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Tanasak P.
TRIZ: Idea Generation Tools

Resources Modification
2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and Santad 3
The Inventive Logic
• Resource parameters are
approximated or modified until
they are close to the parameters
of the problem we want to solve
or develop.

• And the 40 Principles can be

utilized to modify resources
(Self, System, Search) in order
to achieve goals.
1. Modification from Resources (AI) Analysis.
2. Modification from Resources Analysis.
3. Modification from [Technology / Solution / FOS] (AI) Search.
4. Modification from Resources Search (Search Manually).
1. Modification from
Resources (AI)
40 Principles
Think before prompt
What does the user need? : Apply 40 Principles
Prepare to Prompt : Prompt to retrieve the TRIZ Knowledge, 40 principles.
Then Provide the Key Problem and the Resources,
Then instructed to ask to recommend the 40 principles by AI.
Expect from AI : To recommendation of 40 principles.
Modifier /
User Prompt Principles
Do you know 40 principles of TRIZ? /
If I ask you to select 4 principles which able to modify "coffee" and get the result
like or closely "function of spoon", which principles above you might be select? in
tabulated format,Keyincluding of 1.principle 2. modified result
June 2023
Problem / TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 2.0) by Tanasak and 7
Goal Santad
AI result : 40 Principles

Principle Modified Result

Principle 6 The coffee can be shaped into spoon-like forms
Principle 15 The coffee can be stirred or swirled to mix
Principle 25 The coffee can have self-mixing capabilities
Principle 33 The coffee can have a consistent viscosity for scooping

June 2023 TRIZ and Generative AI (Version 1.0) by Tanasak and 8

แนวคิดในการ Prompt
เพื่อ Modification from Resources (AI) Analysis.
1. ใช้ Prompt แรก ทำการวิเคราะห์ Resources จากระบบ โดยใช้บริบท Context จากคำของKey
Problem (ถ้าอธิบายปัญหาได้ละเอียด ก่อนเข้าสู่ Key Problem จะทำให้มี Resources มากขึ้น) ใน
ตัวอย่างถัดไป มีการเพิ่ม Super System Resources*
2. รอผลจาก Prompt แรก
3. ใช้ Prompt ที่เหลือ (2-4) โดยไม่ต้องแก้ไขอะไรเพิ่มเติม
Prompt Resources Analysis Base (Step1)
This is the sample of [Resources Analysis] = "Here's an example of resource analysis for the brewing of 3-in-1 coffee, Resources had “categorized” into substance resources, field resources, time
resources, space resources, information resources, and functional resources. The analysis includes parameter levels where applicable:
Substance Resources: Substance Parameters 3-in-1 coffee Coffee varieties, amount of coffee in a sachet, cream, sugar, humidity, solubility of the content. Coffee sachet Material type, size, shape,
thickness, moisture-proof properties Hot water Quantity, temperature, water hardness Coffee mug Thermal conductivity, sphere, size, volume, thickness, height, color, diameter, material (e.g.,
ceramic).Coffee plate Material, thickness, flatness, diameter.
Field Resources: Field Parameters Electricity Energy source for boiling water Heat energy Energy transferred to water for brewing Gravity Force experienced while pouring water into a cup Mechanical
force Force used for stirring the coffee Light Illumination for coffee preparation.
Time Resources: Time Parameters Boiling time Time required for water to reach boiling point Brewing time Time needed for coffee to dissolve and infuse in water Dissolving time Time taken for
complete dissolution of coffee in water Drinking time Time spent consuming the prepared coffee.
Space Resources: Space Parameters Space around the mug Area available for placing the coffee mug and other items Remaining volume of the mug Volume remaining in the mug after adding water
Interior of the coffee sachet Space occupied by the coffee mixture inside the sachet Underside of the coffee plate Space available on the bottom surface of the plate.
Information Resources: Information Parameters Expiry date The date indicating the coffee's shelf-life Coffee-making instructions Guidelines for preparing the 3-in-1 coffee Water quantity needed
Recommended amount of water for optimal brewing Coffee dissolution Information on how coffee dissolves in water.
Functional Resources: Functionality or Technology Parameters Packing technology Methods and techniques used for packaging the coffee sachet Printing technology Techniques employed for printing
information on packaging Weighing technology Equipment or methods used for weighing coffee ingredients Food technology Knowledge and techniques for processing and packaging food Stirring
function Mechanism or method to stir the coffee for proper dissolution Water heating function Mechanism or technology used for heating water Coffee functionality The purpose and features of the coffee
in terms of taste and aroma Coffee mug function The functionality and design aspects of the coffee mug Coffee plate function.
[Instruction] The problem is to eat food so that the body can get protein. But eating meat for the elderly is difficult to digest and difficult to chew.
1. Could you please make the [Resources Analysis] of " The problem is to eat food so that the body can get protein. But eating meat for the elderly is difficult to digest and difficult to chew.", in tabulated
format, including of Resources categories, Component, Parameters (if applicable). And “Super System Resources”
ผลจาก Prompt แรก
Prompt Resources Analysis Base (Step2)
2. What is the Main Useful function or relevant function(s) we should consider for solve the problem?
3. Specify a [Modification Goal]
4. Do you know TRIZ 40 principles? /
I ask you to modify the Resources from the above result [Resources Analysis], by using the appropriate 40 principles. For example, if
we have chopsticks, if we use TRIZ Principle 31, we may modify the chopsticks to have holes. It is possible to become a new thing with
function of tube.
Here, The modification goal is to get a result like or close to "[Modification Goal]", Please show the results in tabulated format, including
1. Resource Categories
2. Resources/Component or Parameters
3. TRIZ Principle,
4. Modified Result.
Final Result
1. I want to eat to give me energy to run a marathon. and can be easily digested The body absorbs nutrients to
be used quickly.

2. The problem is to cut (remove) the chicken fresh meat from the chicken frame. But having employees use
knives to cut chicken fresh meat takes a long time. While using the grinding screw grinder The downside is
that the bones may get crushed and mixed with the chicken. So, we want to cut or remove the fresh meat
faster than humans do. But there must be no bone fragments coming out, no-denature of fresh meat and no

3. Copper Diffusion KP: How to prevent corrosion without increasing material costs?
Copper Diffusion
Problem Statement -adjusted-
• [Problem Statement ] = “PCB consists of layers 1. Polyamide 2. Copper 3. Nickel 4. Gold
Layers of nickel and gold are plated in solution. Later, the customer asked to reduce the
process to reduce costs by canceling the nickel-plating process. One month after the delivery
of that product to customer, the customer took the PCB storage before it was put into
production for a month. The customer found that only the nickel-plating product was reduced.
found a problem on the product It looks like rust on the gold's surface. Engineer try to
investigate by using Spectrometer to inspect to the rust particle, and they found it is element
of copper. So, The engineer then told the customer that blame not rust, It actually is a
component of copper growth through the gold surface, where copper is used to be between
polyamide and gold.” / Which "physical or chemical principles/ theory" we should be used to
focus to the defective found.`
2. Modification from
Resources Analysis.
แนวคิดในการ Prompt
เพื่อ Modification from Resources Analysis.
1. นำ ปัญหาหรือ Key Problem และ ผลการวิเคราะห์ Resources ด้วยตนเอง ใส่ Prompt บรรทัดที่ 1
2. ใช้ Prompt ที่เหลือ (1-4) โดยไม่ต้องแก้ไขอะไรเพิ่มเติม
Prompt Resources Analysis Base
1. The problem; “I want to eat to give me energy to run a marathon. and can be easily digested The body absorbs nutrients to be used quickly”;
This is [Resources Analysis] of the problem; Substance Resources (Rice, Bean, Corn, Durian, Mango, Coffee), Field Resources (Sunlight, Cooking
Source, Electricity), Time Resources (Time before running, Time between dun, Sleeping time), Space Resources (Backpack volume, waist bag,
First Aids Station)
2. What is the Main Useful function or relevant function(s) we should consider for solve the problem?
3. Specify a [Modification Goal]
4. Do you know TRIZ 40 principles? /
I ask you to modify the Resources from the above result [Resources Analysis], by using the appropriate 40 principles. For example, if we have
chopsticks, if we use TRIZ Principle 31, we may modify the chopsticks to have holes. It is possible to become a new thing with function of tube.
Here, The modification goal is to get a result like or close to "[Modification Goal]", Please show the results in tabulated format, including of
1. Resource Categories
2. Resources/Component or Parameters
3. TRIZ Principle,
4. Modified Result.
Final Result
3. Modification from
[Technology / Solution /
FOS] (AI) Search.
แนวคิดในการ Prompt
เพื่อ Modification from [Technology / Solution / FOS] (AI) Search.
1. นำ ปัญหาหรือ Key Problem ใส่ Prompt บรรทัดที่ 1
Prompt Resources Searching (Technology)
[Instruction] The problem is to eat food so that the body can get protein. But eating meat for the elderly is difficult to digest and difficult to chew.
1. What is the Main Useful function or relevant function(s) we should consider for solve the problem?.
2. [Resources Searching] Please find the relevant information of the;
2.1 Technologies or Solution related to Main Function or Similar Function from “Same industry”. In tabulated format.
3. Specify [Modification Goal].
4. Do you know TRIZ 40 principles? /
I ask you to modify the Resources from the above result [Resources Searching], by using the appropriate 40 principles. For example, if we have
chopsticks, if we use TRIZ Principle 31, we may modify the chopsticks to have holes. It is possible to become a new thing with function of tube.
Here, The modification goal is to get a result like or close to "[Modification Goal]", Please show the results in tabulated format, including of
1. Technologies or Solutions
2 TRIZ Principle,
3. Modified Result.
Final Result
Prompt Resources Searching (FOS)
[Instruction] The problem is to eat food so that the body can get protein. But eating meat for the elderly is difficult to digest and difficult to chew.
1. What is the Main Useful function or relevant function(s) we should consider for solve the problem?.
2. [Resources Searching] Please find the relevant information of the;
2.2. Technologies or Solutions related to Main Function or Similar Function from “Different industries”. In tabulated format.
3. Specify [Modification Goal].
4. Do you know TRIZ 40 principles? /
I ask you to modify the Resources from the above result [Resources Searching], by using the appropriate 40 principles. For example, if we have
chopsticks, if we use TRIZ Principle 31, we may modify the chopsticks to have holes. It is possible to become a new thing with function of tube.
Here, The modification goal is to get a result like or close to "[Modification Goal]", Please show the results in tabulated format, including of
1. Industries (Resources Search)
2. Specific Resources
3. TRIZ Principle,
4. Modified Result.
Final Result
Final Result
4. Modification from
Resources Search (Search
แนวคิดในการ Prompt
เพื่อ Modification from Resources Search (Search Manually).
1. นำ ปัญหาหรือ Key Problem และ ใส่ Prompt ข้อที่ 1
2. นำผลการค้นคว้า Resources ด้วยตนเอง ใส่ Prompt ข้อที่ 2
3. ใช้ Prompt (1-5) โดยไม่ต้องแก้ไขอะไรเพิ่มเติม
Prompt Resources Searching (Manually)
[Instruction] The problem is to eat food so that the body can get protein. But eating meat for the elderly is difficult to digest and difficult to chew.
1. What is the Main Useful function or relevant function(s) we should consider for solve the problem?.
2. [Resources Searching] The below information are the resources searching (by keywords Elderly nutrition alternatives);
2.1 {A balanced nutrition is the best prerequisite for health and prevention of disease in age and against "nutritional frailty". Many elderly people, however, are unable to comply with an adequate nutrition, in particular isolated people and people in elderly homes with or without dementia. Under those
conditions "functional foods" may be an important alternative, but evidence-based studies, that would show a benefit, are scarce so far. In the future probiotics may show benefits in cancer prevention; since most malignant tumors are associated with age, the elderly may then profit for the most.}

2.2 {Older adults can be defined as individuals who are 65 years of age and older. In 2019, 54.1 million Americans or 16% of the population were represented by the older adult population. Since the 1900s, the older adult population has increased from 3.1 million (4.1%) to 54.1 million (16%) in 2019. It is
projected in 2040 there will be 80.8 million Americans who are older adults. The aging process is inevitable. Many factors influence how we age, including but not limited to genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices. Some of these factors we can control, while others we cannot. To improve how we age,
it is important to focus on the factors we can control. Lifestyle choices are a prominent factor we can control. They include physical activity, eating patterns, and tobacco and alcohol use. Out of the eight most common causes of death for adults ages 65 years and older, many of the causes are considered
chronic diseases and can be prevented and/or managed through lifestyle choices. Despite this, about 80% of older adults have one chronic disease and 50% of older adults have two or more chronic diseases. Participating in regular physical activity and focusing on a healthy eating pattern and regular
physical activity can reduce risk for chronic disease or help manage chronic disease, improve energy, help with weight control, and much more. In this article we will discuss the role of food and nutrition in aging and tips on how to make wise nutrition choices to maximize health.}

3. Please make “Conclusion” of [Resources Searching]

4. Please describe the [Modification Goal].
5. I ask you to modify the Resources from the “Conclusion” of [Resources Searching], by using the appropriate TRIZ 40 principles. For example, if we have
chopsticks, if we use TRIZ Principle 31, we may modify the chopsticks to have holes. It is possible to become a new thing with function of tube.
Here, The modification goal is to get a result like or close to "[Modification Goal]", Please show the results in tabulated format, including of
1. Specific Resources
2. TRIZ Principle,
3. Modified Result.

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