Prezentacja Angielski PORTUGALIA 28.03.2024r

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Basic data

• Year of creation/assumptions:
1143 r
• Official language: Portuguese
• Currency: Euro
• Capital : Lisbon
• Total area : 92,391 km²
• President: Marcelo Rebelo de

• Portugal's population is mostly

Catholic - more or less 80%
• Religiously unaffiliated- 14,1%
• Protestants (mainly Pentecostal) –
• Jehovah's Witnesses – 0,72%
• Orthodox – 0,69%
• „Other Christians„- 1%
• Muslims – 0,42%
• Hindus – 0,22%
• Buddhists – 0,19%
• Other religion – 0,31%
National cuisine

• Arroz de pato
• Cozido à portuguesa
• Pastéis de nata
• Francesinha
• Caldo verde
Monuments and

• Jerónimos Monastery
• St. Castle George
• Azores
• Monument to the Discoveries
• Sintra - a city located at the foot of
the Sintra Mountains on the
Lisbon Coast
• Peneda-Gerês National Park

• Stories over gin and tonic

• Don't jump into the heartbeat of
the night so quickly
• Average happiness factor
• City of the blind
• Doubling
In 2017, Portugal achieved its
first Eurovision victory with the
song "Amar pelos dois"
performed by Salvador Sobral.
This piece, written by Salvador's
sister, Luísa Sobral, was unique
for its subtlety and emotional
interpretation. "Amar pelos
dois" is a ballad in the fado
style, a traditional Portuguese
musical genre, which made this
performance stand out from the
more energetic and spectacular
Eurovision productions
Government of

• Portugal is a Republic
• In which there is a system of
government based on indirect
democracy, i.e. decisions are made
by elected representatives of society.
• There is a system here
Parlamentarny this is a system of
government typical of modern
democracy, in which, according to
the concept of power, the parliament
adopts laws and exercises control
over the government
• Prehistoric period and antiquity: The area of today's Portugal was inhabited already in
ancient times, and traces of settlement date back to the Paleolithic period. In ancient times,
these lands were inhabited by numerous Celtic tribes, and later conquered by the Romans,
who introduced Christianity and built numerous settlements and roads.
• Age of Geographical Discoveries: In the 16th century, Portugal became a major colonial
power thanks to voyages of discovery that led to the discovery of new sea routes to India,
Asia and Africa. Great explorers such as Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan ushered in
a period of expansion of the Portuguese colonial empire.
• Absolute Monarchy and Liberal Revolution: During the 17th and 18th centuries,
Portugal was ruled by absolute monarchs. However, in the 19th century there was a liberal
revolution that led to the overthrow of absolute monarchy and the establishment of a
constitutional parliamentary monarchy.
• Colonialism and the Fall of the Empire: During the 19th and 20th centuries, Portugal lost
most of its colonies until 1975, when the last colonial territories gained independence,
especially Angola, Mozambique and the Cape Verde Islands.
• Carnation Revolution: In 1974, the Carnation Revolution took place, which overthrew
the dictatorial government of Salazar and Caetano and led to the overthrow of the
authoritarian regime and the restoration of democracy in Portugal.
• Membership in the European Union: In 1986, Portugal became a member of the
European Union, which brought new opportunities for economic and political development.
• Contemporary: Modern Portugal is a democratic country that is successful in many
areas, including tourism, economy, culture and sports. It is also an active participant in
international life, cooperating with other countries in the international arena.

Agriculture and the food industry should be considered one of

the main sectors of the economy. Agricultural land covers
approximately 39.5%. area of the country, with a total area of
3.64 million hectares

he driving force of the Portuguese economy is the highly

developed tourism industry, and the key growth factor is
consumption. Tourism generates almost half of the value of the
services sector and over 15%. GDP.

• According to the World Bank, in 2022 Portugal's GDP was

$251.945 billion and GDP per capita was $24,274.

• Portugal holds the title of the best European tourist destination in the World Travel
Awards plebiscite of 2020.
• In 2022, thirty million guests visited the country, generating a profit for the tourism
sector of twenty-five billion euros. – This is the best result in history – said Nuno
Fazenda, Secretary of State for Tourism.
• Portugal owes its result mainly to: the capital Lisbon - Lisbon is located to many
world-class museums Calouste Gulbenkian Museum or Carmo Archaeological
Museum, you just a few of tchem.

• Porto -city located at the mouth of the Douro River and situated on the Ribeira
seafront, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Is located here Se
Cathedral (Sé do Porto) Its construction began ini the seventh century a, based on
the Romanesque style.

• Portugal is a parliamentary republic where the head of

state is the president and executive power is vested in
the government. Unicameral Parliament, Assembly of
the Republic

• The Portuguese political system includes several

political parties, the most important of which are the
Socialist Party (Partido Socialista), the Social
Democratic Party (Partido Social Democrata), the
Portuguese Communist Party (Partido Comunista
Português) and the Left Bloc (Bloco de Esquerda).
• Portugal is focused on promoting economic growth,
innovation and job creation.

• In 2021, the population of

Portugal was approximately: 10.33
milion , which results in 112
The city of Lisbon has the largest
number of inhabitants, with
approximately 547,733 inhabitants
The average age of the population in
Portugal was 46.8 years in 2022,
which was the second highest among
the 27 Member States of the
European Union

• The capital of Portugal is Lisbon.

• It is a city with rich history,
culture and beautiful architecture
• In Lisbon there is an impressive
National Archives (Torre do
Tombo), which contains historical
documents, including: related to
geographical discoveries and the
colonial past of Portugal.
• It currently has approximately
504,718 inhabitants

• Most of Portugal has a

Mediterranean climate,
characterized by dry, hot summers
and mild, rainy winters. The
amount of precipitation in winter
is on average three times greater
than in summer. The average
annual temperature in Portugal is
12-13°C in mountainous areas and
17-18°C in the south. Is one of the
sunniest countries in Europe

• Is called "Escudo Nacional„

• Coat of arms: The central element of the coat of arms
is the coat of arms, which is a traditional heraldic
symbol, Basic data
Upper field of the shield: In the upper field there is a
golden royal coat of arms, called "escusón". It is a gold
shield with a red cross usually decorated with five lily
flower petals, referring to the Avis dynasty that ruled
Portugal in the Middle Ages.
The lower field is divided into two parts. The left part
(for the observer on the right) shows a silver lion on a
green background, which is the coat of arms of the
historic county of Portugal. The right part (for the
observer on the left) shows a golden gala on a red
background, which is the symbol of the Algarve county.
Above the shield there is a royal crown, symbolizing
the monarchy

• https://www.biocodexmicrobiotain

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