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What is Management

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this topic, you should be able to:

1. Describe the meaning of management;

2. Identify the functions of management;
3. Appraise the roles of managers;
4. Review the main skills of managers; and
5. Discuss the different perspectives in management.

BBPP1103 Principles of Management 1

Definition of Management

Effectiveness – refers to how useful something is. (doing the right things)
-is the attainment of goals which enables the realization of the objective.

Efficiency – refers to how well something is done.(doing things right)

-is performing a job using minimum effort, cost and wastage

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Who are Managers

 A Manager is someone who gets things done through other people.

 In other words, a manager is an organizational member who

coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that
organizational goals can be accomplished.

 A manager’s job is not about personal achievement – it is more

about helping others do their work efficiently.

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Functions of Management

Determining what task are

Defining objectives to to be done; who will
be achieved for a given implement and coordinate
period and what needs them; how the tasks are to
to be done to achieve be grouped; who reports to
the objectives. whom; and where
decisions are to be made.

Controlling is an important
function in the Motivating staff ,selecting the
management process as it most effective communication
provides ways to ensure channels; resolving conflicts;
that the organization and directing as well as
moves towards achieving guiding the actions of others
objectives. with the intention of achieving
all objectives

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Roles of a Manager
For better understanding, Mintzberg categorized all activities into ten
managerial roles performed over the course of a day. These are as follows:

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Roles of a Manager

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Organizational Levels

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Management Level and Skills
Robert Katz has define three types of managerial skills as follows:
i-Conceptual Skills
ii-Human Skills
iii-Technical Skills

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Scientific Management Theory, Administrative Management Theory and Bureaucratic
Management Theory

Human Perspective

Quantitative Management Perspective

Contemporary Perspective

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Classical Perspective
Frederick Taylor 1856-1915,
The scientific management theory, also
called the classical management theory,
emphasizes to improve efficiency. According Scientific Management - - Frederick Taylor,1856 - 1915
to Taylor, rather than scolding employees for
every minor mistake, employers should
reward workers for increased productivity.
Scientific Management Theory, Administrative Management Theory and
Bureaucratic Management Theory

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Classical Perspective

Scientific Management - - Henry Gantt,Frank & Lilian Gilberth

Scientific Management Theory, Administrative Management Theory and

Bureaucratic Management Theory

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Classical Perspective
Max Webber 1864-1920
Developed by German Sociologist and
political economist. According to him, Bureaucratic Management - - Max Weber,1864-1920
bureaucracy is the most efficient form
of organization. The organization has a
well defined line of authority. It has
clear rules and regulations which are
strictly followed.

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Classical Perspective
Henri Fayol’s management theory is a Administration Management - - Henry Fayol,1841-1925
simple model of how management
interacts with personnel. The
management theory of Henri
Fayol includes 14 principles of
management. From these
principles, Fayol concluded that
management should interact with
personnel in five basic ways in order to
control & plan production.

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Classical Perspective
Administration Management - - Henry Fayol,1841-1925

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Human Perspective
Abraham Maslow 1908-1970,
iconic pyramid of needs is one of the
most famous images in the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs - - Abraham Maslow
history of management studies. At the
base of the pyramid are physiological needs,
and at the top is self-actualization, the full
realization of one's unique potential. Along the
way are the needs for safety, belonging, love,
and esteem.

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Human Perspective
Douglas McGregor 1906-1964,
was a famous management professor in
the field of personal development and
motivational theory. He is best known Theory X & Y - - Douglas McGregor
for his development of the Theory X and
Theory Y, a leadership theory on two
different leadership styles. Human Perspective - - The Behavioral School

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Human Perspective
Elton Mayo 1880-1949,
 Psychologist, sociologist & organization
 Conducted research into worker The Hawthorne Experiments - - Elton Mayo
productivity at the Hawthorne Plant,
Western Electric Company, USA in the
1930’s. Human Perspective - -The Behavioral School

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Quantitative Perspective

Quantitative Management Approach

Quantitative Management Perspective

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Contemporary Perspective

Contemporary Approach

Contemporary Perspective

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Contemporary Perspective

Contemporary Approach - - Open System

Contemporary Perspective

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The Evolution of Management Thought – Contemporary Perspective

Contemporary Approach

Contemporary Perspective

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What is Management ?

end of chapter

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