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Systematic Theology -

Lecture 36 - 38
The Creation – Man’s Origins
and Fall
Science and the Bible
 1. The early earth may have been “blasted” by the
Angelic Conflict, Gen 1:1-2.
 2. Dating methodology is not “fool-proof”, and clear
observations need to be taken, not viewpoints affected by
 3. Bible is not a scientific textbook, but when a fact is
noted, take it and explore it. Conflict will be resolved.
 4. The Bible will at times confirm science.
 5. There is no scientific “law”, just man’s best guess;
there is only divine law.
 6. Laws are possible only with order/design.
 7. This universe is temporary, 2 Pet 3:10-18, Rev
20:11, 21-22. He holds it together, Heb 1:3.
 8. This creation has a purpose, Heb 2:10.
 9. God’s Word goes on, Ps 119:89.
Phenomena Explained in the Bible
 1. Pleiades is the pivot point of the Universe,
Job 38:31-32
 2. Static electricity, Jer 10:13
 3. Round earth, Is 40:22, Prov 8:27
 4. Earth rotates upon its axis, Lk 17:24
 5. Air has weight, Job 28:25
 6. Evaporation-precipitation, Eccles 1:6
 7. Radiation/polarization of light, Ps 65:8
 8. Lightning carries charge, Job 38:35
 9. Circulation of the blood, Eccles 12:6
 10. Quarantine for disease control, Lev 13:45-46
Science and Creation
 1. Gen 1-2 give the right sequence for
the creation of the world.
 2. Within these chapters there is the
possibility of a “young earth” or an “old
earth”; either way it is a temporary earth!
2 Pet 3:10ff, Rev 21-22.
 3. Go through the points on pages 99-
100 in Book 19 and observe and think. Do
not fall out with a believing friend who
holds to an old or new earth position.
 1. Gen 1:1 is the most attacked verse, because it teaches,
that there is a mind behind the universe, a creator, and
therefore creatures are responsible to Him!
 2. Creation occurs in an instant; Ps 33:6, Heb 11:3, 2 Pet
3:5. It ends in an instant, 2 Pet 3:10-15.
 3. Adam’s genealogy dates him to 4000 BC, but be cautious
of this date; we speculate on the way ancient men recorded
such things (overlaps, and gaps)
 4. Words for creation indicate mystery, especially “bara”,
Gen 1:1-26. This is what modern science refers to as the “big
bang”, but this is inadequate. “Yatsar” carries a different
aspect of the creation, Is 43:7, 45:18, Ps 104:30,
 5. Note point 7 on page 101, Book 19. There was divine
purpose in the creation/recreation of the earth. The “days” of
Genesis may be any length, but the order is instructive.
Remember – we were not there! Walk through pages 102-
103 noting the points for each verse now.
Lect 37 – Man’s Origins
 Genesis 1:26-28, 2:19 – 5:5 (Fall)
 Adam’s form was “of God”; this tells us
that man was made with characteristics of
the divine, a little lower than the angelic
 By use of Free Will, like the angels before
him, man falls, Gen 3:1-21.
 Lies are Pride are destructive, Ps 49:12,
Prov 6:16-19, 24:12, Matt 7:21-23, Lk
19:10, Rom 6:14, 1 Cor 5:1-13, Heb 9:22
Man’s Fall - Consequences
 Gen 3:14-24, Rom 5:12-21, 1 Cor
15:21-22, Eph 5:21-29.
 Review “Spirituality”, page 27, “Old
Sin Nature”, page 14.
 Walk through the topic – Fruits of
the Old Sin Nature – Eph 5:21-29 –
note the divisions of them, and their
relationship to satanic attack on us.

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