Women Empowerment

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By : Abhinav Bharti and Josias.
Stereotypes are characteristics that society
instinctively attributes to groups of people
to classify them according to age, weight,
occupation, skin colour, gender,
etc. Sexual stereotyping involves associating
girls and boys with separate and, at times,
opposing sets of characteristics.
How stereotypes effect us.
If the stereotype is negative, research
suggests, it may lead us to consciously
or subconsciously avoid or limit contact
with entire groups of people—and
negative experiences with a stereotyped
group can reinforce this avoidant behavior.

Unequal societies are less cohesive. They

have higher rates of anti-social behaviour
and violence. Countries with greater gender equality
are more connected. Their people are healthier
and have better wellbeing.
Socioeconomic status
At present, there are 432 million women of
working-age in India, out of which 343 million
are employed in the unorganized sector. A
report by McKinsey Global Institute has
estimated that just by offering equal
opportunities to women,
India could add US$ 770 billion to
its GDP by 2025.

Literate women implies that they can seek

and use information for the betterment of
the health, nutrition and education of their
household members. Literate women are
also empowered to play a meaningful role.
Limitations and exceptions. In practice,
literacy is difficult to measure.
Self – esteem.
Self-esteem is how we value and
perceive ourselves. It’s based on
our opinions and beliefs about
ourselves, which can feel difficult
to change. We might also think
of this as self-confidence. Your
self-esteem can affect whether
you: Like and value yourself as
a person.

By understand this, I want to say that all

these points has to be covered to make
a good and prevent bad stereotypes
made by the society towards women.
All women have to fight for their

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