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Lesson 1.

Probability Distribution
Learning Competency

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able

to illustrate a probability distribution for a discrete
random variable and its properties (M11/12SP-IIIa-4).

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to

do the following:

● Illustrate a probability distribution for a discrete

random variable.
● Construct a probability distribution for a discrete
random variable.
In probability, we
create probability
distributions to
help us predict the
occurrence of an
For example, a
stock trader may
look on the
patterns of stock
prices of a specific
stock in the
The distribution of
increase and
decrease in stock
prices may be
used in order to
predict the future
price of the stock.
Essential Questions

● What is the importance of constructing a probability

distribution for a random variable in interpreting data?

● What does the probability distribution tell us about our

expected or obtained data?
Learn about It!

Probability Distribution of a Discrete Random

A probability distribution of a discrete random variable is
a list, a table, a graph, or a formula of probabilities associated
with each of its possible values.
Learn about It!

Probability Distribution of a Discrete Random

• The probability of each outcome is between 0 and 1,
inclusive. This means that .

• The sum of all the probabilities of the random variable is

equal to 1 or 100%. That is, .

Example 1: Determine whether the distribution is a valid

probability distribution for a discrete random variable .
Solution to Let’s Practice

To determine whether a probability distribution is valid, we

must satisfy the two properties for the probability
distribution of a discrete random variable.

1. The probability of each outcome is between and.

The probabilities , and are all between and , inclusive.

Solution to Let’s Practice

2. The sum of all the probabilities of the random

variable is equal to or .

The sum of all the probabilities is 1.

Solution to Let’s Practice

Thus, the distribution is a valid probability distribution for

the discrete random variable .

Example 2: Construct the probability distribution for the

random variable which pertains to the number of tails in each
outcome when tossing two coins.
Solution to Let’s Practice
Example 2: Construct the probability distribution for the random variable
which pertains to the number of tails in each outcome when tossing two coins.

In tossing two coins, the possible outcomes are

where represents head and represents tail.

Solution to Let’s Practice
Example 2: Construct the probability distribution for the random variable
which pertains to the number of tails in each outcome when tossing two coins.

From the outcomes, we can have the following table:

Number of tails Outcomes

Solution to Let’s Practice
Example 2: Construct the probability distribution for the random variable
which pertains to the number of tails in each outcome when tossing two coins.

Based on the table above, the random variable can take
the values of and
Solution to Let’s Practice
Example 2: Construct the probability distribution for the random variable
which pertains to the number of tails in each outcome when tossing two coins.

Thus, the probability distribution for the discrete random
variable is
Try It!

Individual Practice
1. Determine whether the distribution is a valid probability
distribution for a discrete random variable .
Try It!

Consider the random experiment of rolling a

pair of tetrahedron dice (whose number of dots
are to ). Construct the probability distribution
for the random variable which denotes the sum
of the numbers in the two dice.
Try It!

Group Practice: To be done in groups of three.

A bowl contains five marbles numbered as and. If a random

experiment of picking three marbles at a time was
conducted, construct a probability distribution for the
random variable which represents the sum of the numbers
on the marbles.
Key Points

● The probability distribution of a discrete random

variable is a list, a table, a graph, or a formula of
probabilities associated with each of its possible values.
Key Points

● Properties of a Probability Distribution:

a. The probability of each outcome is between 0 and 1,
inclusive. This means that .

b. The sum of all the probabilities of the random variable

is equal to 1 or 100%. That is, .
“Discrete Random Variables.” Lumen Learning. Retrieved 21 June 2019 from

Mendenhall III, William et al. Introduction to Probability and Statistics. United States of America: Cengage
Learning, 2013.

“Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables." Saylor Academy. Retrieved 21 June 2019 from
“Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables." Statistics LibreTexts. Retrieved 21 June 2019

“Random Variable and Its Probability Distribution.” Toppr. Retrieved 21 June 2019 from

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