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Laws of Technological
System Evolution /
Trends of Engineering
System Evolution (TESE)
Tanasak P.
• [Examples] of the “Law of Increasing Degree of Substance-Field Interactions” in various engineering fields:
• A. Development of a substance within the Substance Field Model:
1. Self-Healing Concrete: In civil engineering, researchers have developed a type of concrete that contains special capsules filled with healing agents. When cracks form in the concrete due to external stress, these capsules rupture and release the healing agent into the cracks, effectively sealing them and
preventing further damage.
2. Smart Fabrics for Temperature Regulation: In the field of textiles, smart fabrics have been developed that can change their structure in response to temperature changes. These fabrics incorporate materials that expand or contract based on temperature, thereby altering the fabric's thickness and insulation
properties to keep the wearer comfortable in different environments.
• B. Development of bonds in a Substance Field Model:
1. Shape Memory Alloys in Medical Devices: Shape memory alloys are used in medical devices like stents. These alloys can undergo reversible deformation when exposed to temperature changes. A stent made from such an alloy can be compressed to a small size, inserted into a blood vessel, and then
expanded to its original shape using body heat, thereby holding the vessel open.
2. Electrostatic Adhesion in Robotics: Some robots use electrostatic forces to create temporary bonds that allow them to stick to surfaces. By generating an electrostatic field, the robot can adhere to walls or ceilings without the need for physical attachments, enabling them to move in unconventional
• C. Relocation of the center of gravity:
1. Dynamic Weight Distribution in Vehicles: In the automotive industry, advanced suspension systems can dynamically adjust the distribution of weight in a vehicle. This is particularly useful in off-road vehicles or trucks that need to maintain stability on uneven terrain. By shifting the center of gravity, these
vehicles can optimize traction and balance.
2. Gyroscopic Stabilization in Bicycles: Gyroscopic effects are utilized in some bicycle designs to improve stability. By adding gyroscopic devices to the front wheel, the bicycle's center of gravity is influenced, making it less prone to tipping over and providing a smoother riding experience.
• D. Expanding of the field into Substance Field Model:
1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): In the medical field, MRI machines create powerful magnetic fields that interact with the hydrogen atoms in the human body. These interactions are then used to generate detailed images of internal structures, providing valuable diagnostic information without invasive
2. Electromagnetic Induction in Wireless Charging: Wireless charging systems use electromagnetic fields to transfer energy from a charging station to a device, such as a smartphone. The charging pad generates a magnetic field, and the device contains a coil that interacts with this field to induce a current,
charging the battery without the need for physical connectors./
• [Problem] : We encountered a problem when reheating frozen food with a microwave oven during the same period. Sometimes the food becomes very hot, while at other times, it remains cold in temperature.
• [Instruction] Please solve the [Problem] by apply “Law of Increasing Degree of Substance-Field Interactions” following;
A. Development of a substance within the Substance Field Model./
B. Development of bonds in a Substance Field Model./
C. Relocation of the center of gravity./
D. Expanding of the field into Substance Field Model. /
• In Tabulated format.
TRIZ: Idea Generation Tools
Laws of Technological System Evolution
Original and still in use term originated by
the founder of TRIZ G. Altshuller to present a number of common
generic patterns, trends and lines which govern evolution of all technical
Later the term started to be
replaced with the term "Trends of Technical Systems Evolution” (TESE)
due to the lack of exact statistical proof that the laws of technical
systems evolution are valid for all technical systems under certain
circumstances without exception.
June 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 1.0) by Tanasak and Santad 4
Trends of Engineering System Evolution (TESE)
1. Law of System Completeness.
2. Law of Energy Conductivity in system.
3. Law of Harmonization.
4. Law of Increasing Ideality of technical systems.
5. Law of Irregularity of System's Parts Evolution.
6. Law of Transition to the Super-System.
7. Law of Transition From Macro- to the Micro-Level.
8. Law of Increasing the Degree of Substance-Field Interactions.
9. Law of Dynamics Growth.
The Law of System Completeness considers four elements to complete a system.
1. Engine converts received energy into the system and sends it to Transmission.
2. Transmission serves to transmit power to the Working Unit.
3. Working Unit, the last point where energy is transformed into a function.
4. Control Unit considers the control of Engine / Transmission / Work Unit control.
Let's analyze : “A manual syringe that delivers medication under the human skin.” Please analyze the composition of the system and
identify parts relative to Engine, Transmission, Working Unit, Control Unit. Evaluate how complete the system is, How many parts or
elements are there from 4 parts 1. Engine, 2. Transmission, 3. Working Unit, 4. Control Unit
- Specify only the Technical System, but do not specify or count. If it's a human part that performs any function So if humans are involved
That system is considered to have incomplete 4 parts, which is considered an incomplete system.
- In the Control Unit section, evaluate the Control/Engine and/or Control/Transmission and/or Control/Working Unit if all three Controls are
missing. will not count as a fully functional system
- If there are components or components missing, specify the development guidelines in the missing or incomplete parts.
- If an action presents risks or harm / damage to users, other systems, or processes, outline development guidelines for rectifying issues
within the incomplete or missing components.
/ in tabulated format.
Law of System Completeness:

Tanasak P.
(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 8

1. Law of System Completeness:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Idea Generation (TESE)

(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 9

ระบุ Power Sources
ระบุ Product หรือ Function ที่ต้องการจากระบบ ระบุค่าหรือเป้าหมายของ Function ด้วย

องค์ประกอบ 4 ส่วนที่จะทำให้ระบบสมบูรณ์
1. Engine ทำหน้าที่แปลงพลังงาน
2. Transmission ทำหน้าที่ ส่งผ่านพลังงาน
3. Working Unit จุดสุดท้ายที่พลังงานเปลี่ยนเป็น Function
4. Control Unit พิจารณาการควบคุมทั้ง การควบคุม Engine / Transmission / Work Unit

ทั้งนี้ระบบจะสมบูรณ์ต้องมีอย่างน้อย 3 ส่วน (ไม่นับการทำงานโดยมนุษย์)

ถ้ามีต่ำกว่าหรือเท่ากับ 3 ส่วน ให้ดำเนินการเพิ่มส่วนที่ขาดหาย
ถ้ามีครบ 4 ส่วนให้ทำการควบรวมเช่น Engine + Transmission ให้กลาย เป็นชิ้นส่วนเดียวกัน
อย่างไรก็ตาม ให้สำรวจปัญหาการส่งผ่านพลังงานที่ไม่มีประสิทธิภาพ และ/หรือ Harmful ในระบบก่อน
(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ตัวอย่าง เข็มฉีดยา
ระบุ Power Sources = พยาบาล -

ระบุ Product หรือ Function ที่ต้องการจากระบบ

ระบุค่าหรือเป้าหมายของ Function ด้วย ของเหลว (ยา) ที่ถูกฉีดไปอยู่ใต้ผิวหนัง
องค์ประกอบมี 3 ใน 4 ส่วน Working Unit บริเวณ (1) ปลายเข็มที่ส่งยาออกไป
Engine หมายเลข 6 , (4+8) ที่คล้ายกระบอกสูบและลูกสูบ
Transmission หมายเลข 3 ท่อรับแรงดัน
Control Unit ไม่มี (พยาบาลทำหน้าที่ Control)
ผลลัพธ์ การระบุทิศทางการพัฒนา
• หากมองการเติมเต็ม 4/4 ให้ทำระบบ Control (Engine / Transmission / Working Unit) ที่ไม่ใช่คน
• หากมอง Harmful ให้ทำเข็มฉีดยาที่ไม่เจ็บผิวหนัง
Prompt : System Completeness
The Law of System Completeness considers four elements to complete a system.
1. Engine converts received energy into the system and sends it to Transmission.
2. Transmission serves to transmit power to the Working Unit.
3. Working Unit, the last point where energy is transformed into a function.
4. Control Unit considers the control of Engine / Transmission / Work Unit control.
Let's analyze : “A manual syringe that delivers medication under the human skin.” Please analyze the composition of the system and
identify parts relative to Engine, Transmission, Working Unit, Control Unit. Evaluate how complete the system is, How many parts or
elements are there from 4 parts 1. Engine, 2. Transmission, 3. Working Unit, 4. Control Unit
- Specify only the Technical System, but do not specify or count. If it's a human part that performs any function So if humans are involved
That system is considered to have incomplete 4 parts, which is considered an incomplete system.
- In the Control Unit section, evaluate the Control/Engine and/or Control/Transmission and/or Control/Working Unit if all three Controls are
missing. will not count as a fully functional system
- If there are components or components missing, specify the development guidelines in the missing or incomplete parts.
- If an action presents risks or harm / damage to users, other systems, or processes, outline development guidelines for rectifying issues
within the incomplete or missing components.
/ in tabulated format.
(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 12

2. Law of Energy Conductivity in system

• Trend of Energy Conductivity

• A direction of evolution of technical systems which states that any technical system must provide full energy
conductivity throughout the system to become viable and later tends to decrease the number of energy losses within
the system.

Idea Generation (TESE)

(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 13

2. Law of Energy Conductivity in system

1. At the synthesis of TS one should strive for using one field (one type of energy) for all
processes of work and control in the system. Every new subsystem should operate with
energy passing through the system or with free one (from the environment, waste products
of other system)

Idea Generation (TESE)

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Law of Energy Conductivity in system

2. If TS consists of the substances that cannot be changed, then a field that is well –
conducted by the substances of the parts of the system is used.
• Such situation is seldom: today’s enormous range of substances and materials enables us
to find the suitable change almost always.

Idea Generation (TESE)

(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 15

Law of Energy Conductivity in system

3. If substances of the parts of the system can be changed, then weak – controlled field is
changed with the well – controlled by the chain:

F gravity F mechanic F magnetic F Electro F El-Mag

Idea Generation (TESE)

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Example of Law of Energy Conductivity in

Defrost Process


RF Technology

F gravity F mechanic F thermo F magnetic F electro. F el-mag


Idea Generation (TESE)

Prompt Energy Conductivity in system
[Context] Law of Energy Conductivity in system
1. At the synthesis of Technical System one should strive for using one field (one type of energy)
for all processes of work and control in the system. Every new subsystem should operate with
energy passing through the system or with free one (from the environment, waste products of
other system). 2. If Technical System consists of the substances that cannot be changed, then a
field that is well – conducted by the substances of the parts of the system is used. • Such situation
is seldom: today’s enormous range of substances and materials enables us to find the suitable
change almost always. 3. If substances of the parts of the system can be changed, then weak –
controlled field is changed with the well – controlled by the chain: Gravity, Mechanic, Magnetic,
Electric, Electromagnetic.
[Instruction] Please show some evolution of the “electric pan” with related to the above context. In
term of past, present, future. / In tabulated format./
(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 18

3. Law of Harmonization
law of coordinating system rhythms

• In technical systems the action of the field should be coordinated (or de-coordinated) with
proper frequency of product (or instrument). The objects sway at the highest amplitude with
the exact coincidence of the frequencies. While minimum of energy is spared from outside
to keep up resonance and maximum of the energy that is supplied comes inside the system.

Idea Generation (TESE)

(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 19

law of coordinating system rhythms

1. In technical systems, the field effect should be coordinated/de-coordinated with natural frequency of
the artifact/instrument.
2. Frequencies of fields used in technical systems should be coordinated/de-coordinated.
3. If two effects are incompatible (e.g. transformation and measurement), one effect should be exerted
when the other effect pauses. More generally, a pause in one effect should be filled by another effect.

Idea Generation (TESE)

(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 20

1. In technical systems, the field effect should be coordinated/de-coordinated with natural

frequency of the artifact/instrument. Examples of rhythm coordination (use of resonance):
• ระบบควบคุมการไหลของการจราจร: ในระบบการจัดการจราจรสมัยใหม่ สัญญาณไฟจราจรสามารถซิงโครไนซ์กับการจราจรตาม

• การออกแบบใบพัดกังหันลม: ใบพัดกังหันลมได้รับการออกแบบให้สะท้อนความถี่ที่ตรงกับความถี่ลมกระโชกทั่วไปในตำแหน่งที่
กำหนด เสียงสะท้อนนี้ช่วยให้ใบมีดสามารถจับพลังงานจากลมได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ ในขณะที่ลดความเครียดบนโครงสร้างกังหัน

• การซิงโครไนซ์การฝังตัวทางการแพทย์: ในเครื่องกระตุ้นหัวใจ พัลส์ไฟฟ้าที่ควบคุมการเต้นของหัวใจจะซิงโครไนซ์กับจังหวะไฟฟ้า

ตามธรรมชาติของหัวใจของผู้ป่ วย สิ่งนี้ทำให้มั่นใจได้ว่าการแทรกแซงของเครื่องกระตุ้นหัวใจนั้นสอดคล้องกับวงจรการเต้นของหัวใจ
ของผู้ป่ วย ทำให้การทำงานของหัวใจและหลอดเลือดเหมาะสมที่สุด

• ระบบลดแรงสั่นสะเทือนในอาคาร: ตึกระฟ้าและโครงสร้างขนาดใหญ่อาจสั่นไหวได้เนื่องจากแรงจากสิ่งแวดล้อม เช่น ลมหรือแผ่นดิน

ไหว แดมเปอร์มวลที่ปรับแล้วถูกเพิ่มเข้าไปในโครงสร้าง ซึ่งได้รับการออกแบบมาให้สั่นสวนทางกับความถี่ธรรมชาติของการสั่น
สะเทือนของอาคาร การตอบโต้นี้ช่วยลดการแกว่งไกวของอาคารและเพิ่มความมั่นคง

• ระบบสายพานลำเลียงอุตสาหกรรม: สายพานลำเลียงในโรงงานผลิตสามารถออกแบบให้ทำงานเป็ นจังหวะกับกระบวนการผลิต ด้วย

การปรับความเร็วและจังหวะของสายพานลำเลียงให้ตรงกับจังหวะของการประกอบหรือขั้นตอนการแปรรูป ระบบสามารถรับประกันการ
เคลื่อนย้ายวัสดุและผลิตภัณฑ์อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพผ่านขั้นตอนต่างๆ ของการผลิต
(C) Copyright by Tanasak Pheunghua, All rights reserved. 21

1. In technical systems, the field effect should be coordinated/de-coordinated with natural

frequency of the artifact/instrument. Examples of rhythm de-coordination (anti-resonance).
• การออกแบบปีกเครื่องบิน: ปีกเครื่องบินได้รับการออกแบบมาเพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงความถี่เรโซแนนซ์ที่เกิดจากแรงแอโรไดนามิกและแรงสั่น
สะเทือน ระยะห่างและความยืดหยุ่นของส่วนประกอบของปีก เช่น ปีกนกหรือพื้นผิวควบคุม ได้รับการปรับอย่างระมัดระวังเพื่อป้องกัน

• เสถียรภาพของแท่นขุดเจาะน้ำมัน: แท่นแท่นขุดเจาะน้ำมันนอกชายฝั่งสามารถสัมผัสได้ถึงการเคลื่อนไหวที่พ้องเสียงเนื่องจากแรง
คลื่น เพื่อป้องกันการแกว่งที่เป็ นอันตราย วิศวกรออกแบบโครงสร้างรองรับของแท่นที่มีความแข็งแบบแปรผันและองค์ประกอบลดแรง
กระแทก สิ่งนี้ช่วยป้องกันการสะสมของพลังงานและลดความเสี่ยงของความล้มเหลวของโครงสร้าง

• การวางแนวรางรถไฟความเร็วสูง: รางรถไฟความเร็วสูงต้องการการวางตำแหน่งที่แม่นยำเพื่อลดการสั่นสะเทือนและเสียงรบกวนที่
เกิดจากการผ่านของรถไฟ วิศวกรใช้เทคนิคต่างๆ เช่น รอยต่อของรางที่มีระยะห่างไม่สม่ำเสมอและความแข็งของการรองรับที่แตก

• การสั่นสะเทือนของอาคารที่เกิดจากแรงลม: อาคารสูงสามารถสัมผัสกับการสั่นสะเทือนที่เกิดจากแรงลมได้วิศวกรใช้แดมเปอร์มวลที่
ปรับให้ตรงกับความถี่ธรรมชาติของอาคาร แดมเปอร์เหล่านี้จะแกว่งสวนทางกับแรงสั่นสะเทือนของอาคาร ลดความกว้างของการ

• การสะท้อนโซนาร์ของเรือดำน้ำ: เรือดำน้ำจำเป็ นต้องหลีกเลี่ยงการให้รูปร่างของตัวเรือสะท้อนกับสัญญาณโซนาร์ที่เข้ามา ซึ่งอาจนำ

Prompt : Rhythm coordination rule one
Rhythm coordination rule one: in technical systems, the field effect should be coordinated/de-coordinated with natural frequency of the artifact/instrument, Examples of
rhythm coordination (use of resonance):
1. Traffic Flow Control System: In modern traffic management systems, traffic lights can be synchronized with the natural flow of traffic on a particular road. By adjusting the
signal timings to match the average speed of vehicles during specific times of the day, the system can reduce congestion and create smoother traffic flow.
2. Wind Turbine Blade Design: Wind turbine blades are designed to resonate at frequencies that match the typical wind gust frequencies in a given location. This resonance
allows the blades to efficiently capture energy from the wind while minimizing stress on the turbine structure, enhancing its overall performance and durability.
3. Medical Implant Synchronization: In cardiac pacemakers, the electrical pulses that regulate the heartbeat are synchronized with the natural electrical rhythm of the
patient's heart. This ensures that the pacemaker's intervention occurs in harmony with the patient's cardiac cycle, optimizing cardiovascular function.
4. Building Vibration Damping: Skyscrapers and large structures can experience swaying due to environmental forces like wind or earthquakes. Tuned mass dampers are
added to the structures, which are designed to oscillate in opposition to the natural frequency of the building's vibrations. This counteraction reduces the building's sway
and enhances its stability./
And Rhythm coordination rule one: in technical systems, the field effect should be coordinated/de-coordinated with natural frequency of the artifact/instrument, Examples of
rhythm de-coordination (anti-resonance).
5. Aircraft Wing Design: Aircraft wings are designed to avoid resonant frequencies caused by aerodynamic forces and vibrations. The spacing and flexibility of wing
components, such as winglets or control surfaces, are carefully adjusted to prevent the accumulation of vibrational energy that could lead to structural fatigue or
6. Oil Rig Platform Stability: Offshore oil rig platforms can experience resonant motions due to wave forces. To prevent dangerous oscillations, engineers design the
platform's support structures with variable stiffness and dampening elements. This prevents the buildup of energy and reduces the risk of structural failure.
7. High-Speed Train Track Alignment: High-speed train tracks need precise alignment to minimize vibrations and noise caused by the passage of trains. Engineers use
techniques like irregularly spaced rail joints and varying support stiffness along the track to avoid resonant frequencies that could lead to excessive vibrations.
8. Wind-Induced Building Vibrations: Tall buildings can experience vibrations caused by wind forces. Engineers use tuned mass dampers that are synchronized with the
building's natural frequencies. These dampers oscillate in opposition to the building's vibrations, reducing the amplitude of motion and enhancing occupant comfort./
[Problem]We encountered a problem when reheating frozen food with a microwave oven during the same period. Sometimes the food becomes very hot, while at other times,
it remains cold in temperature.
[Instruction] Please apply Rhythm coordination rule one: in technical systems, the field effect should be coordinated/de-coordinated with natural frequency of the
artifact/instrument, (use of resonance) or (anti-resonance). To solve the problem.
Prompt : Rhythm coordination rule two
[Context] Rhythm coordination rule two: frequencies of fields used in technical systems should be coordinated/de-
coordinated. Some Examples following;
1. Active Noise Cancellation in Headphones: In modern noise-canceling headphones, built-in microphones pick up
external ambient noise, which is then analyzed and inverted electronically. The inverted sound wave is played
through the headphones' speakers, effectively canceling out the unwanted noise and creating a quieter listening
2. Anti-Vibration Systems for Machinery: In industrial settings, machinery vibrations can lead to operational
inefficiencies and equipment wear. Engineers employ sensors to detect vibrations and generate opposing
vibrations with the opposite phase. This technique, known as active vibration control, counteracts the original
vibrations and reduces their impact.
3. Anti-Collision Systems in Vehicles: Some advanced vehicles utilize ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and
potential collisions. To prevent false alarms and improve accuracy, the emitted ultrasonic waves can be modulated
and synchronized with the vehicle's movement, allowing for more precise detection and interpretation of
surrounding objects.
4. Cellular Signal Enhancement: Distributed antenna systems (DAS) are used to improve cellular signal coverage in
large buildings or areas with poor reception. By coordinating the frequencies and phases of the distributed
antennas, engineers ensure that the signals reinforce each other in target areas, improving overall signal quality.
[Problem]We encountered a problem when reheating frozen food with a microwave oven during the same period.
Sometimes the food becomes very hot, while at other times, it remains cold in temperature.
[Instruction] Please apply Rhythm coordination rule two: frequencies of fields used in technical systems should be
coordinated/de-coordinated. To solve the problem.
Prompt : Rhythm coordination rule three
[Context] Rhythm coordination rule three: if two effects are incompatible (e.g. transformation and measurement),
one effect should be exerted when the other effect pauses. More generally, a pause in one effect should be filled by
another effect. Some Examples following;
1. MRI Imaging and Patient Breathing: In medical imaging, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patient
movement due to breathing can lead to distorted images. Engineers synchronize the image acquisition process
with the patient's breathing cycle. Images are acquired during brief pauses in breathing to reduce motion
artifacts and improve image quality.
2. Printing during 3D Printing: In 3D printing, the printing process may cause vibrations that affect print quality.
Engineers coordinate the deposition of printing material during moments when the printer's mechanical
components are at a pause in motion. This reduces the chances of imperfections caused by vibrations.
3. Automated Assembly Line and Welding: In manufacturing, robotic arms may perform welding tasks on an
assembly line. To ensure precision, welding can be timed to occur during pauses in the assembly line
movement. This coordination minimizes the risk of errors and produces consistent welds.
4. Robotics and Camera Calibration: When calibrating cameras used in robotics or computer vision systems, it's
important to avoid capturing images while the robot is in motion. Engineers coordinate the image capture
process to occur during pauses in the robot's movement, ensuring accurate camera calibration.
[Problem]We encountered a problem when reheating frozen food with a microwave oven during the same period.
Sometimes the food becomes very hot, while at other times, it remains cold in temperature.
[Instruction] Please apply Rhythm coordination rule three: if two effects are incompatible (e.g. transformation and
measurement), one effect should be exerted when the other effect pauses. More generally, a pause in one effect
should be filled by another effect. To solve the problem.
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law of coordinating system rhythms

Space Time Condition Part & Whole
> Match

Match > Mis-

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5. Law of Irregularity of System's Parts Evolution

• Evolution of the systems goes irregularly: the more complicated the system, the more
irregularly the development of its parts goes.

Idea Generation (TESE)

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Law of Irregularity of System's Parts Evolution

• Requirement of MUF being increased appears,

• To increase MUF one has to strengthen (accentuate) some property of system element – this
is the beginning of specialization of the element, differentiation of properties in the system (as
in the beginning of engineering was process of allocation of working organ, transmission, etc.
from mono - structure),
• At the accentuation of one properties of the element the coordination with other elements is
broken, a contradiction appears,
• The contradiction is solved by the appearing of new Fields, Substances, Subsystems or Ideal
Substance, due to these a new level of coordination among system elements is achieved – a
short period of harmony in the “life” of the system (balance point).

Idea Generation (TESE)

6. Law of Transition to the Super-System
Mono > Bi > Poly

TESE : Mono-Bi-Poly
Think before prompt

What does the user need? : Apply the Mono – Bi- Poly

Prepare to Prompt : Information of Base System and Function. Example of BI-System.

Expect from AI : Examples of Mono-Bi-Poly Ideas

July 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 29
TESE : Mono-Bi-Poly
User Prompt
• There are some devices had improved the efficiency by using hybrid such as Camera +
Infrared. Please generate 5 more possible hybrid or bi-system of height measure technologies.
in tabulated format.
…Wait for answer
• From previous answer, please generate 5 more possible poly-system of height measure
technologies. in tabulated format.
…Wait for answer
• Adding 3 columns; 1. Main Function 2. heterogeneous functions and 3. Inverse Function.

July 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 30
AI result : Bi System
Hybrid or Bi-System Description
Combining laser-based distance measurement with ultrasonic sensors to accurately
Laser + Ultrasonic
measure height in various environments.
Integrating a camera with Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology to
Camera + LiDAR
capture images and simultaneously measure height based on depth perception.
Utilizing both infrared and radar technologies to measure height, where infrared
Infrared + Radar sensors provide accurate distance readings and radar helps in assessing the height
of objects or individuals.
Employing ultrasonic sensors in conjunction with pressure sensors to measure
Ultrasonic + Pressure Sensors height by detecting the distance between the sensor and the surface, along with
changes in pressure caused by the object's weight.
Combining capacitive sensors, which measure changes in electrical capacitance,
Capacitive + Optical with optical sensors to determine height based on the object's interaction with the
sensors' electric field and optical detection.
July 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 31
AI result : Poly System
Poly-System Description
Integrating a camera with ultrasonic and pressure sensors to capture images and simultaneously
Camera + Ultrasonic + Pressure
measure height based on both distance and object weight.

Combining laser-based distance measurement, radar technology, and infrared sensors to measure
Laser + Radar + Infrared
height accurately in various environments and under different conditions.

Utilizing a combination of LiDAR, ultrasonic sensors, and capacitive sensors to measure height by
LiDAR + Ultrasonic + Capacitive
analyzing depth perception, distance measurement, and object interaction with electric fields.

Incorporating infrared sensors, pressure sensors, and optical sensors to measure height based on
Infrared + Pressure + Optical
infrared detection, pressure changes, and the object's interaction with the optical field.

Integrating a camera, radar technology, and pressure sensors to capture visual data, analyze radar
Camera + Radar + Pressure
reflections, and measure height based on pressure changes caused by the object's weight.

July 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 32
AI result : Poly System (Main Function, heterogeneous functions and Inverse Function)
Poly-System Description Main Function Heterogeneous Functions Inverse Function
Camera + Ultrasonic + Integrating a camera with ultrasonic and pressure sensors to Height measurement based on Image capture, distance Determining object weight
Pressure capture images and simultaneously measure height based distance and object weight measurement, pressure sensing based on height and
on both distance and object weight. distance
Laser + Radar + Combining laser-based distance measurement, radar Accurate height measurement Distance measurement, radar Estimating distance and
Infrared technology, and infrared sensors to measure height using laser, radar, and infrared reflections, infrared detection radar reflections based on
accurately in various environments and under different technologies height
LiDAR + Ultrasonic + Utilizing a combination of LiDAR, ultrasonic sensors, and Height measurement through Depth perception, distance Estimating depth perception
Capacitive capacitive sensors to measure height by analyzing depth depth perception, distance measurement, object interaction, and electric field based on
perception, distance measurement, and object interaction measurement, and object electric field sensing height
with electric fields. interaction
Infrared + Pressure + Incorporating infrared sensors, pressure sensors, and optical Height measurement using Infrared detection, pressure Estimating infrared detection
Optical sensors to measure height based on infrared detection, infrared detection, pressure sensing, optical sensing and pressure changes
pressure changes, and the object's interaction with the changes, and object interaction based on height
optical field.
Camera + Radar + Integrating a camera, radar technology, and pressure Height measurement based on Image capture, radar analysis, Estimating object weight
Pressure sensors to capture visual data, analyze radar reflections, visual data, radar reflections, pressure sensing based on height and radar
and measure height based on pressure changes caused by and pressure changes reflections
the object's weight.
July 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 33
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7. Law of Transition From Macro- to the Micro-Level

There are 3 directions of transition from macro- to micro level:
 Increase of fragmentation degree of the substance and joining of the fragmentized parts into
the new system,
 Increase of fragmentation degree of the “mixture” of substance with emptiness (transition to
CPM – capillary – porous materials),
 Change of the substantial part of the system to the field one (transition to the action “field
plus substance” or only to field).

Idea Generation (TESE)

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1. Increase of fragmentation degree of the substance and joining of the grinded parts
into the new system.

Continuoussolid Lamellar, fibrous, Small Aggregates of Molecules, Elementary

matrix particles molecules atoms, ions particles

Steps 1 – 2. Even in the ancient times someone built the first adobe
house, having mixed straw with clay…. Modern lamellar materials –
such as veneer, bimetals, fibrous glass plastics, coal plastics, metals
reinforced with different fibres, fibroconcrete, matrix are reinforced
concrete (steel armature is matrix, concrete – a filling compound).

Idea Generation (TESE)

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2. Increase of fragmentation degree of the “mixture” of substance with

emptiness (transition to CPM).
CPM of a CPM, another
Perforated definite substance in the Zeolite,
Solid Solid with substance CPM structure pores gels
one cavity

Steps 1 – 4, 7. Evolution of the substance of automobile tyres:

- tyre of a solid substance
- tyre with an air cavity (camera)
- polycamera tyre (the cavity is separated by barriers)
- macro pored tyres
- tyres of CPM
- tyres with the cavity filled with pored polymeric particles and gel like
substance (RF Patent 908 243)

Idea Generation (TESE)

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3. Change of substantial part of the system to the field one.

• International application РСТ 82/01071: method of measuring the cleanness of water suggests
that it should be transferred through the isolated pipe in the cell between electrodes to
measure triboelectric electromotive force (emf) generated by the current.

Idea Generation (TESE)

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8. Law of Increasing the Degree of Substance-Field Interactions

• STANDARD 2-1-1.
• Efficiency of SFM can be improved by transforming one of the parts of the SFM into an
independently controllable SFM, thus forming a chain SFM.

Idea Generation (TESE)

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Law of Increasing the Degree of Substance-Field Interactions

A. Development of a substance within the SFM:
B. Development of bonds in a SFM:
C. Relocation of the center of gravity: Very often a mobile system can be made more effective by displacing its center of gravity.
D. Expanding of the field into SFM:

Idea Generation (TESE)

9. Law of Dynamic Growth

Rigid systems, for the increase of their effectiveness must become dynamic, i.e. to
Tanasak P. transfer to more flexible, quickly changed structure and to operating mode,
adjusting under the changes of external environment.
9.1 Dynamization of substance of the system
• Dynamization begins usually from the substance partition on two joint-connected
parts; Then dynamization follows along the line: one joint - a lot of joints - flexible
substance - fluid - gas; sometimes dynamization ends by the replacement of
field tie instead substance:

A Lot of Flexible
One Joint Liquid Gas Field
Joint Substance

July 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 42
9.2) Dynamization of field
Constant Impulse Alternating field
Train, group,
field field series

Alternating field
Alternating field
with use of physical Nonlinear field: use of
with change of phase,
effects: diffraction, field gradient,
frequency, wavelength,
mode shape, Doppler’s interference, reflection, anisotropy of
effect composition of mediums in which
fluctuations oscillations spread out

transition from constant action to pulse one, then to alternating and

nonlinear fields. 43
TESE : Increasing Dynamization
Think before prompt

What does the user need? : Apply Dynamization

Prepare to Prompt : Bachground of Dynamization concept,

Expect from AI : Example of Dynamization of Substance and Field Ideas.

July 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 44
User Prompt : Increasing Dynamization
[Context] In TRIZ, the Theory of Technical Systems Evolution have the "Laws of dynamics growth of technical system
or Increasing Dynamization " including of
1) Dynamization of substance of the system; Dynamization begins usually from the substance partition on two joint-
connected parts, then dynamization follows along the line; “One joint, A lot of joints, Flexible substance, Fluid, Gas,
2) Dynamization of field - in simplest case is carried out by transition from; “Constant field , Gradient field, Variable
field, Pulsed field, Resonance field, Interference field”.
[Example] -In Finland a machine for clearing forest roads from bush and low forest, in which frequently destroyed about
stones knives are replaced by chains (chain rotates with the speed of the hundreds rounds per minute and as razor
cuts young growth bypassing stones) is created. and another example; -Producing the concept of automobile 'Fiat " of
the model 2000 year, designers came to idea that the machine should consist of two components - chassis and
demountable body which can change its type "as model changes dresses"; The automobile owner can vary foremost
fenders of machine, doors, capote, glasses, control board. All these parts will be sold apart. /
[Instruction] Please apply the "Theory of Technical Systems Evolution : Increasing Dynamization " to the Home
appliance "Microwave oven".
[Example from Dr. Yuri Salamatov’s Book]
July 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 45
AI result : Increasing Dynamization
1. Dynamization of substance: In the context of a microwave oven, the 2. Dynamization of field: In the context of a microwave oven, the field
substance refers to the physical components and materials used in its refers to the microwave radiation used for cooking. To increase
construction. To increase dynamization in this aspect, we can consider dynamization in this aspect, the following concepts can be considered:
the following ideas:
• a) Pulsed Microwave Emission: Instead of using continuous microwave
• a) Modular Design: The microwave oven could be designed with emission, the microwave oven could utilize pulsed microwave radiation.
modular components, allowing users to easily replace or upgrade Pulsed fields could be optimized to enhance heating efficiency and
specific parts. For example, the microwave's magnetron (the component evenness, reducing the risk of overcooking or undercooking certain
responsible for generating microwaves) could be made easily parts of the food.
detachable and replaceable, so users can upgrade to a more efficient or
• b) Adaptive Cooking Profiles: Implementing adaptive cooking profiles
powerful magnetron when desired.
could make the microwave oven more dynamic. The oven could
• b) Flexible Cavity Space: The internal cavity of the microwave oven incorporate sensors to detect the type of food being cooked, its initial
could be made flexible or adjustable. This would allow users to expand temperature, and adjust the cooking parameters (time, power, etc.)
or contract the cooking space as needed for different types of dishes. accordingly for the best results.
An adjustable cavity could improve the efficiency and versatility of the
• c) Resonance Heating: By exploring resonance effects, the microwave
oven could be designed to match the resonant frequencies of specific
• c) Microwave Power Variability: Most microwave ovens currently have a food items, enabling faster and more efficient heating.
fixed power output. Increasing dynamization in this aspect could involve
incorporating variable power settings that allow users to adjust the
microwave's power output for different cooking tasks, providing greater
control over the cooking process.
July 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 46

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