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For anybody entering into a hospital or a healthcare

facility, security concerns should be the least of their

worries. It is inherent upon any employer to offer the
safest possible environment to their employees and to
anyone entering their place of work. Healthcare
professionals deserve the greatest level of protection as
they serve their communities and those under their
care. Hospital patients are in a vulnerable position during
their stay and must also be afforded the correct levels of
security from their caregivers and healthcare facilities
Thefts - External or Internal
Patients & Employees property losses
Destruction or damage of property including vehicle accidents, attributable to
negligence, lack of training or out of sheer malice or extrnal and natural
Information losses, pertailli~~g toconlida~tiill or privileged information,
medical records of patients, research material ;uld colnputer security
After a risk assessment is complete, hospital security standards
are implemented in order to improve the overall safety of the
facility and everyone in it. Hospital security often includes
the following:
a. Security guards
b. CCTV/Alarm Monitoring
c. Background checks
d. Logistics security
e. Access Control
The Healthcare Security Challenge
Hospitals and healthcare facilities are unique
environments with their own set of security
challenges. They are open 24/7, providing care
to a diverse group of patients and visitors. Here
are some of the challenges that security
personnel in healthcare facilities face:
1. Patient Safety
The primary goal of any healthcare facility is to provide a safe
and healing environment for patients. Security guards play a
crucial role in ensuring that patients are protected from harm,
including potential violence from other patients or external threats.
2. Visitor Management
Healthcare facilities often have a constant influx of visitors. Security
guards are responsible for verifying the identity of visitors, ensuring
they have legitimate reasons for being on the premises, and guiding
them to their destinations within the facility.
3. Preventing Theft and Vandalism
Medical equipment and pharmaceuticals are valuable and can be
targets for theft. Security personnel are trained to prevent theft
and vandalism within the facility, helping to protect valuable
4. Emergency Response
In times of crisis, such as fires, natural disasters, or security
breaches, security guards are often the first responders. They
play a critical role in evacuating patients and staff safely and
coordinating with emergency services.
Roles and Responsibilities of Security Guards in
Healthcare Facilities
1. Access Control
Security guards control access to the facility, ensuring that
only authorized personnel and visitors enter. They use
various security measures, including ID checks and visitor
logs, to maintain tight control over who enters the
2. Patrols and Surveillance
Regular patrols and surveillance are essential to monitor all
areas of the facility. Security guards use CCTV systems and
physical patrols to identify and respond to any suspicious
3. Conflict Resolution
In healthcare settings, conflicts can arise among patients, visitors,
or even staff. Security guards are trained to de escalate tense
situations, mediate disputes, and prevent violence from escalating.
4. Emergency Response
Security personnel are trained in emergency response protocols.
They are responsible for initiating emergency plans, evacuating
patients, and coordinating with law enforcement or other
emergency services when necessary.
5. Assisting with Patient Care
Security guards often assist healthcare staff by escorting patients,
providing directions, and helping with the transportation of patients
within the facility, especially when patients require additional
The above threats may emanate from any of the
following sources:
a.Disgruntled patients patients
relatives/employees/former employees or their
b. Members of the public with real or imagined
c. Terrorist and sympathesizer

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