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As countries introduce measures to restrict movement as part of efforts to reduce the number of people infected with
COVID-19, more and more of us are making huge changes to our daily routines.
The new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of
physical contact with other family members, friends and colleagues take time to get used to. Adapting to lifestyle
changes such as these, and managing the fear of contracting the virus and worry about people close to us who are
particularly vulnerable, are challenging for all of us. They can be particularly difficult for people with mental health
Fortunately, there are lots of things that we can do to look after our own mental health and to help others who may
need some extra support and care.
Here are tips and advice to manage your mental health during COVID-19 pandemic
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One of the most harmful things to a person’s mental health is isolation.
Social isolation, even if it’s perceived, can have debilitating effects on
your psyche. With the current circuit breaker and quarantine measures,
people may be experiencing varying degrees of depression and anxiety
associated with being separated from their family and friends. But at the
end of the day, humans are social creatures. Face-to-face interaction helps
us become more resilient to stress and helps prevent mental decline.
While we can’t meet up with friends and family like we used to, we can
still maintain communication with them via calls, texts, and video chats.
You can do virtual activities together like yoga, cooking, or play games on
apps like House Party, which allows you to connect with your friends,
chat, or play with them via video. If you don’t live with your parents, call
them regularly to check in on them. Keeping communication with loved
ones going will help everyone involved feel less alone.
2. MAINTAIN AN EXERCISE Click icon to add picture
Studies have shown that “exercise improves mental health by
reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood”, due to dopamine
released during physical activity and increased blood circulation to
the brain. Even if you can’t go to the gym or yoga studio anymore,
you can still keep your fitness regime using free yoga and fitness
videos on YouTube as a guide for your workouts.
You can also try adding meditation alongside exercise. In a review
of multiple clinical trials, meditation reduces psychological stress,
anxiety and can reduce the risk of stress-related health problems. To
have a calmer mind and better sleep as you wind down the day,
meditate with apps like Stop Breathe & Think, Headspace, Calm,
Inscape or via Zoom with a guided meditation.
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For those who enjoy it, cooking and baking is a form of meditation
and stress relief. Therapists have even been using cooking as a part of
therapy for anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems.
Focusing on a mindful task like chopping and measuring of
ingredients during cooking and baking takes the mind off unwanted
thoughts and gives people a sense of control. The delicious end result
of the process also gives people a sense of accomplishment.
If you don’t cook, now it can be a good time to learn a useful survival
skill so you can reduce going out to buy takeaway food. As a
beginner, you can watch quarantine cooking shows or use online
videos as a guide. You’ll be surprised at what you can produce even
without much experience.
PLANTS: Click icon to add picture
houseplants can provide therapeutic effects that can help reduce stress
and help work through trauma. Studies have shown that “gardening
can act as therapy for people who have undergone trauma”.
Specifically, the act of nurturing something, even if it is as small as a
simple houseplant, can be an effective way to work through traumatic
events. Taking care of indoor plants can also help with stress,
something that everyone is feeling plenty of during this time.
If you currently have a houseplant, try to give it some extra attention
during this period. As shown with studies, taking small breaks
throughout the day to check up on your plants may be a good way to
reduce work-related stress. It may be difficult to find plant shops that
are open, but you can still order seeds or use seeds from common
With a 24-hour news cycle that seems to constantly focus on the current
pandemic, many people have started to feel high levels of anxiety. To
give yourself some much needed mental respite, scientists and
researchers suggest limiting your exposure to them and only consume Click icon to add picture
news from credible news outlets.
After a certain point, it can be more upsetting than informational. Make
sure the information you do get is from reputable and non-sensationalist
sources. And evaluate how much is helpful for you to read in a day, and
aim to stick to that limit. It can be upsetting to hear about the crisis and
see images repeatedly.
Try to do some other activities you enjoy to return some normalcy back
to your life as much as possible. Make time to unwind and remind
yourself that these strong feelings will fade.
Right now, it’s easy to fall into a pit of anxiety and despair. After all, Click icon to add picture
your routine was uprooted, you may be isolated from your friends and
family and you may have lost your livelihood. However, there are
ways you can manage this anxiety and stress by changing the way you
think about the current situation.
It is also important that you don’t beat yourself up over a lack of
productivity. If you are currently working from home, you’ll notice
that you may feel unproductive, restless or lacking focus. This is
Do the best you can and create small, attainable goals for yourself.
For instance, follow a routine, plan a budget and learn one new thing
per day. Increase feelings of safety by making a contingency plan
should you get sick and ensure you have enough health coverage.
Feeling like you are back in control can help eliminate feelings of
7. DON’T BE AFRAID TO Click icon to add picture
For some, a simple change in thinking may be just the thing they need
to get over mental slumps. For others, starting an activity and actively
working on their mental health may be more suitable. However, for a
substantial group of people, consistent therapy may be required.
Keep the younger and older members of your family in mind as well.
Children and young adults are experiencing drastic chemical changes
alongside this pandemic, which can increase feelings of anxiety and
depression. The elderly may experience higher rates of anxiety,
agitation and stress—especially if they’re in isolation. In some cases,
at-home mental health management may not be enough.

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