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1. Kissing on the cheek :
in italian culture people greet each other by giving two light kisses on each cheek , starting
the left side.
2. Respect the elders by standing :
this tradition like Egypt when old man enter the room , we should stand to him
3. No hats inside :
when you enter someone’s house you should take the hat off because hats indoors are a sign
of disrespect in italian culture
4. Open doors fore women :
in italian cultue a man should always open the door for women and elders
by the way they don’t have to be lovers to do that a gentleman in Italian culture do that
with any stranger woman
5. Use bread at the end of meals :
Italian are fond of eating lots of pasta for more than you think you know , one of the most
famous Italian customrs is la scarpetta , they use this method to take all the left sauce and pieces
of bread to mop up the sauce in the end.
6. No announced visits :
in many countries , visiting your family and friends is okay without sending message or
calling beforehand , however showing up announced is deemed disrespectful in Italian culture ,
you should always ask the Host if they are available before knocking on their doors.
7. Bring gifts over sinner invitations :
it’s deemed rude in italy to go to someone’s house over dinner or lunch empty handed it’s
always important to bring the flowers or a box of chocolates to show respect for the hosts who
took the time to clean your house and prepare a fancy meal for you.
8. Never wrap gifts in dark colours :
gifts play vital role in Italian culture , you should always wrap the gifts in bright , vibrant
colors representing joy and happiness because Italians take offense when you hand a gift in
black or dark purple wraps.
9. No yellow roses :
Italian are fond of flowers, people regard yellow as a symbol of jealousy. Thus, sending
someone yellow roses can be offensive of them. White and red always the most loved
10.Alfresco is essential in summer :
alfresco may sound like the name of Italian food , but it’s an italian word that means
(outdoors) in Italy, people love alfresco dining in summer, it’s a signifcant part of their tradition
to spend the time in the fresh air.

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