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William V.

S Tubman University, Tubman Town,

Harper City, Maryland County.

College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
“The Use of Contraceptives in Pleebo: A Case
Study of the Pleebo Health Center (2018-2021)”.
Alfred W. Sloh, Jr.
TU-ID#: 13839

Date: May 20,2022.

Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background to the study
 According to Rakhi and Sumathi (2012),
contraceptive is the intentional prevention of
conception through the use of various devices,
sexual practices, chemicals..
 Thus, any device or act whose sole purpose is
to prevent pregnancy can be considered as
 Family planning began around 1850BC in
Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt at which time
women used sticky barriers to cover their wombs
so as to block the entry of any hopeful sperm
(Yen, 2016).
 Research from World Health Organization (2018),
reveals that North America has the highest rate of
effective contraceptive types with 68.3% while
Africa reported the least with 28.5%.
 This suggests that a lot needs to be done in our
African region to address the issue of family
planning services.
 According to the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (2020), the world should
ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive
health services by 2030 and if this should be
done; then, the usage of contraceptive is key.
 Excerpt from (Shawartz&Kinderley,2016) reveals
there are several methods of contraceptives for
male and female that can be used to prevent not
only pregnancies but also sexually transmitted
 In Serbia,the withdrawal method is the favorite
birth control method used,(Sedlecky et al.,2018).
 In Pleebo, contraceptives usage is not too
popular among male and female due to
unfamiliarity of the various methods and
misconception of their respective effects.
 This is a substantive reason for the multiple
health issues ranging from infectious diseases,
to increase in the number of
pregnancies,school dropout,hardship,etc.
 Misconceptions are specific and widespread
belief that are false and unsupported by the
best evidence available (PATH, 2015).
 A case of misconception in the Philippine
revealed that females decided resting from pills
to prevent its accumulation in their uterus
(Henry, 2001).
 In Pleebo, misconception such as contraceptives
could caused womb damage, sexual discomfort,
inferility,etc., have demotivated some males and
females in the past.
 In the area of reproductive health education,
family planning is identified as essential for
males and females in Pleebo from all social
economic perspectives.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
 Of recent, females of Pleebo City have been
bedeviled with an increase in the number of
unsafe abortion and abortion related
complication while males have had constant
exposure to sexually transmitted diseases.
 In Pleebo, contraceptive does not seem to be
utilized effectively by females and males and
this might have led to issues such as health
crises, hardship,school dropout,low standard of
living and increase family burden which pose a
huge challenge to the country’s economy.
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the study
1.3.1 Aim
 To investigate the use of contraceptives in
Pleebo City.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
I. To determine the types of family planning
services offered for both genders at PHC.
II. To identify the contraceptives procedure for
safe motherhood at PHC
III. To ascertain the ages of contraceptive users.
IV. To rank best age users of contraceptives.
1.4 Research Questions
i. What are the contraceptive services offered
at PHC for both male and female?
ii. Which type of contraceptive is used mostly
by male and female at PHC?
iii. What is the contraceptive procedure
available for safe motherhood at PHC?
iv. What are the age ranges of contraceptive
users at PHC?
v. Which age group used contraceptives the
most in Pleebo?
1.5 Significance of the study
 The study exposes the benefits of the various
contraceptive methods for male and female.
 Females and males espousal to Sexually
Transmitted Infections will be reduced.
 This research will serve as a guide for further
investigation of contraceptive usage in Pleebo.
 This research will be used as a tool to buttress
the efforts of government through the
Maryland County Health Team.
 This research will also help informed the
decision making process of the Health Ministry
of Liberia.
1.6 Scope of the Study
 This research was conducted in Pleebo City at
the Pleebo Health Center Youth friendly
1.7 Limitation of the study
I. Poor internet access
II. Poor electricity
III. Lack of recent text book on contraceptive.
Chapter Two: Methodology
2.1 Study Design
 This research employed a descriptive case
study design using secondary data from PHC.
 In case study design, data comes largely from
documentation,archival records,
observation,etc.,(Yin, 1994).
2.2 Study Area
 This research was carried out at the Pleebo
Health Center located in New Pleebo
Community, Pleebo City, Maryland County.
2.3 Study Population
 The study population comprised of a population
of 41,563 contraceptive users.
2.4 Data Collection Procedure
 The researcher collected secondary data through
a careful document analysis of the various
contraceptive types offered at PHC.
2.5 Data Analysis
The data was coded, cleaned, tabulated, and
analyzed using Descriptive Statistical Method
(DSM) which involves finding measure of central
tendencies (i.e. means,frequency,etc.) or
percentages and ratios.
Chapter Three: Results and Discussion
3.1 Data Presentation and Analysis
Table 3.2 data indicating the types of contraceptive
services offered at PHC from 2018-2021
No. Contraceptive Types Frequency %

1 Male Condom 15,471 37%

2 Depo – Provera 11,021 27%
3 Oral Contraceptive (Pills) 10,877 26%
4 Implant 4,194 10%
5 Intrauterine Contraceptive 0 0
Device (IUCD)

6 Vasectomy 0 0
TOTAL 41,563 100%
Table 3.2 Data indicating the 4 Types of
contraceptives that are mostly used annually
2019 % 2020 % 2021 % FREQU PERCE

Depo-Provera 3,845 28% 4,613 31% 2,563 20% 11,021 27%

Implant 1,203 9% 1,058 7% 1,933 15% 3,974 10%
Male Condom 5,561 39% 5,294 35% 4,616 37% 15,471 37%
Oral 3,367 24% 3,980 27% 3,530 28% 10,877 26%
TOTAL 13,976 100% 14,94 100% 12,64 100% 41,563 100%
5 2
(%) 33.6% 35.9% 30.4%
Table 3.3 Data indicating the various age ranges
and contraceptive types used on an annually
from 2018-2021
2019 2020 2021
Age Range Age Range Age Range
TYPES 10- 15- 20- 25+ 10- 15- 20- 25+ 10- 15- 20- 25+
14 19 24 14 19 24 14 19 24

Oral 501 635 1,40 831 788 1,13 1012 980 399 1,39 743 997
Contra. 0 9 1
Male 861 1,55 2,15 999 844 1,55 2000 898 240 1,20 2,09 977
Condom 1 0 2 0 8
Implant 200 230 373 380 193 301 340 285 401 330 389 914
Depo- 950 1,01 1,00 896 679 1,08 1,86 986 273 640 950 700
Provera 1 8 8 0
Total 2,51 3,42 4,93 3,10 2,50 4,08 5,21 3,14 1,31 3,56 4,18 3,5
2 7 1 6 4 0 2 9 3 1 0 88
(%)s 18% 25% 35% 22% 17% 27% 35% 21% 10% 28% 33% 28
Chapter Four: Conclusion and Recommendation
4.1 Conclusion
 Based on the findings, it can be concluded that
contraceptive prevalence in Pleebo was high but
there is a need to upscale the usage for more males
and females to get accessed.
4.2 Recommendations
 There is a need to increase male condom supply
 Women of reproductive ages should be
 There should be radio program to help boost family
planning message
 There should be peer counselors at the PHC

 Henry, R., (2001). Contraceptives Practice in Quirino Province,

Philipines:Experiences of side Effects.PNACM416.pdf
 PATH (2015). Outlook on reproductive health: Countering myths and
misperception about Contraceptives.pdf
 Rakhi, J. and Sumathi, M., (2012). Contraceptive methods: Needs,
Options and Utilization. The journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of
India(Nov-Dec. 2011) 61(6):626-634DOI10.10071s13224-011-0107-7
 Sedlecky, K., et al., (2008). Are Serbian gynaecologists in line with
modern family planning? Retrieved from the National Library of
 World Health Organization (2018). World Health Organization family
planning fact sheet.
 Yin, R.K., (1994). Case Study research. Newbury Park,CA: Sage

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