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Year 8 Unit 1: Fantastic Places Knowledge organiser

Key Terminology:
Fantastic Places are… Fantastic: extraordinarily good or attractive.
Places that offer an interest to Distinctive: characteristic of one person or thing, and
• Discovery of oil has seen the city grow rapidly.
Famous landmarks are found here.
so serving to distinguish it from others”.
an individual or group • Very hot and receives little rainfall.
• International tourism has increased since 2013
Landscapes: Landscapes are the visible features which
Fantastic places can be both physical and human • Positives of tourism-economy has improved,
make up the surface of the land.
such as: international trade has increased, more job
Human: Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China, Statue opportunities.
of Liberty • Negatives of tourism-Increase in pollution,
Physical: Great Barrier Reef, Grand Canyon, Mt construction of Palm Island is destroying the
GBR-physical marine wildlife, threat to culture.
St Helens, Death Valley
Located on the East coast of Australia
World’s largest living structure and most
diverse ecosystem.
NYC-human environment.
Coral are animals not plants and are
Significantly changed in the last 100 years. Fiji-Tourism
threatened by both human and physical
Strongly associated with mass tourism and has multiple Located in the Pacific Ocean
landmarks High annual temperatures and rainfall
Negatives-threats come from overfishing,
9/11 changed the city. Terrorism made the world aware Lots of cultural diversity
tourism, pollution, waste, plastics
and made people more security aware. The Twin Towers Positives-tourism provides jobs and so can
have been replaced with the Freedom Tower. improve infrastructure in the country.
Traditions are kept alive due to tourists
wanting to see them. Greater demand for local
Three Gorges Dam-China-human Death Valley-physical goods.
Largest dam in the world. Located in California, USA. Hot and dry climate Negatives-Culture changes as outsiders
Located on the Yangtze River to control water most of the year. arrive. Environment is damaged due to too
flow and provide HEP for China. When it rains the playa become very wet, at night many tourists. Prices increase so locals cannot
Cost $39bn to build and would 5.7 days to walk it. it freezes due to cold temperatures and no cloud afford local commodities.
Positives-provides electricity which is cleaner than coverage. It then melts leaving behind trails where
coal, provides jobs, provides water for agriculture. rocks have been carried by the ice.
Negative-affects ecosystem upstream, people are Unique environment as it never happens during
displaced, affects small scale businesses. daylight

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