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• Australia is diverse country and

continent in the southern
hemisphere known for its
unique wildlife, The capital is
Canberra, the largest city is
Sydney, and the population is
over 25 million.
Feastive Season

• The Easter festive season in Australia

begins with Lent. Easter Sunday,
commemorating the resurrection of
Jesus Christ, is the most significant day.
Good Friday and Easter Monday are
public holidays in Australia, providing a
long weekend for people to celebrate.
• One of the most traditional foods in
Australia is the "meat pie," which is
a pie filled with minced beef or lamb
in a thick gravy, usually topped with
a pastry crust.
Easter Traditions

• Easter Egg Hunt: Like in many other

countries, children often participate in
Easter egg hunts where eggs are hidden in
gardens or parks.
• Hot Cross Buns: are special buns
consumed during Holy Week and
especially on Good Friday. These buns are
made with spices and dried fruits, and
have a cross of icing on the top.
• Easter Hat Parade: In schools, it is
common to have Easter hat parades or
contests where children decorate hats
with Easter-themed motifs.

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