Week 4 Lesson Plan

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European Institutions and Comparative

Political Systems

Week 4: International Law

Prof. Dante Delfino

Lesson outline
- Collaborative presentation
- Marking criteria
- Exam preparation stages 4 and 5
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Debate on international law issues
- Homework
Learning outcomes
By the end of this seminar, you should be able to:
- Give and receive feedback against the marking criteria
- Identify and analyse the legal positions on an international
law issue
- Defend a legal argument or point of view / Argue and
justify a position / Present orally / Debate /
Collaborative presentation
- Weeks 5, 6 and 7
- Submission via BB
- 15 minutes, 3 minutes per student
- In your own words, no notes (40% grade)
- Prepared to answer questions

Relax. Enjoy. Practice makes perfect.

Marking criteria: class discussion
- What is it for?
- What do you need to score high?
- What do you need to avoid to pass?

Marking criteria aligned to learning outcomes,

learning activities, assessment and feedback.
Exam practice
- Exam preparation activity stage 4 (15 min)
Feedback sandwich = feedforward. Constructive + Inspire + Respect

LO = knowledge and understanding, critical analysis and evaluation, written

expression, effective structure

- Exam preparation activity stage 5 (5 min)

LO = employability skills, self-assessment.

Stage 1: Analysing an international law issue (10 min)
- Read one of the articles for your topic in the Seminar
Activities on BB
- Prepare an outline of the facts, the legal positions, and the
arguments of each side

LO = knowledge and understanding, critical analysis and

evaluation, written expression, effective structure
Stage 2: Defending a legal argument
- In groups, prepare a 3-minute oral legal defence of
the position given below (10 min)
- Present to the whole class and debate (20 min)

LO = defend a legal argument or point of view, argue and

justify a position, oral presentation skills, debate
Topics for Seminar Group Activity
A. Catalonia has the right to secession under international law
B. Catalonia does not have the right to secession under
international law
C. US General Soleimani’s killing is legal under international
D. US General Soleimani’s killing is not legal under
international law
To think about...
The United Nations
- Is the UN a democratic internacional organization?

International Legal Personality

- To what extent is the individual an international legal
Reflective activity
Please take two minutes to consider and write down:
- What have you learned today?
- Is there any point that you need to revise further?
- How will you go about it?
- What idea, concept, definition, example or source
would you like to use in the assessment?
- Read about the first 5 main EU institutions listed on the web
Europa.eu European Institutions
- Watch the video Law-making in the EU
- Read the article German ruling a potential threat to EU law
- Prepare for your collaborative presentation
Have you met the learning outcomes?


Thank you

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