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in Islam
Definition of Fard Al-Kiyafah

 Fard al-Kifayah is a legal obligation that must be discharged by the

Muslim community, such as military struggle; if enough members in the
Muslim community discharge the obligation, the remaining Muslims are
freed from the responsibility before God.
Traditional Examples of Fard Al-Kiyafah
• Returning the greeting of
salaam is obligatory if the
greeting is given to one

• Examples of farḍ
• Seeking knowledge which is beneficial kifayah include funeral
for the Ummah as a whole like medicine, prayers and burial
finance, engineering, etc is fard kifaayah. rites.
Ayahs about
Fard Kiyafah
 “And it is not for the believers to
go forth [to battle] all at once. For
there should separate from every
division of them a group
[remaining] to obtain
understanding in the religion and
warn their people when they
return to them that they might be
cautious.” (Surah Tawbah:122)​
How can we apply this in our community?

• Applying the concept of • Engagement of the Muslim

fard kifayah to current community and support in
community work and Islamic and social aspects.
services, by using
authentic hadiths and
Quranic verses and
reference sources of
material. ​ • Identifying communal obligations
and working together to fulfil
What is Fard-Ayn

 Fard-Ayn is an act that is obligatory for

Muslims individually – each will be
rewarded for performing it or punished
for failing to perform it. An example is
the five daily prayers, fasting, zakat or
hajj for which Muslims are
individually responsible.

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