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An initiative called cleaning for change:

Igniting youth action in environmental
protection. The initiative harnesses the
youthful enthusiasm and potential of the
population to improvements in
environmental conversation. It entails a
range of initiatives including clean up
efforts and educational campaigns with
the goal of increasing public awareness of
the value of a green and clean
In recent years, our environmental has
been facing increasing challenges due to
pollution,littering and the improper
disposal of waste.This issues not only
degrade the natural beauty of our
sorroundings but also have ditremental
effects on ecosystem, wildlife and human
health. Furthermore,the lack of awareness
and engagement among the youth
exacerbate these problems, as they are the
Igniting youth action in
environmental preservation is to inspire
and empower young individuals to
become passionate advocates for
environmental preservation.The
organization aims to create a future
where youth are actively engaged
sustainable practices, taking the lead in
protecting and preserving the

The promotional campaignes "Cleaning

for change: Igniting youth action in
environmental preservation" is admirable
but it is not without potential issues. There
is a significant risk of inconsistent
engagement frome young participants.
Given the wide range of interest and
commitments among youths sustaining
their attention can be demanding.
Furthermore, the program and resources
The project "clean for change: Igniting youth
action in environmental preservation " aims to
empower and include young people in
environmental preservation through a range of
programs and activities. The projects means
objectives are to plan clean up drives, provide
instructional seminars and develop alliances with
nearby government agencies, schools, and
community organizations. The project will focus
on particular towns or regions where environment
issues are common and youth involvement can
1. Clean up drives: In the selected
neighborhood ,parks, beaches, and other public
areas,the project will plan recurring clean up
derives. The deliverables will involve organizing
youth volunteers, supplying cleaning supplies,
and equipment, and making ensuring the clean
up drives are carried out safety and effectively .

2. Educational workshops and

seminars: To improve the young
participants knowledge and awareness of
environmental issues,waste management,
recycling and sustainable practices.
3. Knowledge Campaigns: To raise
knowledge of the value of environmental
preservation and to reach larger audience,the
project will be the production of educational
and easthethically pleasing campaign
materials, such as a posters, pamphlets,social
media post,and public service announcement.
4. Partnerships and Collaborations:
In order to optimize it's impact and
sustainability, the initiative will form
partnerships and Collaborations with
nearby community organizations ,
educational institutions and governmental
5. Monitoring and Evaluation: In order
to gauge the effectiveness and
influence of it's operations,the project
will put in place a framework to
monitoring and evaluation
6. Advocacy Initiative: The
project will put into action
programs designed to give young
people the confidence to lead the
way on promoting environmental

Cleaning for change aims to inspire

youth to become environmental
advocates through education,
awareness campaigns, and hands
on activities. It's inspires
responsible environmental
practices and drives positives
change in communities.
Project Approach:
To effectively implement the " Cleaning
for change: Igniting youth action in
environmental preservation " project, a
comprehensive and participatory
approach will be adopted.
1. Needs Assessment: The project will
begin with a through needs
assessment in the targeted
communities to identify specific
environment challenges, youth
engagement, gaps, and opportunities
2. Collaboration and
Partnership: The project will
foster strong partnership and
Collaborations with local
organizations,schools, and
government bodies.
3. Youth Engagement and
Empowerment: The project will
actively involve youth in the
planning, decision-making and
implementation processess.
4. Capacity Building: The
project will prioritize
capacity building among
youth participants by
organizing educational
workshop, seminar, and skill
building sessions.
5. Community Engagement and
Awareness: The project will actively
engaged the wider community
through awareness
campaigns,public events, and
The "Cleaning for Change:
Igniting youth action in
preservation" project is
expected to bring several
benefits to both the youth
participants and the wider
community. These
1. Environmental Impact: Through
the active participationof youth in
clean up drives and the promotion of
sustainable practices, the project will
contribute to a cleaner and healthier
2. Youth Empowerment: The will
empower youth by providing them
with opportunities to take leadership
roles, voices their concerns, and
actively participate in decision making
processes related to environmental
3. Knowledge and Awareness: The
project will increase the knowledge
and Awareness of youth participants
regarding environmental issues,
waste management, recycling, and
sustainable practices.
4. Behavior Change: By promoting
sustainable behavior, such as waste
reduction, recycling, and responsible
consumption, the project will foster
positive behavior change among
youth participants.
5. Community Engagement: The
project will foster community
engagement by involving local
residents, organizations, and
government bodies in the
environmental preservation
6. Long -term sustainability:
Through partnership and
Collaborations with various
stakeholders, the project will establish
a foundation for long term
7. Advocacy and Leadership:
The project will encourage
youth participants to become
advocates for environmental
Project Resource and

• Broom
• Trash bag/Sacks
Project Cost and Budget:

Developing an accurate project

cost and Budget for the " Cleaning
for change Igniting youth action in
environmental preservation"
proposal would require a detailed
analysis of various factors such as
project duration,
scale,geographical location,
available resources, and specific
1. Materials and Equipment: This
category covers the cost of cleaning
supplies,tools, safety equipment,
educational materials, workshop
materials, signage, and any other
tangible items required for project
2. Transportation: This entails cost
associated with transportation,such as
fuel, vehicle rental, or public
transportation expenses for the project
teams, volunteers, and the
transportation of materials to and form
3. Communication and Outreach: This
includes expenses related to
communication and outreach efforts,
such a printing and distributing
awareness materials, website
development, social media management,
and public relations activities.
4. Venue and Logistics: If workshop or
seminars are conducted in rented venues,
the cost of venue rental, setup, and
Logistics should be considered. This may
also include costs for permits, insurance,
and any necessary permission required for
clean up events.
5. Partnerships and Collaborations: If
the project involves collaboration with
external organizations or
stakeholders,there may be costs
associated with partnerships
agreements, Coordinations meetings,
and joint activities.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation: This
category includes expenses related to
the monitoring and evaluation of
project activities, such as data
collection tools,evaluation surveys,
analysis software, and any external
evaluation services if required.
7. Contingency: It is
advisable to allocate a
percentage of the budget
for unforeseen or
unexpected expenses that
may arise during the
project implementation.
Group 2
• Amodia, Phatriz
• Arsula, Christian
• Baguin, Juner
• Lazaga, Sheena
• Marcial, Henmarie

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