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Guided By : Work Done By:

T.Vincent Gnanaraj & R.Barath Keerthana.P
(Course Faculty) (191911236)
High Performance Networks Computer Science & Engineering
Saveetha School of Engineering Saveetha School of Engineering
Big Data Analytics in Mobile Networks

Mobile cellular networks have evolved into both data producers and data carriers. Big data
analytics can enhance the operation of mobile cellular networks while increasing operator
income. we provide an architectural framework for implementing big data analytics in mobile
cellular networks. Furthermore, we discuss numerous illustrative cases in mobile cellular
networks, such as huge signalling data, big traffic data, big location data, big radio waveforms
data, and big heterogeneous data. Finally, we outline many open research problems in big data
analytics in mobile cellular networks.

Keywords : Mobile, Networks, Big Data, Analytics, Networking


● Big Data Analytics largely involves collecting data from different sources.

● Big data analytics can improve the performance of mobile cellular networks and maximize
the revenue of operators.
● This is the process of converting large amounts of unstructured raw data, retrieved from
different sources to a data product useful for organizations forms the core of Big Data
● Big Data is a massive amount of data sets that cannot be stored, processed, or analyzed
using traditional tools.
● The aim behind data analytics is to enhance productivity and business gain. It helps
companies to better understand their customers, planning strategies accordingly and
develop products.

● Healthcare
● For travelling
● Gaming
● Energy Management and a Risk detection management

● Improved Performance
● Better decision making
● Maintaining quality and consistency
● Real-time forecasting and monitoring

Overall, the novelty for big data analytics in mobile networks lies in its ability to improve network
performance, maximize revenue, improve healthcare, and enhance security.


Ming, M., G. Jing, and C. Jun- C. Liang, F. R. Yu, and X. Zhang, ``In Information-centric network
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networks,' 'IEEE Netw., vol. 29, no. 3 mobile wireless networks,
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Alexandros Labrinidis,H. V. C. Liang and F. R. Yu, ``Wireless net Challenges and Opportunities with
work virtualization: A survey, some r Big Data.
Jagadish,2015 esearch issues and challenges,'' IEEE
Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 17, no.
1, pp. 358380, Mar. 2015
Zhang.R,S.Cui,2015 S. Bi, R. Zhang, Z. Ding, and S. Cui, This is based on the security and
``Wireless communications in the era efficiency analysis. Users share
of big data,''IEEE Commun. Mag., vo
l. 53, no. 10, pp. 190199, Oct. 2015. their attributes among a group of
valid users

R.C,Qui and Antonik.P 2016 R. C. Qiu and P. Antonik,Smart Gri Big data analytics and its
d and Big Data. New York, NY, US characteristics, comments on its
A: Wiley, May 2016.
advantages and challenges in
health care.

Bakshi.K,2012 Bakshi, K.: Considerations for Big This layer provides distributed
Data: Architecture and Approaches. storage for big data across the
In: Proceedings of
cluster of nodes. For reliable data
the IEEE Aerospace Conference, pp.
1–7 (2012) storage it also provides replication
of each block.

Russom.P,2011 Russom, P.: Big Data Analytics. In: The various challenges faced in
TDWI Best Practices Report, pp. 1– large data management include –
40 (2011)
scalability, unstructured data,
accessibility, real time analytics,
fault tolerance and many more.

● Discovery: Difficulty in finding patterns and insights. 1

● Data Quality: Due to veracity. 5
● Storage: Problem managing data. 6
● Security: Keeping data secure is a challenge. 3
● Analytics: Awareness of the of data for Analytics.
● Lack of Talent: Technical and domain knowledge.
Based on the Information, here are the top 6 current trends for big data in mobile

1. Streaming Analytics: It is a growing trend in big data analytics for mobile networks.
Streaming analytics enables organizations to gain immediate insights and make real-time
decisions based on the data 3
2. Edge Computing: By processing and analyzing data closer to the source, at the edge of
the network, organizations can reduce latency and improve the efficiency of data
processing in real-time 3
3. AI-driven Analytics: Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, such as machine learning
and deep learning, are being applied to big data in mobile networks. AI-driven analytics
helps uncover patterns, trends, and anomalies in large datasets, enabling better decision-
making and optimization of mobile network operations 6
4. 5G Network Challenges: The deployment of 5G networks presents new challenges for
big data analytics. The massive amount of data generated by 5G networks, along with the
heterogeneity and complexity of the network, requires advanced data processing and
analysis techniques to handle the data effectively 2
5. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is a trend that involves the delivery of computing
services over the internet. It enables organizations to store, manage, and analyze big data
in a cost-effective and scalable manner 5
6. Data Privacy and Security: Data privacy and security are critical concerns in big data
analytics for mobile networks. Organizations must ensure that the data they collect and
analyze is secure and compliant with data protection regulations 6

Organizations in the mobile network industry are leveraging these trends to improve
network performance, enhance user experience, and drive innovation.
● Hadoop is the process of creating and processing data that is conveniently accessible. Big data
is not fully developed in this country, and it is not possible to calculate performance and
massive amounts of data.

● It is preferable to make excellent use of this valuable resource, the big data is to improve the
performance of mobile cellular networks and maximize the operator revenue.

● The numerous substantial research problems must be addressed before big data analytics in
mobile cellular networks can be widely deployed. At the system, the Map and Reduce
procedure based on many attributes is not fully developed.
All applications do not support big data. It is incapable of handling Multiple Datasets. As big data
analytics becomes increasingly common, issues such as privacy and security become more

● The proposed system for big data mobile networks involves the development and
implementation of a big data framework for performance management in mobile networks.
● It is a type of distributed computing in which storage and operation platforms are shared across
the internet via on Demand and payment is depending on usage.

● Here, processing data transactions and specific approaches are used to calculate the final
Hadoop data performance.
● A Map Reduce task is a batch job that divides the input data set into independent pieces
(blocks) and saves them in HDFS.
● Native Hadoop compilers use processes. Map Reduce jobs divide the work into multiple tasks,
which are then distributed among different nodes in the cluster.
● We will demonstrate our improved Hadoop MapReduce process and compare the two
architectures in terms of MapReduce performance development.
● Load Dataset
● Data Clustering
● Node Selection
● Hadoop Performance

Load Dataset : Here, a dataset with multiple attributes is created and processed in
accordance with real-world data transmissions.
Data Clustering: As a result, clustering may be used to solve a multi-objective optimization
issue. The unique data collection and intended application of the findings define the optimal
clustering technique and parameter setup.

Node Selection: The technique is repeated for each file fragment. The centrality metric is the
same for each node. The same node is chosen to store the file fragment. As a result, the
performance was the same, and all three lines intersected at the same position sign.
Hadoop Performance: Hadoop is a platform that allows programs to operate on enormous
clusters with thousands of hardware-based nodes to process the petabytes of data. For best
performance, optimize the setup of the Hadoop cluster. When installing Hadoop, the cluster
is built up using default configuration settings that match the minimal hardware
configuration. With the creation of data sets based on performance analysis, Hadoop uses
specialized data as big data.

● Data analytics helps an organization make better decisions

● Increase the efficiency of the work
● Personalization of products and services
● Improving quality of products and services
● Improved Risk Management
● Detection of Fraud
● Enhanced speed and agility
● Big data analysis violates principles of privacy

● The quality of data collected in mobile networks can be poor due to factors such as
network congestion and signal interference

● As the volume of data collected in mobile networks increases, data governance

tasks, transmission, and storage become more difficult to manage

● Big data analytics is not useful in the short run

● The cost of acquiring and maintaining storage space for the data, networking
bandwidth for transferring it from analytics systems, for doing the analytics are

Big Data in Transportation Industry:

Since the rise of big data, it has been used in various ways to make transportation more
efficient and easy. Following are some of the areas where big data contributes to transportation.

● Route planning: Big data can be used to understand and estimate users’ needs on
different routes and multiple modes of transportation and then utilize route planning to
reduce their wait time.
● Congestion management and traffic control: Using big data, real-time estimation of
congestion and traffic patterns is now possible. For example, people are using Google
Maps to locate the least traffic-prone routes.
● The level of traffic: Using the real-time processing of big data and predictive analysis to
identify accident-prone areas can help reduce accidents and increase the safety level of
Let’s take Uber as an example here.

Uber generates and uses a huge amount of data regarding drivers, their vehicles, locations, every
trip from every vehicle, etc. All this data is analyzed and then used to predict supply, demand,
location of drivers, and fares that will be set for every trip.

And guess what? We too make use of this application when we choose a route to save fuel and time,
based on our knowledge of having taken that particular route sometime in the past. In this case, we
analyzed and made use of the data that we had previously acquired on account of our experience,
and then we used it to make a smart decision. It’s pretty cool that big data has played parts not only
in big fields but also in our smallest day-to-day life decisions too.

Finally, we discussed about some big data analytics opportunities for next-generation
cellular networks as well as research hurdles. Future efforts to solve these difficulties
are already underway. In order to improve performance and security, many
methodologies and domains have been merged here.

Improve network performance: Big data analytics can help improve the
performance of mobile cellular Networks. By analyzing large amounts of data
generated by mobile networks, operators can identify areas where network
performance can be improved and take corrective actions.

● Big data analytics will be a crucial component of how mobile cellular

operator, operates their networks, deploy their businesses, and even
develop the architectures for their upcoming networks.

● In this paper, the connection between big data analytics and mobile
cellular networks has been systematically explored.
❖ C. Liang, F. R. Yu, and X. Zhang, ``Information-centric network function virtualization over 5G mobile wireless n
etworks,' 'IEEE Netw., vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 6874, May/Jun. 2015.

❖ C. Liang and F. R. Yu, ``Wireless network virtualization: A survey, some research issues and challenges,'' IEEE Co
mmun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 358380, Mar. 2015.

❖ S. Bi, R. Zhang, Z. Ding, and S. Cui, ``Wireless communications in the era of big data,''IEEE Commun. Mag., vol.
53, no. 10, pp. 190199, Oct. 2015.

❖ Liu, N. Chang, S. Zhang, and Z. Lei,``Recognizing and characterizing dynamics of cellular devices in cellular data
network through massive data analysis,''Int. J. Commun. Syst., vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 18841897, Aug. 2015.

❖ C. Zhang and R. C. Qiu, ``Massive MIMO as a big data system: Random matrix models and testbed,''IEEE Access
, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 837851, 2015.

❖ R. C. Qiu, ``Large random matrices and big data analytics,'' in Big Data of Complex Networks. Boca Raton, FL, U
SA: CRC Press, 2016.

❖ R. C. Qiu and P. Antonik,Smart Grid and Big Data. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, May 2016.

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