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Film «Titanic»

Did:Erlan A2-C

What kind of film?
The film «Titanic» (Titanic) shows the story of the wreck of the famous liner through the
prism of the love relations of the main characters. Jack and Rose come from different
backgrounds, but their feelings are stronger than death. The essence of the film «Titanic» is
that you need to enjoy every moment of life, be honest with yourself and even in the face of
the deadly danger of remaining a person.On 4 April «Titanic» received 7 ice warnings from
various ships crossing the North Atlantic, but despite this, the liner continued to go almost at
top speed. When the ice mountain was seen directly ahead, «Titanic» could not quickly
change course. The starboard side of the liner struck the underwater part of the iceberg.
The hold of «Titanic» was divided into 16 sections, 5 of which were flooded and the ship
began to slowly go under the water. 712 passengers and crew escaped from the sinking
liner. Most of the people died from hypothermia
There are many lessons to be learned from the Titanic film:
• James Cameron’s «Titanic» is a story of incredible love, born on board a grandiose British liner,
which was destined to encounter an iceberg in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The movie
encourages couples to look beyond external factors and embrace love and connection for what
they truly are. Cherish the present moment: The sinking of the Titanic serves as a reminder that
life can be unpredictable and fragile. Couples can learn to appreciate and cherish the moments
they have togetherA few decades later, a deep-sea explorer named Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton)
finds the remains of a majestic vessel, and soon a 101-year-old lady (Gloria Stewart) appeals to
him, claiming that she is one of those on board the «Titanic» that fateful night
• Overconfidence in Titanic's ability made its captain take many perilous decisions, including the
abandonment of lifeboat safety drill, just to reach New York a little quickly. Another poor decision
that led to Titanic's disaster was that the ship's speed was increased despite the fact that another
neighbouring ship had turned off its engines, predicting bad waters ahead. Such confidence
hampers the ability of making sound judgements and leads to poor decisions.

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