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Tr ầ n K h a n g T h à n h - 2 1 5 2 9 7 3
Võ Thành Danh - 2152461
• Mechanical stimulation of cells in vitro is a crucial aspect
of studying cellular responses, tissue engineering, and
various physiological processes. Several techniques have
been developed to apply mechanical forces to cells in a
controlled manner. Here is a review of some common
techniques: Stretching/Straining Platforms, Fluid Shear
Stress, Compression, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM),
• This presentation will mainly focus on the two popular
techniques : Fluid Shear Stress and Compression.

Techniques for mechanical stimulation of cells

Fluid Shear Stress
1. Principle: Fluid shear stress involves the application of tangential forces by the movement of a liquid over
the surface of cells. This technique mimics the mechanical forces experienced by cells in environments such
as blood vessels.
2. Experimental Setups:
Parallel Plate Flow Chambers: Cells are cultured on a flat surface between two parallel plates. Media flow
induces shear stress on the cells.
Rotational Systems: Cells are subjected to shear stress due to the rotation of a cylindrical chamber.

Fluid shear stress in mechanical stimulation of cells

Fluid Shear Stress
3. Key Parameters:
• Shear Rate: The rate at which adjacent layers of fluid move with respect to each other.
• Shear Stress: Force per unit area parallel to the direction of fluid flow.
4. Biological Effects:
• Alignment and Orientation: Shear stress can influence cell alignment along the direction of flow.
• Gene Expression: Modulates gene expression related to mechanotransduction pathways.
• Cell Adhesion and Migration: Alters cell adhesion and migration patterns.
5. Applications: Vascular Biology: Studies on endothelial cells responding to blood flow conditions. Tissue
Engineering: Mimicking physiological conditions to enhance tissue development.
1. Principle:
Compression involves the application of mechanical forces that decrease the volume
or change the shape of cells or tissues. This technique is particularly relevant for
studying cartilage and bone cells.
2. Experimental Setups:
• Compression Bioreactors: Cells are cultured within a 3D scaffold, and mechanical compression is
applied to the entire structure.
• Hydrostatic Pressure Systems: Cells in a hydrogel or 3D environment experience pressure.
3. Key Parameters:
• Strain: The ratio of change in dimension to the original dimension of the cell or tissue.
• Frequency: The rate at which compression or pressure is applied and released.

Compression for mechanical stimulation of cells

4. Biological Effects:
• Cell Viability and Proliferation: Compression influences cell survival and growth.
• Extracellular Matrix Production: Can enhance the synthesis of matrix components like collagen and
• Differentiation: Mechanical compression can induce cell differentiation.
5. Applications:
• Orthopedic Research: Studying chondrocyte and osteoblast responses to mechanical loading.
• Tissue Engineering: Enhancing the mechanical properties of engineered tissues.
• Why is a controlled shear-stress a key parameter of your microfluidic experiments?
(2023). Retrieved from
• Melo-Fonseca, F., Carvalho, O., Gasik, M., Miranda, G., & Silva, F. S. (2023). Retrieved

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