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College ERP Using MERN Stack


Submitted By :
Guided by:- Anukul Gangwar (201550032)
Dr. Nikhil Govil Raghav Gupta(201550109)
Asst. professor CSE GLAU Raghav Mittal(201550110)
•The primary aim is to create an integrated ERP system that centralizes and streamlines
administrative and academic functions within educational settings.
•Optimize administrative and academic processes through automation and improved workflows.
•It enhance efficiency, transparency, and communication among stakeholders, empowering
educational institutions to focus more on delivering quality education.

Comprehensive Information Management: The College ERP using MERN stack is a web-based
application designed to efficiently manage and disseminate information throughout all administrative levels
within a college setup.
User Access and Interaction: Administrators create unique login credentials for students and staff, enabling
seamless access to the system for data contribution and retrieval based on their roles within the institution.
Technical Architecture: The application comprises a React-based frontend for an intuitive user interface,
Node.js with Express.js for robust server operations, and MongoDB's document-oriented structure managed
by Mongoose for efficient data handling and communication.
Scalable and Unified Platform: Integrating the MERN stack, the ERP system ensures scalability, agility,
and a unified platform, emphasizing accessibility, security, and streamlined data management for effective
information exchange across diverse college departments.
Significance of ERP in Educational
 Streamlined Operations
 Data Management and Accessibility
 Improved Communication and Collaboration
 Enhanced Decision-making
 Efficiency and Cost Reduction
 Adaptability and Scalability
 Competitive Advantage
To consolidate functionalities into a cohesive ERP
enhancing transparency
 decision-making efficiency.
Security and data protection
Scalability and performance
User interface and experience
Integration with existing systems
Literature Review:
Transitioning from Manual to Automated Systems in Education

Educational Influence in Society

Increase in literacy rates signifies education's profound impact across societal domains.
Aspirations for higher degrees lead to a surge in admissions and establishment of more
educational institutions .
 Challenges with Manual Record-Keeping
Traditional reliance on manual record-keeping for student information
Growing volume of records posed hurdles in the outdated manual systems
Handling expansion let to errors , increased manpower requirements and prolonged record
processing times
Inefficiencies Amplified by Admission Surge
Manual systems struggled to manage the increasing student records effectively.
Error-prone processes demanded more human resources and extended record processing times

Imperative Transition to Automated System

Automation promises increased accuracy, reduced errors, and optimized manpower.
Expedited record processing through automation revolutionizes information management in
educational institutions
Ensures efficiency and accessibility of information for all stakeholders
Technologies Used :

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): Used for structuring web pages, HTML provides the
foundational structure and content elements for the College ERP interface.:
CSS( Cascading Styling Sheet) : Employed for design and presentation, CSS enhances the visual
layout, appearance, and styling of the ERP application, ensuring a polished and user-friendly interface.
Javascript : Acts as the backbone for interactivity and functionality within the ERP system, enabling
dynamic content, user interactions, and seamless operations.
MongoDB : Serves as the database technology, offering a document-oriented structure for efficient data
storage and retrieval, fundamental to managing information within the ERP.
Technologies Used :

Express.js : Utilized as the backend framework, Express.js facilitates server-side operations,

routing, and middleware integration, ensuring robustness and efficiency in handling requests.
React JS : Powers the frontend of the application, providing a dynamic, component-based
architecture that enhances user experience, interactivity, and responsiveness.
Node.js : Acts as the runtime environment for the ERP application, facilitating server-side
scripting and enabling the execution of JavaScript code outside the browser, ensuring a smooth
and scalable backend operation
Architecture Overview

Level 0 DFD Daigram

Architecture Overview

Level 1 DFD Diagram

Architecture Overview

Level 2 DFD Diagram

Project Planning
Working till now
Features and Functionalities
•Assign Class Room : Allows administrators or faculty members to allocate specific classrooms for
various courses or academic activities, ensuring organized scheduling and utilization of space.
•Manage Teacher : Provides functionalities to handle teacher-related information such as profiles,
assignments, schedules, and administrative tasks, streamlining teacher management within the
•Courses Databases : Maintains a comprehensive database of courses offered by the college,
including details like course names, descriptions, credit hours, prerequisites, and other relevant
information for easy access and management.
•Assign Course :Enables administrators or academic heads to assign courses to specific teachers,
facilitating course distribution and management across the faculty.
•Manage Student Information: Offers a platform to maintain student records, including personal
details, academic performance, attendance, disciplinary records, and other relevant information
necessary for effective student management.
Features and Functionalities
•College Administrator : Provides administrative tools and privileges to designated college
administrators for overseeing and managing various aspects of the ERP system, ensuring smooth
operation and control
•Course Information : Offers detailed information about each course available in the curriculum,
including syllabi, schedules, instructors, and any updates or changes related to courses.
•Create teacher data base :Facilitates the creation and management of a comprehensive database
specifically tailored to store information related to teachers, including qualifications, contact details,
teaching assignments, and performance metrics
•Login page : Serves as the gateway for authorized users (administrators, teachers, students) to access
the ERP system, ensuring secure and controlled access to the system's functionalities.
•Time table information : Provides a structured timetable or schedule of classes, exams, seminars,
and other academic events, aiding in efficient time management and planning for students and faculty.
Features and Functionalities

•Fee management : Manages the collection, processing, and monitoring of fees, including fee
structures, payment schedules, receipts, and financial records related to student fees.
•Student search : Enables users to search and retrieve specific student information using various
parameters such as name, ID number, course enrolled, or other identifiers.
•Faculty search : Offers a search function to locate specific faculty members based on criteria
like name, department, courses taught, or other relevant details.
Conclusion :
MERN Stack College ERP: Developed on the MERN Stack, this system serves as a centralized hub for college functions,
automating administrative tasks for improved efficiency.
Secure Data Management: Ensures robust data security and access control, allowing authorized users to access
information seamlessly, enhancing institutional operations.
Comprehensive Modules: Encompasses diverse modules for attendance management, railway concessions, training,
placement, staff records, event scheduling, and timely notifications.
Unified Platform: Integrates various functionalities into a single, user-friendly interface, simplifying administrative and
academic processes for all stakeholders.
Enhanced Communication: Facilitates streamlined communication by sharing updates on exams, practicals, assignments,
placement drives, and events through timely notifications.
Efficiency and Transparency: Fosters efficiency, transparency, and effective resource management, empowering
educational institutions for improved operations.
Empowerment for Growth: Creates an environment conducive to learning and growth, paving the way for a brighter
future for both students and institutions.
Cutting-edge Web Application: The College ERP using MERN stack is a sophisticated web-based application designed for
streamlined information management within a college's administrative structure.
User-centric Interface: Features React-based frontend for an intuitive user experience, complemented by Node.js and Express.js
for server functionalities, and MongoDB with Mongoose for optimized data handling.
Resilient and Adaptable System: Designed to be resilient, adaptable, and expandable, with a focus on easy integration of future
upgrades, leveraging technology for flexibility, precision, and data security.
Automated Processes: Aims to automate systems, reduce errors, and expedite record management by transitioning from manual to
automated processes using the MERN stack.
Unified Command Center: Serves as a unified hub for information governance across various college departments, promoting
accessibility, data integrity, and efficient data management for stakeholders.
Significance of ERP Systems: Goes beyond data management to encompass operational fusion, agile data handling, enhanced
collaboration, informed decision-making, resource optimization, scalability, and competitive advantage.
Revolutionary Educational Management: Represents a revolutionary leap in educational management, offering an efficient,
secure, and adaptable system that empowers institutions with informed decision-making capabilities, fostering a conducive
environment for learning and development.







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