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Who were the Nazi

Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the

party came to power in Germany in 1933
and governed by totalitarian methods until
1945. One huge misconception is that the
Nazi Party was founded by Hitler, but in
fact, Anton Drexler was the one who
founded it in 1919 and originally called it
the German Workers’ Party. Additionally,
The Nazi Party expanded a lot; as
evidence, the Nazi Party’s membership
grew from 25,000 in 1925 to about
180,000 in 1929.
What did they do to Jews?

• The Nazis believed that only Germans could be citizens and that non-Germans
should not have any citizenship rights. Jewish people were removed from public
office and professions – civil servants, lawyers and teachers were sacked. Jewish
people were denied the right to be German citizens. Jewish people couldn’t marry
German people. This severely reduced the number of people who were willing to
openly oppose the Nazis, specifically the Jews.
• the group promoted German pride and anti-Semitism, and expressed dissatisfaction
with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the 1919 peace settlement that ended World
War I (1914-1918) and required Germany to make numerous adjustments and
reparations. Hitler joined the party the year it was founded and became its leader in
1921. After Germany’s defeat in World War II (1939-45), the Nazi Party was outlawed
and war crimes related to the murder of 6 million European Jews during the Holocaust
were made. Hitler gave speech after speech in which he stated that unemployment,
rampant inflation, hunger and economic problems in Germany would continue until
there was a total revolution in German life. Most problems could be solved, he
explained, if communists and Jews were driven from the nation. Jews were either
captured as slaves or killed in many quantities by the Nazi. It was very clear how
harshly the Nazi treated the Jews.
Did they attack other people too?
• Germans were the 'Master Race' as they were descended from the Aryans
and all other races were inferior. Jewish people and Slavs were regarded as
subhuman. All inferior races had to be removed or made slaves of the Master
Race. Although they focused much on Jewish people, they also attacked
other people such as black people and slaves.
• The world would never forget this evil party, which is probably one of the
evilest parties that have been ever made.

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