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Exercise objective: To create a production
calendar which shows how responsibilities are
distributed by gender.
7.3 Time required: 2 hours

Gender-based Step 1:Organize a meeting with the

community or with interested
seasonal calendar
members (it may be advisable to split
men and women into two
separate groups). Explain the
purpose of the seasonal calendar,
and discuss the parameters to be
Step 2: Draw a linear time scale on
the blackboard or newsprint. Use the calendar
employed by the community (January
7.3 many not necessarily be its starting
point). Let the participants decide who
Gender-based is going to draw.

seasonal Step 3: Use lines or boxes to describe

the seasonal variations of each
calendar parameter. Specify whether each activity is
carried out by men, women, or children.
Proceed in the manner until
the year is completed. Repeat for each
Step 4:Discuss the results, identifying
the best/worst times of year to
7.3 carry out an initiative.
Step 5: Explain how the calendar
Gender-based will be used. Provide the
seasonal participants with a copy.

calendar Step 6: The calendar developed by

one group can be
consolidated with and
checked against the results of the other
Exercise objective: While this exercise is similar
7.4 to the map of exchanges, its main objective is to
determine where each member of the family
spends his or her time outside the farm, in order
Mobility Map to study roles and responsibilities by gender.
Time required: Approximately, 1 hour,
depending on the complexity of the issue and the
commitment of the participants.
The mobility map should be developed on an
individual basis (if a group is involved, each
participant should do the exercise individually). Men
and women should both participate, separately or
Mobility Map together.
Step 1:Explain the objective of the
exercise, which is to determine
why people leave the
farm, and for how long.
Step 2:Draw the farmhouse in the
middle of the blackboard or sheet. Ask
7.4 the individual where he or she
goes most frequently (e.g., the
market, school, hospital, etc.)

Mobility Map Draw these locations around the

house (distance can be
conveyed by placing them
closer to or further from the house), and
specify the objective of the trip
in each case.
Step 3:Ask the person to draw
7.4 arrows from the house to each
location; more arrows should be
drawn for locations that are
Mobility Map visited frequently (for example, the
facilitator could ask How
many times per week or
month?) transcribe the
information obtained.
Step 4: Discuss the results. What
differences do the maps
show between the tasks
Mobility Map assigned to men and
Exercise objective: To determine who has access
to the products of family labor, and how
decisions are made regarding those products.
This allows for a more detailed analysis of
Benefits gender roles within the family.
Analysis Time required: Approximately 1-2 hours.
Materials: Blackboard and chalk, or newsprint
and colored markers; cards.
7.5 This exercise is designed to be carried out at the
family level. It is important to make sure that
everyone participates. The exercise can also be
Benefits conducted with a small focus group.
Analysis Step 1: Explain the objective of the
exercise to the family. Reach an
agreement on the resources to
be discussed.
Step 2:The facilitator should draw each
resource on the board. If the
7.5 household uses of the product have
not all been determined, ask the
participants to fill in the
Benefits missing data. Cards can also be
Analysis used for the drawings.
Step 3: Ask each member of the
household the following
questions regarding how
resources are used:
Who decides how the resources is
Who uses the resource?
If it is sold, how are the proceeds
Benefits used?

Analysis Who decides how many is used?

Each participant’s answers are
transcribed in a matrix. If contradictions
emerge, the facilitator can encourage
discussion to clarify them.

Step 4: Review the matrix and ask

Benefits the participants for input.
Analysis What does this matrix teach them?

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