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Training Guide for

Oracle E-Business Suite 11i


Version 1.0
Version 1.0
Table of Contents

 Audience
 Accessing Oracle Application
 Navigator
 Forms
 Menu bar
 Toolbar
 Folder
 Reports
 Accessing Online Help
 Notification
 Log off
 Q&A

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Version 1.0

 The audience for this training are those who are primarily involved in the project :
 Who requires to understand the navigation within Oracle Application
 Who will be part of the implementation team i.e. Superusers
 Who might be responsible for doing operational data entry
 Who will be doing the testing and acceptance
 At the end of the course, the audience
 Will be able to log on and off Oracle Application
 Will be able to enter, find and maintain data in Oracle
 Will be able to navigate to the forms, functions and fields
 Will be able to customize the presentation of the screen using folder tools
 Will be able to run and monitor reports and program
 Will be able to prepare a User Guide
 Will be able to conduct training to the End Users

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Version 1.0
Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) 11i

 Application software or ERP solution by Oracle Corporation.

 Current version is Release 11i10 or 11i version 10.
 Modular solution that is fully integrated among it’s modules
 Accessible via the Internet
 Flexible business process
 Configurable User Interface, Business Flows, Audit
 All information in ONE place
 Architected for a SINGLE data model

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Version 1.0
Accessing Oracle Application

 Two methods of accessing the Oracle system:

 URL entered manually
 Click on icon on desktop
 URL (Example)
 Desktop Icon (Example)
 Icon

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Version 1.0
Logging into Oracle Application

 Via Portal
 Web-based log on screen

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Version 1.0
Logging into Oracle Application

•Your responsibilities/roles are

listed on the left menu bar.
•Your login ID listed on top
right side.
•Favorites allows you to put
frequently accessed URL to
internet here.

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Version 1.0

One to Many

Responsibility 1 Responsibility 2 Responsibility 3

PH BERHAD GL Superuser PH BERHAD AP Superuser PH BERHAD INV Superuser

Many to Many

User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4

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Version 1.0

 User vs Responsibility
 User
– User login and password
– Specific to each user
 Responsibility
– A grouping of similar function
– Usually by product specific

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Version 1.0

 The Navigator

bar Toolbar
“Place on

Top Ten




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Version 1.0

Expanding or Collapsing the Navigation List

Choose one of the following methods to expand an item to its next sublevel:
Double-click the item.
Select the item and choose Open.

Select the item and choose Expand.

To collapse an expanded item
Select the item and choose Collapse.

To expand or collapse several items at once, choose one of the following:

Expand All Children expands all the sublevels
of the currently selected item.
Expand All expands all the sublevels of all
expandable items in the navigation list.
Collapse All collapses all currently expanded
items in the navigation list.

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Version 1.0
Forms ( 1 / 2)

 Forms and fields

Window Close
Title Window box




Scroll Bar

Color coding is used in field to indicate the field functions:

• White = optional
• Gray = read-only
• Yellow = required
• Blue = query only

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Version 1.0
Forms ( 2 / 2)

 List of values  Button

 LOV Indicator  Specific function to specific form

 Select a value for a list of values  Will usually call another form or
(usually as part of configuration) perform a specific functions

 Descriptive Flexfields  Pop-up list

 DFF Indicator on the form  A fixed system defined values

 If enabled, a popup window will  A pop-up list for selection


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Version 1.0
Menu bar ( 1 / 6)

 File Menu

New Open a new record in the active form

Open Open the detail screen for the current selection
Save Saves any pending changes in the active form
Save and Proceed Saves any changes and advance to the next record
Next Step Advance to the next step in the process
Export Exports information to a tab-delimited file
Place on Navigator Create a document in Document tab in Navigator
Log on as a Diff… Exits from the system and log on as a different user
Switch Respon… Display responsibility window to select from
Print Print your current window
Close Form Closes all windows of the current form
Exit Oracle Apps Quits Oracle Application


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Version 1.0
Lab Login-1

 This exercise will see you

 Login into Oracle
 Changing password
 Choosing Responsibilities
 Navigating around the Form
 Step 1: Access the PIERS system. User your UserID = USERxx where xx = your number
 Step 2:Change the password as prompted to WELCOME
 Step 3: Choose PH BERHAD GL Superuser
 Step 4: Click on the or to expand the menu choices
 Step 5: Select \Inquiry - > Journals
 Step 6: Navigate to [B] Review Journal
 Step 7: Position your cursor in Account field. Press Ctrl-L to pop the flexfield.


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Version 1.0
File Menu - Export

 Export


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Version 1.0
Lab Export-1

 This exercise will allow you to export data to Excel.

 Step 1: Choose PH BERHAD GL Superuser

 Step 2: Choose \ Inquiry -> Journals
 Step 3: Press the FIND button to get ALL records.
 Step 4: Export the data
 Step 5: Press Open to open the Excel file. View and check the data.
 Step 6: Close the file

 How many records does it process before displaying a message? [100]
 How many records are there in total? [773]


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Version 1.0
File Menu – Place on Navigator

 Place on Navigator


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Version 1.0
Menu bar ( 2 / 6)

 Edit Menu
Undo Typing Return the field to its original value
Cut Cuts the current selection to a clipboard
Copy Copies the current selection to a clipboard
Paste Pastes the content in clipboard to the current field
- Record Above Copies all values from the prior record to the current
- Field Above Copies the value of the current fields from prior row
Clear Erase data from current record, field, block or form
Delete Deletes the current record from database
Select All Select all records
Deselect All Deselect all selected records except current record
Edit Field Displays the Editor window for the current field
Preferences Display Change Password dialog or Profiles form


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Version 1.0
Edit Menu – Change Password

 Upon first initial login, users are requested to change the password.
 Pharmaniaga’s IT policy for the password change requirement – frequency, previous
comparison etc. Minimum password length is 5char.

 You can also change password via the menu.

 Menu ->Edit ->Preferences -> Change Password


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Version 1.0
Edit Menu – Change User Profiles

 User Profiles - A user profile is a set of changeable options that affect the way your
application looks and behaves.
 You can set user profile options at different levels (depending on how the profile
options are defined) :
 Site Option settings pertain to all users at an installation site.
 Application Option settings pertain to all users of any responsibility
associated with the application.
 Responsibility Option settings pertain to all users currently signed on under the
 User Option settings pertain to an individual user, identified by their
application username.
 Server Option settings pertain to an individual server.
 Organization Option settings pertain to a particular organization.
 When a profile option may be set at more than one level, site has the lowest priority,
superseded by application, then responsibility, with user having the highest priority.


2005 CMG - All rights reserved

Version 1.0
Edit Menu – Change User Profiles

 Change User Profiles

Profile Option

Profile Option
Oracle Applications A=X

Profile Option


2005 CMG - All rights reserved

Version 1.0
Edit Menu – Change User Profiles

 Change User Profiles

 Not all profile can be changed at the user level


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Version 1.0
Menu bar ( 3 / 6)

 View Menu
Show Navigator Displays the Navigator window
Zoom Invokes custom defined zooms
Find Displays the Find window to retrieve records
Find All Retrieve all records
Query by Example
- Enter Invokes query mode to enter search criteria
- Run Executes the query by example
- Cancel Cancels the query by example by exit from query mode
- Show Last Recovers the last search criteria
- Count Matching Counts the number of records with the search criteria
Record Moves the cursor to the First or the Last records
Translations Display the Translations window
Attachments Display the Attachments window
Summary/Detail Switches between summary and detail views
Requests Show the Request form


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Version 1.0
View Menu – Query Find

 Query Find

1 1
Initiate a Query

2 2
Select Find All Select Find

Specify Search Criteria

Click on Find

3 5
Review Retrieved Records


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Version 1.0
View Menu – Query Find

 Find a supplier


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Version 1.0
Edit Menu – Query by Example

 Query by Example

1 1
Initiate a Query

2 2
Perform Full Search Perform Custom Search

Specify Search Criteria

3 4
Run Query

4 5
Review Retrieved Records


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Version 1.0
Edit Menu – Query by Example

 Query for ‘OFFICE%’

 % indicate wild card search


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Version 1.0
Lab User Profiles-1

 This exercise will see you Changing the User Profile value for Printer.

 Step 1: Choose PH BERHAD GL Superuser

 Step 2: Choose \ Other -> Profile
 Step 3: Use Query to find Profile Name = Printer
Hint: Use F11, “Printer” and Ctrl-F11
 Step 4: Change the value from Noprint to the printer for PLDC2.
 Step 5: Save
 Step 6: To confirm changes, repeat Step 2 and Step 3.


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Version 1.0
Lab Queries-1

 This exercise will see you using Queries to find data


 Step 2: Choose \ Invoices -> Inquiry -> Invoice Batches
 Step 3: Press Ctrl-F11 to list all the records
 Step 4: Use Query to find ‘%CONTRA%’ in the Invoice Batch field
 Step 5: Use Query to find ‘%Contra%’ in the Invoice Batch field
For Query, use either F11 OR [M] View -> Query by Example -> Enter

How many Invoice Batches are there starting with ‘HWT’? [4]
How many Invoices are there for Nov-2005? [18] [M] View -> Record -> Last
How many Invoices are there altogether? [45] [M] View -> Record -> Last


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Version 1.0
Edit Menu - Attachments

 Attachments

With attachment indicator


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Version 1.0
Menu bar ( 4 / 6)

 Folder Menu
New Create a new folder definition
Open Opens a pre-defined folder
Save Saves changes to the current folder definition
Save As Saves current folder definition to a new name
Delete Deletes an existing folder definition
Show Field Displays a field that is currently hidden
Hide Field Hides the current field
Move Moves the current field Right, Left, Up or Down
Widen Field Increases the width of the current field
Shrink Field Decreases the width of the current field
Change Prompt Changes the prompt of the current field
Autosize All Adjust all fields width to show the data
Sort Data Specifies sort order for the first 3 fields
View Query Display the query criteria for the current folder
Reset Query Erases the current query criteria
Folder Tools Displays the folder functions

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Version 1.0
Folder ( 1 / 2)

 Folder Tools
Open Opens a pre-defined folder

Save Saves changes to the current folder definition

New Create a new folder definition

Delete Deletes an existing folder definition

Widen Field Increases the width of the current field

Shrink Field Decreases the width of the current field

Folder function is
only available when Show Field Displays a field that is currently hidden
the window have an
icon of Hide Field Hides the current field

Move Left Moves the current field Left

Move Right Moves the current field Right

Move Up Moves the current field Up

Move Down Moves the current field Down


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Version 1.0
Folder ( 2 / 2)

 Folder Definitions

• Folder name is used definable

• Open as Default is user specific
• Public is used to allow other users to use the folder defined
• Include Query is used for specific query defined
• Autoquery is used only if you want the folder to perform query function every time you use the


2005 CMG - All rights reserved

Version 1.0
Lab Folder-1

 This exercise will see you creating your own Folder for use. Please label your Folder as
USERxx_LAB where xx is your UserID.

 Step 1: Choose PH BERHAD GL Superuser

 Step 2: Choose \ Inquiry -> Journals
 Step 3: Press the FIND button to get ALL records.
 Step 4: Create your folder with this definition:
 Add Balance Type field
 Add Funds Status field. Rename the title as JE Type.
 Hide Source field
 Step 5: Save your Folder as Public use, Autoquery=Always.
 Step 6: Verify by selecting your Folder USERxx_LAB and view the results.


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Version 1.0
Menu bar ( 5 / 6)

 Tool Menu
Expand Expands the specific collapsed menu
Collapse Collapses the specific expanded menu
Expand Branch Expands the specific branch menu
Expand All Expands all the menu
Collapse All Collapses all the menu
Add to List Adds the selected functions to the Top 10 List
Remove from List Removes the specified function from Top 10 List
Close Other Forms If this is checked, only one form function is allowed


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Version 1.0
Menu bar ( 6 / 6)

 Help Menu
Window Help Displays help for the current window
Oracle Apps Library Displays a window that lists of all available help text
Keyboard Help Displays the keyboard mapping of specific functions
Diagnostics Used these functions to debug any error
Record History Displays information about the current record
About Oracle Apps Displays information about the current applications,
including version and environment information.


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Version 1.0
Help Menu – Keyboard Help

 Keyboard Help


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Version 1.0
Help Menu – Record History

 Record History

 This function can only be used for an existing records (e.g. an entered and saved Supplier
Invoice in Payables)


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Version 1.0
Help Menu – About Application

 About Application


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Version 1.0
Toolbar ..(1 / 2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1. The New icon opens a new record.

2. The Find... icon invokes the Find window.
3. The Show Navigator icon invokes the Navigator window.
4. The Save icon saves your data.
5. The Next Step icon advances you to the next step of a process
6. The Switch Responsibilities icon invokes the list of your responsibilities for you to choose
7. The Print icon prints the current screen. Some cases it may print a report associated with the
current data.
8. The Close Form icons closes all windows of the current form.
9. The Cut icon cuts the current selection to the clipboard.
10.The Copy icon copies the current selection to the clipboard.


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Version 1.0
Toolbar ..(2 / 2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

11. The Paste Record icon paste the current clipboard (copy) data to the form.
12. The Clear Record icon erases the current record from the form.
13. The Delete icon deletes the current record from the database.
14. The Edit Field... icon displays the Editor window for the current field.
15. The Zoom icon invokes customer-defined drill-down behavior.
16. The Translations... icon invokes the Translations window
17. The Attachments icon invokes the Attachments window. If exist, the icon appears as a
18. The Folder Tools icon invokes the Folder Tools palette window
19. The View Currency Details icon displays the currency details for the current window record.
20. The Window Help icon invokes online help (Oracle Apps) for the current window.


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Version 1.0
Reports ( 1 / 3)

 Run a report/program
 Reports -> Request


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Version 1.0
Reports ( 2 / 3)

 Scheduling a report/program


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Version 1.0
Reports ( 3 / 3)

 Selecting a printer
 Click on Options
 Use Ctrl-L to select list of printers
 Copies = 0 does NOT print


2005 CMG - All rights reserved

Version 1.0
Reports - Viewing

 View a report –
 \ Other -> Request
 [M] View -> Request


2005 CMG - All rights reserved

Version 1.0
Reports - Viewing

 View a report – Standard Oracle


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Version 1.0
Reports – Viewing

 View a report – Using HTML (Copy File)


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Version 1.0
Lab Reports / Printing-1

 This exercise will see you

 Running a Report
 Printing the report

 Step 1: Choose PH BERHAD GL Superuser

 Step 2: Select \ Others -> Request
 Step 3: Choose “Accounts Analysis – (132char)”
 Step 4: Enter the parameters as per the attached
 Step 5: Ensure Copies = 0.
 Step 6: Save
 Step 7: Review your printout using both Oracle standard and HTML

If you wanted to print-out directly, what must you set? [Printer Name and Copies]


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Version 1.0
Online Help

 Using the Menu

 Using the icon

Oracle Online Help

is always driven by
the window specific.


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Version 1.0
Key Flexfield vs Descriptive Flexfield ( 1 / 3)

 Key Flexfield

• This is a mandatory configuration

• Usually fixed after design configuration
• This key flexfield is usually used across a few
application (e.g. Accounting Flexfield can be used in
Payables, Receivables, Purchasing and General


2005 CMG - All rights reserved

Version 1.0
Key Flexfield vs Descriptive Flexfield ( 2 / 3)

 Descriptive Flexfield

• This is usually optional.

• This flexfield is usually used on window specific
• To enter additional information for which your Oracle
Applications product has not already provided


2005 CMG - All rights reserved

Version 1.0
Key Flexfield vs Descriptive Flexfield ( 2 / 3)

Flex fields

M andatory K ey FF O ptional D es c riptiv e FF

Flex fields s pec ific to m odules A llow s C us tom is ation

allow s s elf des ign of S c reen
giv en c ertain c ons traints U s ed if A dditional data
eg Item FF, A c c ounting FF c apture required


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Version 1.0
Deleting vs Clearing

 Delete  Clear
 Delete the whole record from database  Record still exist in database
 Not all saved record can be deleted;  Clearing from the window view
only Inactivated



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Version 1.0
Saving the Record

 Saving Your Work

 Using the Menu
 Using the Save icon
 Using the Ctrl-S keyboard


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Version 1.0

 Notifications are information sent from Oracle to the UserID. It represents info or action
required. \ Other -> Notifications
 For PO, where Response is required, replies via Notification will trigger next action step
i.e. Approved PO, Forwarded PO


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Version 1.0
Log Off

 Using the Menu

 Using Keyboard “F4”


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Version 1.0



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