HP Presentation

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Mary Parker Davidson
According to the CDC, 37 million Americans have diabetes, and Type 2 diabetes
accounts for 90-95% of those cases

Currently 96 million Americans, which is 1 in 3 adults, have prediabetes. Of

those 96 million Americans, 80% are unaware of even having prediabetes

If action is not taken, many Americans with prediabetes will progress to Type 2
diabetes within as little as five years

• Type 2 diabetes puts individuals at risk for a large

array of serious health problems such as heart
attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, and loss
of toes, feet, or legs, just to name a few
• Type 2 diabetes is also extremely costly, with an
individual with Type 2 diabetes incurring an

average of $16,750 in additional medical

expenses annually
• Prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes most commonly occur in individuals
over the age of 45, but in recent years younger adults are beginning to
be diagnosed
• In Mississippi, 14.4% of the adult population has been diagnosed with
Type 2 diabetes and 36.5% of the adult population has been diagnosed
with prediabetes, making Mississippi one of the highest-ranking states
in diabetes occurrence in the country
• The purpose of this presentation is to explore the development,
implementation, and evaluation of a health promotion project which
educated adults with prediabetes in Mississippi on prediabetes disease
processes and management, as well as methods to aid in the reversal of
prediabetes and the prevention of Type 2 diabetes
• Was determined that adults with prediabetes needed education on: what prediabetes is,
prediabetes disease management, and how prediabetes can be reversed to prevent
development of Type 2 diabetes
• Target population was adults with either a new or preexisting prediabetes diagnosis

• An easy-to-use handout was created to assist in patient education

• Face to face education would be provided utilizing the Teach-back method

• Teach-back method is the recommended health literacy-based communication approach

by the American Diabetes Association
• Improve the health literacy of adults with prediabetes on what prediabetes is, prediabetes
disease management, and how prediabetes can be reversed to prevent development of Type
2 diabetes

• Success of the project would be assessed using a pre- and post-intervention knowledge
assessment test, and the goal of the project was an increase in patient knowledge shown by
an improvement in the patients’ post-test scores
• There was not an exact number goal for percentage increase post-test scores, rather any
increase was considered the goal
• 14 patients participated in the project over the span of a week
• Participants were asked to complete a pre-intervention knowledge assessment test
and the test was then graded (see assessment provided)
• Scored out of 20 points
• Two yes or no questions which were not counted in the score
• Participants were then given the educational handout (see handout provided), and
simultaneously provided a face-to-face presentation on each section of the handout
with utilization of the teach-back method throughout to check and correct patient
• One side focused on what prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes are as diseases as
well as risk factors associates with both
• The other side focused on disease management practices
• Once the presentation was complete, patients completed the post-intervention
knowledge assessment test by retaking the pre-test. The test was then graded, and any
further misunderstandings and knowledge gaps were discussed
• Overall, the project was successful due to participant’s increased scores on the post-
intervention questionnaire and increased in both patient self-perceived knowledge of
prediabetes and confidence in disease management
Pre-Test Post-Test
• Average score: 40% • Average score: 80%
• Number of participants who felt they • Number of participants who felt they
understood what prediabetes is: 5 out of understood what prediabetes is: 13 out of
14 14
• Number of participants who felt they had • Number of participants who felt they had
confidence in their ability to manage their confidence in their ability to manage their
prediabetes: 4 out of 14 prediabetes: 12 out of 14
• With the number of adults in the United States with Type 2 diabetes at
an all-time high, the prevention of Type 2 diabetes is more important
than ever.
• This health promotion project showed how through providing
education on the disease process and reversal methods of prediabetes,
patients will not only gain an understanding of prediabetes as a disease,
but also feel more confident in their abilities to manage their
• The project also showed success in using learning tools, such as easy-
to-use handouts, and learning methods such as the Teach-back method
• The better a patient can manage their prediabetes, the less likely the
patient will be to develop Type 2 diabetes. In working to increase
health literacy surrounding prediabetes management and reversal,
providers can help patients prevent development of Type 2 diabetes.
• The burden of diabetes in Mississippi. American Diabetes Association. (2021, October).
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, April 18). Type 2 diabetes. CDC.

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, August 1). About Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. CDC.

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