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• The first use of the pneumoconiosis term dates back to 1866; Zenker coined the
term “pneumokoniosis,” derived from Greek pneuma (air, wind) and konis (dust).

• Pneumoconiosis is a lung disease that affects miners, builders, and other workers
who breathe in certain kinds of dust on the job.

Over time, the dust gathers in your lungs, and you may find it hard to get enough air.

You may hear other people call pneumoconiosis “black lung disease” or “popcorn
lung.” There’s no cure, but treatments can make it easier for you to breathe and go
about your regular activities.
Many people with pneumoconiosis get problems like:

• A long-term cough

• Coughing up large amounts of mucus

• Feeling short of breath

You may get other symptoms, depending on what kind of pneumoconiosis you have. If you
breathed in a lot of asbestos dust, for instance, fluid may build up in the pleural space, a
narrow area between the lungs and the chest wall.

• The pneumoconioses are a group of lung diseases caused by the lung’s reaction
inhaling certain dusts. The main cause of the pneumoconioses is work-place exposure.

• It’s caused by breathing in coal dust. Another is brown lung, which comes from
working around dust from cotton or other fibers. Other types of dusts that can cause
pneumoconiosis include silica and asbestos.


• For either simple or complicated pneumoconiosis, the damage causes the loss of
blood vessels and air sacs in your lungs. The tissues that surround your air sacs and air
passages become thick and stiff from scarring. Breathing becomes increasingly difficult.
This condition is called interstitial lung disease.
• There isn’t any treatment that can remove the specks of mineral dust in your lungs.
Instead, most treatments try to keep your lungs working.

You may need to stop doing the work that led to your pneumoconiosis. If you’re a
smoker, your doctor will recommend you quit to improve your lung health.
• The pneumoconioses are a group of lung diseases caused by the lung’s
reaction inhaling certain dusts. The main cause of the pneumoconioses is work-
place exposure. Environmental exposures have rarely been related to these

• Pneumoconiosis is one of a group of interstitial lung disease caused by

breathing in certain kinds of dust particles that damage your lungs. Because you
are likely to encounter these dusts only in the workplace, pneumoconiosis is
called an occupational lung disease

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