation and Feedback
Development of
search strategy
Includes conceptual formulation of
query, translation of conceptual
formulation into the language of
keywords, descriptors or facets,
identification of synonym and
associated terms.
1. Syntactic Value
2. Semantic Value
3. Boolean Operators
Development of
search strategy
1. Syntactic Value – deals with
kind of formula or connecting
symbols through which
keywords or terms are
connected to represent the
concept to be searched by the
search engines.
Development of
search strategy
1. Syntactic Value
Example: “poetry” and “Indians”
connectors, “among” and “by”

a. Poetry among Indians’ means ‘What is the

status of poetry among Indians?” Or ‘What
is the approach of Indians towards
b. ‘Poetry by Indians’ means, poetry composed
by Indians.
Development of
search strategy
2. Semantic Value – deals with the meaning of
the string in the context of the required
information and interpretation by the search

a. The query ‘contribution of Indian society in

mathematics’ means the contribution of
Indian society in the field of Mathematics.
b. The query ‘contribution of mathematics in
Indian society’ means contribution of
Mathematics in shaping Indian society.
Development of
search strategy
3. Boolean Operators – are
simple words (AND, OR, NOT)
used as conjunctions to combine
or exclude keywords in a search.
These are used to connect and
define the relationship between
the search terms.
Development of
search strategy
a. OR Operator – allows the
searcher to specify alternatives
among the search terms. When a
string is created using OR
operator, the search engines
retrieve all those resources
where any of the terms or
keywords connected with “OR”
Development of
search strategy
b. AND Operator – used to
combine two or more terms.
When a string is created using
AND operator, the search
engine retrieves all those
resources where all the terms or
keyword connected with “AND”
Development of
search strategy
c. NOT Operator – used to
exclude the term from a set of
Execution of Search
Types of searches are:
a. Field Based Search
b. Full Text Search
c. Truncation Search
d. Proximity Search
e. Limiting Search
f. Range Search
1. Field Based Search
The search conducted on a particular
field of the database to get required
information is termed as field based
2. Full text search
Full text search is a searching
mechanism, which conducts the search
on each and every field of the database
and extracts all those records which
match the query.
3. Truncation Search
The search is conducted for different
forms of a word having the same common
root. In this technique, root word is
taken with truncation mark and search is
4. Proximity search
Allows the searcher to define the
distance two terms from each other.
Whether, the two search terms,
should occur adjacent to each other,
or, one or more words occur in
between the search term.
5. Limiting search
A searcher limits the string as
per the architecture of
database and searches different
terms of the same string in
different fields.
6. Range search
Allows searchers to select records
within certain data ranges. This
technique is more suitable for numeric
data search. A few commonly used
operators are:
Greater than (>)
Less than (<)
Equal to (=)
Not equal to (|= or <>)
Less than or equal to (<=)

Ex. Publication year 2000 >=

7. Simple search
A technique where a searcher
puts keywords in a simple
format without understanding
the behavior of the search
engine or the architecture of
the database or the impact of
the operators and connectors.
Almost all the search engines
provide the facility.
8. Advanced search
A technique through which
searcher searches the
information using different
tools and mechanisms to get
precise and relevant
Computer and
Information Systems (IS)
a set of people, procedures, and
resources that collects, transforms and
disseminates information in an

A system that concepts data resources

as input and processes them into
information products as output
IS can be organized
combination of:
1. Hardware- Physical equipment,
machines, media, mechanical,
electronic, electrical, magnetic,
optical devices.
2. Software – computer program
and procedures concerned with
the operation of an information
IS can be organized
combination of:
3. Data/ Information – Data –
streams of raw facts while
Information – processed data.
4. Peopleware – information
specialists, librarians, knowledge
workers, IT people.
5. Communication networks – LAN,
Computer Hardware
is the physical parts or components
of a computer, such as the monitor,
mouse, keyboard, computer data
storage, hard disk drive (HDD),
graphic cards, sound cards,
memory, motherboard, and so on.
all of which are physical objects
that are tangible.
Computer Hardware
Input Secondary
devices Storage
Central Output
Processing Devices
Unit Communica
Primary tion
Binary digit / Bit is the smallest
unit of information in a computer.
An individual bit has a value of 0
or 1.

Byte – a string of bits, usually 8,

used to store one number or
character in a computer system.
Input Devices
is any hardware device that sends
data to a computer, allowing you to
interact with and control it.
Keyboard Vr Helmet
Mouse Remote
Webcam Game pad
Scanner Barcode reader
Output Devices
is any hardware device used to send
data from a computer to another
device or user.

Monitor Headphones
Printer Projectors
Speakers Plotter
Central Processing Unit
Is the part of the computer system
where manipulation of data
(symbols, numbers and letters)
occurs and it controls other parts of
the system.

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