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1.Identify the importance of communication;

2. Distinguish and differentiate the various types of
communication ;
3. Make use of the various types of communication in
classroom activities effectively
Activity: Remember and Identify the types of
communication process.

A.Interpersonal Communication
B. Intrapersonal Communication
C. Small Group Communication
D.Public Communication
1. The team coach called for a regular meeting.
2. The freshmen students’ orientation will be conducted via
3. The students will submit a report through email.
4. A group chat was created for information dissemination
5. The Department Head made an individual phone call to
the faculty member for monitoring.
6. List down to-do list for the week
7. An advisory about COVID 19 was aired on television
8. Students may review assignments online
9. Program heads attended briefing and orientation for module

10. A prayer is our strong force against depression during
1. Intrapersonal Communication- occurs within us. It
involves thoughts, feelings , and the way one looks at
her/himself. It is centered in the self, made up of
personal thoughts and feelings. In the process the brain
is the channel which enables development of feedback
2. Interpersonal Communication – happens in a formal set-up
and mostly occurs between two people , though it may
include more than two.

-It involves all the elements of communication

-The talk is between the two parties where messages consist
of both verbal and non-verbal symbols.
-Sight and sound are the most common channels .
-There is less opportunity for psychological noise since there

is a physical evidence whether each is disturbed.

3. Small Group Communication – occurs when few people
-Members of the group take chances and turn to convey
their ideas.
-There are several senders- receivers taking turns in
conversing making the process more complex than
with only two people.
-There are bigger chances of misunderstanding, but there is

a great chance of getting more responses and better

opportunities to solve problems.
-Usually meet in a more formal setting than people involved
3 .
Public Communication – The message sent here is highly
The speaker sends the message through a speech to an audience
then receives the message back when the listener asks questions.

The channels used are more complex.

The feedback in the wide audience is limited only when the
listeners (audience) are given a chance to ask questions at the end
of the speech and not during the speech.
The setting is formal.
The speaker may get feedback during the speech with their
nonverbal expressions.


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