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International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD


International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The International Business

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To understand the history and impact of
international business.
To learn the definition of international
To recognize the growth of global linkages
To understand the U.S. position in world trade
and the impact international business has on
the United States.
To appreciate the opportunities and challenges
offered by international business.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Need for International Business

More and more firms around the
world are going global, including:
Manufacturing firms
Service companies (i.e. banks, insurance,
consulting firms)
Art, film, and music companies
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Need for International Business

International business:
causes the flow of ideas, services, and
capital across the world
offers consumers new choices
permits the acquisition of a wider
variety of products
facilitates the mobility of labor,
capital, and technology
provides challenging employment
reallocates resources, makes preferential
choices, and shifts activities to a global
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

What is International Business?

International business consists of

transactions that are devised and
carried out across national borders
to satisfy the objectives of
individuals, companies, and
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Types of International Business

Export-import trade
Foreign direct



Management contracts
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Business Questions

How will an idea, good, or service fit
into the international market?
Should trade or investment be used
to enter a foreign market?
Should supplies be obtained
domestically or abroad?
What product adjustments are
necessary to be responsive to local
What are the threats from global
competitors, and how can these
threats be counteracted?
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Business and the

Roman Empire
Pax Romana, or Roman Peace ensured that
merchants were able to travel safely and
Common coinage simplified business
Rome developed a systematic law, central
market locations, and an effective
communication system; all of which enabled
international business to flourish in the
Roman Empire.
The growth of the Roman Empire occurred
mainly through the linkages of business
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Business and the

Roman Empire (cont.)
The decline of the Roman Empire can be
attributed in part to:
infighting and increasing decadence
the Pax Romana being no longer enforced
the decline of use and acceptance of the common
declining levels of communication
As a result, former Roman allies
cooperated with invaders.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

United States: A Global Leader

The United States has developed a
world leadership position due to:
its use of market-based transactions in the
Western world
a broad flow of ideas, goods, and services
across national borders
an encouragement of international
communication and transportation
Pax Americana, an American sponsored and
enforced peace
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Smoot-Hawley Act

The the 1930’s, the U.S. passed the Smoot-
Hawley Act, which raised import duties to
reduce the volume of goods coming into the

The act was passed in the hope that it would

restore domestic employment.

The result was a worldwide depression and

the collapse of the world financial system.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Expansion of International Trade

In the past 30 years, the volume of
international trade has expanded from
$200 billion to over $7.5 trillion.

The sales of foreign affiliates of

multinational corporations are now
twice as high as global exports.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Global Links Today

International business has created a network
of global links that bind countries,
institutions, and individuals with trade,
financial markets, technology, and living
For example, a reduction in coffee production in
Brazil would affect individuals and economies
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Recent Changes in
International Business
Total world trade declined dramatically
after 2000, but is again on the rise.

The rate of globalization is accelerating.

Regionalization is taking place, resulting

in trading blocs.

The participation of countries in world

trade is shifting.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Composition of Trade

Between the 1960’s and the 1990’s the
importance of manufactured goods
increased while the role of primary
commodities (i.e. rubber or mining) had
More recently, there has been a shift of
manufacturing to countries with
emerging economies.
There has been an increase in the area
of services trade in recent years.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Current U.S. International

Trade Position
Exports and Imports of Goods and Services per Capita
for Selected Countries

Country Exports per Capita Imports per Capita

Australia $4,296 $4,525
Brazil 379 428
China 222 199
Japan 4,165 3,622
Kenya 91 125
United Kingdom 4,767 5,500
United States 3,472 4,962
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Impact of International

Business on the United States
U.S. international business outflows are
important on the macroeconomic level in
terms of balancing the trade account.

On the microeconomic level, participation

in international business can help firms
achieve economies of scale that cannot be
achieved in domestic markets.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Average Plant Salary and Wages

(per worker, dollars per hour)


$ per hour



All Plants Small Plants Large Plants

Non-Exporters Exporters
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Because of globalization, for the first
time in history, the availability of
international products and services can
be accessed by individuals in many
countries, from diverse economic
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To define and demonstrate the effect of
culture’s various dimensions on business.
To examine ways in which cultural knowledge
can be acquired and individuals and
organizations prepared for cross-cultural interaction.
To illustrate ways in which cultural risk poses a
challenge to the effective conduct of business
communications and transactions.
To suggest ways in which businesses act as change
agents in the diverse cultural environments in which
they operate.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Expanding Operations Across

Two distinct tasks
to understand cultural
differences and the
ways they manifest
to determine
similarities across
cultures and exploit
them in strategy
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Culture Defined

Culture is an integrated
system of learned
behavior patterns that are
characteristic of the
members of any given
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Characteristics of Culture
Culture is learned, shared, and transmitted
from one generation to the next.

Culture can be passed from parents to

children, by social organizations, special
interest groups, the government, schools, and

Culture is multidimensional, consisting of a

number of common elements that are
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD


Acculturation is the
process of adjusting and
adapting to a specific
culture other than one’s
own. It is one of the keys
to success in international
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

High- versus Low-Context

High-context culture Low-context culture
context is at least as most of the information is
important as what is contained explicitly in
actually said words
what is not being said can what is said is more
carry more meaning than important that what is not
what is said said
focuses on group focuses on individual
development development
Japan and Saudi Arabia are The U.S. is an example
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Change Agents
By introducing new products or ideas
and practices, an international business
entity becomes a change agent.
this may shift consumption from one
product to another, or
it may lead to massive social change

Many governments take action to

protect their culture-specific industries.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cultural Universals
Cultural universals are manifestations of the
total way of life of any group of people.

These include elements such as bodily

adornment, courtship rituals, etiquette,
concept of family, gestures, joking, mealtime
customs, music, personal names, status
differentiation, and trade customs.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Elements of Culture
Language (verbal
and nonverbal) Religion
Values and

Manners and

Material Elements

Social Institutions Education Aesthetics

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Four Roles of Language

Language aids in information gathering and

Language provides access to local society.

Language capability is increasingly important

in company communications.

Language provides more than the ability to

communicate because it extends beyond
mechanics to the interpretation of contexts
that may influence business operations.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Nonverbal language
Distinctions must be made in five key topics:


Material Possessions

Friendship Patterns
Business Agreements
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Dominant Religions



International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Values and Attitudes

Value of U.S. Culture Alternate Value Function Affected
The individual can influence Life follows a preordained Planning and scheduling
the future course
We must work hard to Hard work is not the pre- Motivation and reward
accomplish our objectives requisite for success; wisdom, system
luck, and time are also required
Commitments should be A commitment may be Negotiating or
honored super- bargaining
One should effectively use seded by aare
Schedules conflicting
important but only Long and short range
one’s time inrequest
relation to other priorities planning
A primary obligation of the The individual employee has a Loyalty, commitment,
employee is to the organization primary obligation to the family and motivation
The best qualified person should Family issues and friendship Employment, promotions
be given the position available can determine employment recruiting, selection
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Manners and Customs

Potential ways in which negotiators may
not be prepared:
the understanding of different ways of thinking
attention to the necessity to save face
knowledge and appreciation of the host country
recognition of the decision-making process and
the role of personal relations and personalities
the allocation of time for negotiations
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Material Elements
Material culture refers to the results of
technology and is directly related to how a
society organizes its economic activity.

It is manifested in the availability and

adequacy of the basic economic, social,
financial, and marketing infrastructure for the
international business in a market.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Material Elements Chart

Material Culture

Financial and
Economic Social
Infrastructure Infrastructure

transportation energy housing health banks research firms

communications education
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Good taste is
expressed through
colors, form, and

The meanings of colors

and symbols vary from
country to country.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Education, either
formal or informal,
plays a major role in
the passing on and
sharing of culture.

International firms
need to understand the
varying emphases on
particular skills and the
overall level of
education provided.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Social Institutions
Social stratification is the division of a
particular population into classes.

Reference groups provide the values and

attitudes that influence behavior. Primary
reference groups include the family and

Social organization determines the roles of

managers and subordinates and how they
relate to each other.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cultural Knowledge
Cultural knowledge can be defined by the way it is
objective or factual information is obtained through
communication, research, and education.
experiential knowledge can be acquired only by
being involved in a culture other than one’s own.

Interpretive knowledge is the ability to

understand and fully appreciate the nuances of
different cultural traits and patterns.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Acquiring International Experience

Manager’s ranking of factors involved in
acquiring international expertise

Factor Considered Critical Considered Important

Assignments overseas 85% 9%
Business travel 83 17
Training programs 28 57
Non-business travel 28 54
Reading 22 72
Graduate courses 13 52
Precareer activities 9 50
Undergraduate courses 1 48
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cross-Cultural Behavior Model


Cognitive Adoption
Search Adoption
about Propensity
Innovation to Change

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cross-Cultural Behavior Model

The key variable of the
model is propensity to
change, which is a function
of three constructs:
cultural lifestyle

change agents

communication about the

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cultural Dimension Scores for 12 countries

100 100
Japan U.S.A
France Netherlands
Great Britain
Uncertainty Germany Germany
Arab Countries Individualism
Avoidance France
Netherlands West Africa
50 50
U.S.A Indonesia Arab Countries
Great Britain Mexico
Hong Kong

Hong Kong
West Africa
0 50 100 50 0
Power Distance Masculinity
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Dimensions of Culture
Differences in cultural lifestyle can be
explained by:
power distance
uncertainty avoidance

Asian countries tend to have high uncertainty

avoidance and low masculinity.

Western countries tend to have low

uncertainty avoidance and high masculinity.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Self Reference Criterion

Self reference criterion is the unconscious
reference to one’s own cultural values and is
the root of most international business
Suggestions to reduce cultural bias include:
Define the problem or goal in terms of domestic cultural
traits, habits, or norms.
Define the problem or goal in terms of the foreign cultural
traits, habits, or norms.
Isolate the self-reference criterion influence in the problem,
and examine it to see how it complicates the problem.
Redefine the problem without the self-reference criterion
influence, and solve for the optimum-goal situation
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cross-Cultural Training
Cultural training programs
should include:
culture-specific information
general cultural information
on values, practices, and
self-specific information
that identifies one’s own
cultural paradigm
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cross-Cultural Training (cont.)

Additional forms of training
area studies programs
cultural assimilator
programs, in which trainees
must respond to scenarios of
specific situations in a
particular country
sensitivity training
field experience
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Tips for Making Culture Work

for Business Success
Embrace local culture
Build relationships
Employ locals to gain cultural
Help employees understand you
Adapt products and practices to local
Coordinate by region
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Trade and Investment

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To see how trade and investment policies have
historically been a subset of domestic policies.

To examine how traditional attitudes toward

trade and investment policies are changing.

To see the effects of global links in trade and

investment on policymakers.

To understand that nations must cooperate closely in

the future to maintain a viable global trade and
investment environment.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Rationale and Goals of Trade

and Investment Policies
Government policies are designed to regulate, direct,
and protect national activities. The exercise of these
policies is the result of national sovereignty, which
provides a government with the right to shape the
environment of the country and its citizens.
The domestic policy actions of most governments
aim to increase the standard of living of citizens and
to improve the quality of life, and to achieve full
These policies affect international trade and
investment indirectly.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Rationale and Goals of Trade

and Investment Policies (cont.)
In more direct ways, a country may also pursue
technology transfer from abroad or the exclusion of
foreign industries to the benefit of domestic infant
Government officials can also develop regulations on
imports to protect citizens.
Nations institute foreign policy measures designed
with domestic concerns in mind but explicitly aimed
to exercise influence abroad.
A major foreign policy goal is national security.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Organizations

General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

International Trade World Trade

Organization (ITO) Organization (WTO)
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The International Trade

In 1948, the ITO represented an
agreement among 53 countries
Aid in international commercial policies,
restrictive business practices,
commodity agreements, employment
and reconstruction, and economic
development and international
It developed a constitution for a new
United Nations agency.
The ITO was never implemented.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The General Agreement on

Tariffs and Trade
GATT started in 1947 as a set of rules to
ensure nondiscrimination, transparent
procedures, the settlement of disputes, and
the participation of the lesser-developed
countries in international trade.
GATT used tariff concessions to limit the level of tariffs
that would be imposed on other GATT members.
The Most Favored Nation clause calls for each
member country to grant every other member country
the same treatment that it accords with any other
country with respect to imports and exports.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The World Trade Organization

The WTO was introduced in
1995 and administers
international trade and
investment accords.
In 2002, the Doha Round ended
the first stage of implementation.
The aim is to further hasten
implementation of liberalization to
help the impoverished and
developing nations.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Changes in the Global Policy

Three major changes have occurred over
time in the global policy environment:
a reduction of domestic policy influence;
a weakening of traditional international
and a sharpening of the conflict between
industrialized and developing nations.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Reduction of Domestic Policy

Currency flows have increased from an average daily
trade volume of $18 billion in 1980 to $1.2 trillion in 2001.

As a result, currency flows have begun to set the value of

exchange rates independent of trade, which in turn have
now begun to determine the level of trade.

The interactions between global and domestic financial

flows have severely limited the influence of governments.

To regain influence, some governments have tried to

restrict world trade by erecting barriers, charging tariffs,
and implementing import regulations.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Weakening of International
The intense links among nations and the new
economic environment resulting from new market
entrants and the encounter of different economic
systems are weakening the WTO.
The International Monetary Fund does not have
the funds available to satisfy the needs of all
struggling nations.
The World Bank has been unsuccessful in
furthering the economic goals of the developing
world and newly emerging market economies. Some
claim that its bank policies have created more
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Conflict Between Industrialized

and Developing Nations
In the past, it was hoped that the gap between
industrialized and developing nations would
gradually be closed.

Although several less-developed nations have

emerged as newly industrialized countries,
even more nations are facing grim economic

An increase in environmental awareness has

led to a further sharpening of the conflict.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Restrictions of Imports
Many countries including the United States have
passed antidumping laws which help domestic
industries by restricting foreign products being sold
below the cost of production, or at prices lower than
those in the home market.

Imports are also restricted by nontariff barriers, such

as buy-domestic campaigns. It is difficult to remove
these barriers.

Imports can also be reduced by tightening market

access and entry of foreign products through
involved procedures and inspections.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Effects of Import Restriction

Import control may mean that the most efficient sources
of supply are not available, resulting in second-best
products or higher costs for restricted supplies.
Import control may result in the downstream change in
the composition of imports.
Due to inefficiency,
import controls may
cause a lag in
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Restrictions of Exports
Nations control their exports for reasons of
short supply, national security and foreign
policy purposes, or the desire to retain
National security controls are placed on
weapons and high-technology exports.
Although restriction of exports is a valuable
international relations tool, it may give a
country’s firms the reputation of being
unreliable suppliers and may divert orders to
firms of other nations.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Export Promotion
Export promotion is designed to help firms enter and
maintain their position in international markets and
to match or counteract similar efforts by other

Various approaches toward export promotion

knowledge transfer
direct or indirect subsidization of export activities
reducing governmental red tape for exporters
export financing and mixed aid credits to exporters
altered tax legislation for nationals living abroad
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Import Promotion
Countries that maintain large
balance-of-trade surpluses use
import promotion measures.
The Japan External Trade
Organization (JETRO) has begun to
focus on the promotion of imports to
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Impacts of Foreign Direct

Investment on Host Countries
Positive Impact Negative Impact
capital information industrial dominance
technology and technological
management skills
regional and sectoral disturbance of economic
development plans
internal competition and cultural change
entrepreneurship interference by home
favorable effect on government of
balance of payments multinational corporation
increased employment
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Restrictions on Investment
Many nations that lack necessary
foreign exchange reserves restrict
exports of capital, because
capital flight can be a major
Once governments impose
restrictions on the export of
funds, the desire to transfer
capital abroad increases. This
creates problems for gaining new
outside investors.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Investment Promotion

Financial Incentives

Fiscal Incentives Nonfinancial Incentives

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Investment Promotion (cont.)

Fiscal incentives are specific tax measures
designed to attract the foreign investor, including
special depreciation allowances, tax credits or
rebates, special deductions for capital expenditures,
tax holidays, and reduction of tax burdens.
Financial incentives offer special funding for the
investor by providing land or building, loans, and
loan guarantees.
Nonfinancial incentives can consist of guaranteed
government purchases, special protection from
competition, and investments in infrastructure
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Bargaining Power of Multinational

Corporation and Host Country
Policy Provided/Demanded

Incentives for Investment

Continued Privileged
Discriminating Requirements MNC

End of Relationship/
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

U.S. Perspective on Trade and

Investment Policies
The U.S. seeks a positive trade policy rather than
reactive, ad hoc responses to specific situations.

Protectionist legislation can be helpful, provided

it is not enacted into law.

Trade promotion authority gives Congress the

right to accept or reject treaties and agreements, but
reduces the amendment procedures
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Perspective on
Trade and Investment Policies
From an international perspective, trade and
investment negotiations must continue.

In doing so, trade and investment policy can

take either a multilateral or bilateral approach:
bilateral negotiations are carried out mainly between
two nations.
multilateral negotiations are carried out among a
number of nations.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Politics and Law

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To understand the importance of the political
and legal environments in both the home and
host countries to the international business
To learn how governments affect business
through legislation and regulations.
To see how the political actions of countries expose
firms to international risks.
To examine the differing laws regulating international
trade found in different countries.
To understand how international political relations,
agreements, and treaties can affect international
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

A Look at Three Segments

The Home-Country
Host Country Political
and Legal Environment
International Relations
and Laws
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Home Country Perspective

Major areas of governmental
activity that are of concern to the
international business manager:
Embargoes and Sanctions
Export Controls
Regulation of International
Business Behavior
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Sanctions and Embargoes

Governmental actions that distort
free flows of trade in goods,
services, or ideas for adversarial
and political, rather than economic,
Sanctions tend to consist of specific
coercive trade measures.
Embargoes are typically broader in
that they prohibit trade entirely.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Export Controls
Are designed to deny or delay the acquisition
of strategically important goods by
The legal basis for export controls varies in
Most international business can be carried out
under NLR conditions.
Export licenses are issued by the Dept. of
Commerce for commodities whose export is
considered sensitive.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

How an Export License is Issued

Specialists in the Department of Commerce
match the exported commodity with the
Critical Commodities list, the country of
destination, and the recipient company.
If no concerns exist in any one of the three
areas, a license is issued.
This process is only carried out if the product
or the recipient country is considered
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

A New Environment for Export Controls

The speed of change
Focus of export
and the rapid
controls on the Third
dissemination of
information and
A loosening of mutual innovation around the
bonds among allied world
The issue of
The increased foreign equipment size
availability of high-
tech products
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Implementation and Enforcement of

Export Controls
Export controls are increasingly difficult to
implement and enforce.
The number of countries that are able to
manufacture products of strategic importance
has increased.
Products that are in need of control are
developed and disseminated very quickly.
It is difficult to control the transfer of
technology and know-how.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Regulation of International
Business Behavior
Regulations on firms varies
substantially among nations.
Nations may employ boycotts to
govern business activities.
Antitrust Laws are a regulatory
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Firms operating abroad are
affected by laws against bribery
and corruption.
International businesses may
bribe to counterbalance poor
product quality, to create a
market for goods, or to stay
competitive with other firms that
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Host Country
Political Action and Risk
Varies widely from country to country

Economic Risk
Less dangerous, but more common
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Three Types of Political Risk

Ownership Risk
Exposes property and life
Operating Risk
Interference with the ongoing operations
of a firm
Transfer Risk
Limitations on the outflow of funds
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Political Risk May Involve

The government takeover of a firm without
compensation to the owners.
A form of government takeover in which
the firm’s owners are compensated.
The government demands transfer of
ownership and management responsibility.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Economic Risk
Exchange controls may be levied
Tax policies may be used to control
corporations and their capital
Price controls may employed to
control prices of imported products
or services
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Managing the Risk

Demonstration of
concern with host
country’s society can be
Firms can take out
insurance to cover losses
due to political and
economic risk.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Legal Differences and Restraints

Countries differ in their laws as as
well as in their use of the law. There
are two major legal systems
Common Law: Based on tradition and
dependent upon precedent and custom.
Code Law: Based on a comprehensive set of
written statutes.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Relations and Laws

International Politics:The effect of politics on
international business is determined by both the
bilateral political relations between home and host
countries and by multilateral agreements
governing the relations among groups of
International Law:Plays an important role in the
conduct of international business. Treaties and
agreements have a strong influence on
international business operations.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Law
The World Trade Organization defines
internationally acceptable economic
practices for its member nations.
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
provides procedures for filing patent
The United Nations has developed codes
and guidelines that affect international
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

In cases of disagreement, the

parties can choose:
Arbitration: Procedures are quicker and
often spelled out in the original contract

Litigation: Often involves extensive

delays and is very costly
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Theory of Trade and

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To understand the traditional arguments
of how and why international trade
improves the welfare of all countries
To review the history and compare the
implications of trade theory from the original
work of Adam Smith to the contemporary theories
of Michael Porter
To examine the criticisms of classical trade theory
and examine alternative viewpoints of which
business and economic forces determine trade
patterns between countries
To explore the similarities and distinctions
between international trade and international
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Evolution of Trade Theory

The Age of Mercantilism
Classical Trade Theory
Factor Proportions Trade
International Investment
and Product Cycle Theory
The New Trade Theory:
Strategic Trade
The Theory of International
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Age of Mercantilism

The evolution of trade into the form
we see today reflects three events:
The Collapse of Feudal Society

The Emergence of the Mercantilist Philosophy

The Life Cycle of the Colonial Systems of the

European Nation-States
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Mixed exchange through
trade with accumulation
of wealth
Conducted under
authority of government
Demise of mercantilism
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Classical Trade Theory

The Theory of Absolute Advantage
The ability of a country to produce a
product with fewer inputs than another

The Theory of Comparative

The notion that although a country may
produce both products more cheaply than
another country, it is relatively better at
producing one product than the other
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Classical Trade Theory Contributions

Adam Smith—Division of Labor
Industrial societies increase output using same
labor-hours as pre-industrial society
David Ricardo—Comparative
Countries with no obvious reason for trade can
specialize in production, and trade for products
they do not produce
Gains From Trade
A nation can achieve consumption levels
beyond what it could produce by itself
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Factor Proportions Trade Theory


International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Factor Proportions Trade Theory

Considers Two Factors of Production


International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Factor Proportions Trade Theory

A country that is relatively labor
abundant (capital abundant) should
specialize in the production and
export of that product which is
relatively labor intensive (capital
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Leontief Paradox

The Test:
Could Factor Proportions Theory
be used to explain the types of
goods the United States imported
and exported?

The Method:
Input-output analysis
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Leontief Paradox

The Findings:
The U.S. exported labor-intensive
products and imported capital-
intensive products.

The Controversy:
Findings were the opposite of what
was generally believed to be true!
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Overlapping Product Ranges Theory:

Staffan Burenstam Linder
Trade in manufactured goods
dictated not by cost concerns, but
by similarity in product demands
across countries.
Work focused on preferences of
consumer demand.
Today, termed market segments.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Product Cycle Theory

Raymond Vernon
Focus on the product,
not its factor
Two technology-based
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Product Cycle Theory:

Vernon’s Premises
Technical innovations leading to new
and profitable products require large
quantities of capital and skilled labor

The product and the methods for

manufacture go through three stages
of maturation
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Stages of the Product Cycle

The New Product

The Maturing Product

The Standardized Product

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Product Cycle and Trade

Increased emphasis on technology’s
impact on product cost
Explained international investment
Most appropriate for technology-based products
Some products not easily characterized by stages
of maturity
Most relevant to products produced through mass
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The New Trade Theory:

Strategic Trade
Two New Contributions
Paul Krugman-How trade is altered
when markets are not perfectly

Michael Porter-Examined
competitiveness of industries on a
global basis
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Trade
Krugman’s Economics of Scale:


International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Trade
Government can play a beneficial
role when markets are not purely
Theory expands to government’s
role in international trade
Four circumstances exist that
involve imperfect competition in
which strategic trade may apply
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Trade
The Four Circumstances Involving
Imperfect Competition:

Price Cost

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Trade
Porter’s Diamond of National
Innovation is what drives and sustains
Four components of competition
Factor Conditions
Demand Conditions
Related and Supporting Industries
Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Michael Porter’s Competitive Clusters

Critical masses of
unusual competitive
success in particular
fields, located in one
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Theory of International

The movement of capital has
allowed foreign direct
investments across the globe
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Theory of International

Firms as Seekers
Seeking Resources
Seeking Factor Advantages
Seeking Knowledge
Seeking Security
Seeking Markets
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Theory of International

Firms as Exploiters of Imperfections
Imperfections in Access
Imperfections in Factor Mobility
Imperfections in Management
Firms as Internalizers
Establish their own multinational operations-
internalize production
Competitive advantage due to confidentiality
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Balance
Balance of
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To understand the fundamental principles of how countries
measure international business activity, the balance
of payments
To examine the similarities of the current and capital
accounts of the balance of payments
To understand the critical differences between trade in
merchandise and services and why international investment
activity has recently been controversial in the United States
To review the mechanical steps of how exchange rates are
transmitted into altered trade prices and eventually trade
To understand how countries with different government
policies toward international trade and investments, or
different levels of economic development, differ in their
balance of payments
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The measurement of all international
economic transactions between the
residents of a country and foreign
residents is called the balance of
payments (BOP)
The two major sub accounts of the
balance of payments are:
Current account
Capital account
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Fundamentals of Balance of
Payments Accounting
The balance of payments must balance
Subaccounts may be imbalanced
Three main elements to the process of
measuring international economic
activity include:
Identifying what is and is not an international
economic transaction
Understanding how the flow of goods, services,
assets, and money creates debits and credits to
the overall BOP
Understanding the bookkeeping procedures for
BOP accounting
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Defining International Transactions

Identifying many
transactions is ordinarily
not difficult
However, some
transactions are not
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The BOP as a Flow Statement

The BOP is often
believed to be a balance
sheet rather than a cash
flow statement
There are two types of
business transactions
that dominate the BOP:
Real assets
Financial assets
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

BOP Accounting: Double-

Entry Bookkeeping
BOP employs an A debit is created
accounting whenever:
technique called An asset is increased
double-entry A liability is decreased
bookkeeping An expense is
In this age-old
A credit is created
method every
transaction produces
An asset is decreased
a debit and a credit
A liability is increased
of the same amount
An expense is
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

BOP Accounting: Double-

Entry Bookkeeping
The measurement of all international
transactions in and out of a country over
a year is a difficult task
Mistakes, errors, and statistical
discrepancies will and do occur
Current and capital account entries are
recorded independent of one another,
not together as this accounting method
would prescribe
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Accounts of the Balance

of Payments
The BOP is comprised of two
primary subaccounts:
Current Account
Financial/Capital Account
Two additional and important
subaccounts of the BOP include:
Net Errors and Omissions Account
Official Reserves Account
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Current Account

This account includes all
international economic
transactions with income or
payment flows occurring within
the year, the current period
It consists of four subcategories:
Goods trade
Services trade
Current transfers
This account is typically dominated
by Goods Trade
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Current Account

The Balance on Trade (BOT) refers specifically
to the balance of exports and imports of goods
trade only
The deficits in the BOT of the past decade have
been an area of concern for the U.S.
Merchandise trade is the core of international
trade and has three major components:
Manufactured goods
The most encouraging news for U.S.
manufacturing trade is the growth of exports
in recent years
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Capital and Financial

This account of the BOP measures
all international economic
transactions of financial assets
It is divided into two major
Capital Account
Financial Account
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Capital Account

The Capital Account is made up of
transfers of:
Financial assets
The acquisition and disposal of
nonproduced/nonfinancial assets
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Financial Account

The Financial Account consists
of three components:
Direct investment
Portfolio investment
Other asset investments
The contents of this account
are for all intents and purposes
the same as those of the
Capital Account under IMFs
BOP accounting framework
used prior to 1996
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Net Direct Investment

This is the net balance of capital
dispersed out of and into the U.S. for
the purpose of exerting control over
Follows the 10% ownership threshold
The source of concern over foreign
investments in any country focuses on
two topics:
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Portfolio Investment
This is the net balance of capital that
flows in and out of the U.S., but does
not reach the 10% ownership threshold
of direct investment
It is capital invested in activities that
are purely profit-motivated rather than
ones made in the prospect of controlling
or managing the investment
These have shown much more volatile
behavior than net direct investments
over the past decade
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Other Investment
This category consists of:
Short-term trade credits
Long-term trade credits
Cross-border loans from all types of
financial institutions
Currency deposits
Bank deposits
Other accounts receivable
Accounts payable
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Official Reserves Account

This is the total currency
and metallic reserves held
by official monetary
authorities within the
Its significance depends on
whether the country is
operating under:
A fixed exchange rate regime
A floating exchange rate
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Balance of Payments--Total

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is the
multinational organization that collects the
BOP statistics for over 160 different countries
around the globe
The current, capital, and financial accounts
combine to form the basic balance and is one
of the most frequently used summary
measures of the BOP
The current, capital, financial, and net errors
and omissions accounts combine to form the
summary measure known as the overall
balance or official settlements balance
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Balance of Payments and

Economic Crises
The sum of cross-border international
economic activity can be used by
international managers to forecast
economic conditions and in some cases,
the likelihood of economic crises
The mechanics of international
economic crises often follow a similar
path of development
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Asian Crisis

The roots of this currency crisis extended
from a fundamental change in the
economics of the region
It started as early as 1990 in Thailand
The most visible roots were the excesses in
capital flows into Thailand in 1996 and
early 1997
Corporate socialism, corporate governance,
banking liquidity and management are
underlying causes that apply to every
nation facing economic crisis
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Capital Mobility
The degree to which capital moves
freely cross-border is critical to a
country’s balance of payments
The ability of capital to move involves
economic and political factors
Obstfeld and Taylor (2001) studied
the globalization of capital markets
and argued the post-1860 era can be
subdivided into four distinct periods
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Capital Flight
Capital flight is the sudden and
shocking outflow of capital
from a nation’s economy in
which it is perceived there is
political, economic, or currency
crises forthcoming

Five primary mechanisms exist

by which capital may be moved
from one country to another
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Cases of China and

The Chinese Turkey’s economic
balance of and financial crisis
of 2000-2001
payments serves serves as a prime
as an interesting example of how a
example of one country’s balance
country’s ongoing of payments can
efforts to manage deteriorate or
essentially collapse
its current and in a very short
financial accounts period of time
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Financial Markets
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To understand how currencies are traded and
quoted on world financial markets
To examine the links between interest rates
and exchange rates
To understand the similarities and differences
between domestic sources of capital and
international sources of capital
To examine how the needs of individual borrowers
have changed the nature of the instruments traded
on world financial markets in the past decade
To understand how the debt crises of the 1980s
and 1990s are linked to the international financial
markets and exchange rates
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Market for Currencies

The price of any one
country’s currency in terms
of another country’s currency
is called a foreign currency
exchange rate
Every market, every country,
and every firm may have its
own set of currency symbols
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Exchange Rate Quotations

and Terminology
Direct quotation: Spot rates: when
when the subject the exchange of
currency is stated currencies takes
place immediately
Forward rates:
Indirect quotation: when the currency
when the subject exchange takes
currency is stated place at a later
second date and at an
agreed upon
exchange rate
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Direct and Indirect

Most currencies are quoted in direct
quotes versus the U.S. dollar
The major exceptions are currencies
associated with the British
Commonwealth and the European euro
When an exchange rate of a currency is
stated without using the U.S. dollar as a
reference, it is referred to as a cross
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Foreign Currency Market

The market for foreign
currencies is a worldwide
market that is informal in
The “market” is actually the
thousands of
telecommunications links
among financial institutions
around the globe and it is
open nearly 24 hours a day
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Market Size and Composition

Until recently there was little data on the
actual volume of trading on world foreign
currency markets
In the spring of 1986, the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York along with others started
surveying the activity of currency trading
every three years
Growth of foreign currency trading has been
nothing less than astronomical
The majority of the world’s trading in foreign
currencies is still taking place in the cities
where international financial activity is
centered, London, New York, and Tokyo
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Market Size and Composition

Three reasons typically given for
the enormous growth in foreign
currency trading are:
Deregulation of international capital flows
Gains in technology and transaction cost
The world is a risky place
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Purpose of Exchange

If countries are to trade,
they must be able to
exchange currencies
The exchange of one
country’s currency for
another should be
relatively simple, but it’s
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

What is a Currency Worth?

The exchange rate The version of
between currencies purchasing power
should equalize its parity that estimates
purchasing power the exchange rate
The theory of between two
purchasing power currencies using just
parity (PPP) is one good or service
simply the rate that as a measure of the
equalizes the price of proper exchange for
the identical product all goods and
or service in two services is called the
different currencies Law of One Price
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Monetary Systems of the

20th Century
Mixed/fixed floating
exchange rate system is
in operation today
Prior to this, the Gold
Standard was in effect
Prior to that, the Bretton
Woods Agreement was in
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Gold Standard

The gold standard began sometime in
the 1880s
It was premised on three basic ideas:
A system of fixed rates of exchange existed
between participating countries
Money issued by member countries had to be
backed by gold reserves
Gold acted as an automatic adjustment
Under this standard, each country’s
currency would be set in value per
ounce of gold
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Bretton Woods Agreement

The governments of 44 of the Allied Powers
gathered together in Bretton Woods, New
Hampshire in 1944 to plan for the postwar
international monetary system
This agreement called for the following:
Fixed exchange rates between member countries
The establishment of a fund of gold and currencies for
stabilization of their currencies, the International
Monetary Fund
The establishment of a bank, the World Bank, that
would provide funding for long-term development
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Floating Exchange Rates

Since March 1973, the world’s
major currencies have floated
in value versus each other
The inability of a country to
control the value of its
currency on world markets
has been a harsh reality for
Direct intervention
Coordinated intervention
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The European Monetary

System and the Euro
In 1979 a formalized structure was put in place among
many of the major members of the European Community
The European Monetary System (EMS) officially began
operation in March 1979 and once again established a
grid of fixed parity rates among member currencies
The EMS consisted of three elements:
First, all countries that were committing their currencies and
their efforts to the preservation of fixed exchange rates
entered the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)
Second, was the actual grid of bilateral exchange rates with
their specialized band limits
Third, was the creation of the European Currency Unit (ECU)
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Maastricht Treaty

The members of the European
Union concluded this treaty in
December 1991
This treaty:
Laid out terms goals of harmonized social
and welfare policies
Specified a timetable for the adoption of a
single currency to replace all individual
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Euro
On December 31, The monetary policy
1998, the final fixed for the EMU will be
rates between the 11 conducted by the
currencies and the European Central
euro were put into Bank (ECB) and has a
place single responsibility
On January 1, of safeguarding the
1999,the euro was stability of the euro
officially launched as On January 4, 1999,
a single currency for the euro began
the European Union trading on world
currency markets
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Money
International money markets,
often termed the Eurocurrency
markets, constitute an
enormous financial market
that is in many ways outside
the jurisdiction and
supervision of world financial
and governmental authorities
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Eurocurrency Markets and

Eurocurrency Interest Rates
A Eurocurrency is While there are
any foreign hundreds of
currency different major
denominated interest rates
deposit or around the globe,
account at a the international
financial financial markets
institution outside focus on the
the country of the interbank interest
currency’s issue rates
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Defining International
The definition of what constitutes
an international financial
transaction is dependent on two
Whether the borrower is domestic or
Whether the borrower is raising capital
denominated in the domestic currency or a
foreign currency
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Defining International
The two characteristics that define
an international financial
transaction form four categories:
Domestic borrower/domestic currency
Foreign borrower/domestic currency
Domestic borrower/foreign currency
Foreign borrower/foreign currency
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Structure of International
Correspondent bank: an
unrelated bank based in
a foreign country
Representative bank:
basically a sales office for
a bank
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Security
The international debt
securities markets have
experienced the greatest
growth in the past decade
It includes:
Private placements
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The International Bond

The international bond market
provides the bulk of financing
Foreign bonds
Bearer bonds
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Private Placements
One of the largest and
unpublicized capital
A private placement is
the sale of debts or
equity to a large
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Economic Integration
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To review types of economic integration
among countries
To examine the costs and benefits of
integrative arrangements
To understand the structure of the European
Union and its implications for firms within and
outside Europe
To explore the emergence of other integration
agreements, especially in the Americas and
To suggest corporate response to advancing
economic integration
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Economic integration is best
viewed as a spectrum with the
various integrative agreements in
effect today lying in the middle of
this spectrum
The level of integration defines the
nature and degree of economic
links among countries
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Levels of Economic
Trading bloc: Trading blocs may
preferential take various
economic forms:
arrangement Free trade area
among a group of Customs union
countries Common market
Economic union
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Free Trade Area and the

Customs Union
The free trade area is Members of a
the least restrictive customs union
and loosest form of dismantle barriers to
economic integration trade in goods and
services among
among countries themselves
In a free trade area, A customs union
all barriers to trade establishes a
among member common trade policy
countries are with respect to
removed nonmembers
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Common Market and the

Economic Union
A common market has The creation of a true
no barriers to trade economic union requires
among members and integration of economic
has a common external policies in addition to the
trade policy free movement of goods,
Factors of production services, and factors of
are mobile among production
members Under this union,
Members of a common members would
market must be harmonize monetary
prepared to cooperate policies, taxation, and
closely in monetary, government spending and
fiscal, and employment a common currency would
policies be used by all members
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Arguments Surrounding
Economic Integration
A number of arguments surround
economic integration
These arguments center on:
Trade creation and diversion
The effects of integration on import
prices, competition, economies of
scale, and factor productivity
The benefits of regionalism versus
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Trade Creation and Trade

Whereas trade creation
is positive in moving
toward freer trade, and
therefore lower prices
for consumers within the
EU, the impact of trade
diversion is negative
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Reduced Import Prices

When a small country imposes a
tariff on imports, the price of the
goods will typically rise, which will
in turn result in lower demand for
the imported goods
When a bloc of countries imposes
the tariff, the fall in demand for the
imported goods will be substantial
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Increased Competition
and Economies of Scale
Integration increases market size
and may result in a lower degree
of monopoly in the production of
certain goods and services
Certain industries may not be
economically viable in smaller,
trade protected countries
Internal economies of scale
External economies of scale
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Higher Factor Productivity and

Regionalism Versus Nationalism
When factors of The biggest
production are freely impediment to
mobile, the wealth economic integration
of the common
remains the
market countries, in
aggregate, will likely reluctance of nations
increase to surrender a
Factor mobility will measure of their
not benefit each autonomy
country in the
common market
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

European Integration
Economic integration in Europe
from 1948 to the mid 1980s:
Organization for European Economic
Cooperation (OEEC)
Treaty of Rome
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Common agricultural policy (CAP)
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

European Integration

The European Union

since the mid 1980s:
1992 White Paper
European Union (EU)
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Organization of the EU
The executive body of the EU is the
European Commission,
headquartered in Brussels
The Council of Ministers has the
final power to decided EU actions
The future expansion of the EU will
cause changes in the decision
making processes
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Implications of the Integrated

European Market
Perhaps the most important implication for
Europe is the economic growth that is
expected to result
Several specific sources of increased growth
have been identified:
Gains from eliminating transaction costs
Achievement of economies of scale
More intense competition
Cheaper transaction costs and reduced currency
Many U.S. firms fear a unified Europe
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

North American Economic

Although the EU is undoubtedly the most
successful and well-known integrative
effort, integration efforts in North America
has gained momentum and attention
North American integration has an interest
in purely economic issues and there are no
constituencies for political integration
U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Other Economic Alliances

The world’s developing
countries have perhaps
the most to gain from
successful integrative
Import substitution
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Integration in Latin America

Before the signing of the U.S.-Canada

Free Trade Agreement, all of the major
trading bloc activity in the Americas had
taken place in Latin America
One of the longest lived integration
efforts among developing countries was
the Latin America Free Trade
Association (LAFTA), formed in 1961
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Integration in Asia and Integration

in Africa and the Middle East
The development in Africa’s economic
Asia has been groupings range from
different from that in currency unions among
Europe and the European nations and
their former colonies
Americas to customs unions
Asian interest in among neighboring
regional integration states
is increasing for Countries in the Arab
pragmatic reasons world have made some
progress in economic
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Economic Integration and

the International Manager
Regional economic integration creates
opportunities and challenges for the
international manager
Economic integration may have an impact on a
company’s entry mode
Decisions regarding integrating markets must
be assessed from four different perspectives
Effects of change
Strategic planning
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cartels and Commodity Price

An important characteristic that
distinguishes developing countries from
industrialized countries is the nature of
their export earnings
This distinction is important for several
A cartel is an association of producers of a
particular good
Commodity price agreements involve both
buyers and sellers in an agreement to
manage the price of a certain commodity
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Emerging Markets
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To understand the special concerns that
must be considered by the international
manager dealing with emerging market
To survey the vast opportunities for trade
offered by emerging market economies.
To understand why economic change is
difficult and requires much adjustment.
To become aware that privatization offers new
opportunities for international trade and
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Doing Business with

Transition Economies
The major market economies
emerging out of formerly
centrally planned economies
Russia and the now independent
states of the former Soviet Union.
Eastern and central European nations
(Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech and
Slovak Republics, Hungary, Poland,
and Romania).
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Trade History of Socialist

After 1918, Socialist states had a monopoly on
foreign trade, which was concentrated in the
hands of organizations specifically authorized
by the state.
This trade structure isolated the firms and consumers
from the West and unlinked demand from supply.
The result was misallocated resources, ineffective
channels of distribution, and inefficiency due to lack of
Managers of plants were more concerned with
producing the quantities stipulated by a rigid central
plan than with producing products and quality desired.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Perestroika and Glasnost

In the mid 1980’s, the Soviet Union developed
two new political and economic programs:
perestroika and glasnost
Perestroika was used to fundamentally reform the
Soviet Union economy by improving the overall
technological and industrial base as well as the quality
of life for Soviet citizens through increased availability
of food, housing, and consumer goods.
Glasnost was used to complement those efforts by
encouraging the free exchange of ideas and discussion
of problems, pluralistic participation in decision-making,
and increased availability of information.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Changes after 1989

With an unexpected suddenness, the
Iron Curtain disappeared, and within
three years, the Communist empire
ceased to exist
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
shifted their political and economic
orientations toward a market economy.
Trade flows were redirected.
Austerity programs were introduced, which led
to a decrease in the standard of living.
All of these changes ended the Cold War.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Realities of Economic

Many transition economies face infrastructure
Capital shortages are also a major constraint.
It is difficult for corporations to respond to
demand because consumer knowledge is
Allocation mentality, or waiting for
instructions from above, represent a
management problem.
Employee and manager commitment can be
hard to find.
The changes complicate managerial decision
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Realities of Economic

Change (cont.)
Given the poor market orientation in the previous
business environment, managers must adapt their
behavior in these areas:

Problem Solving

Decision Making

Customer Orientation
Team Building Development
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Adjusting to Global Change

Resistance to change should be
expected in countries that experience
rapid economic and political change.
The established market economies of
the West also must be prepared for
change due to:
The reorientation trade flows
Job shifts
Declines in employment
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Business
The frequent unavailability of convertible
currency makes many products out of reach for
citizens of emerging market economies.
Lack of protection of intellectual property
rights dissuade firms from investing in
emerging market economies.
Attempting to source products from emerging
market economies can be problematic.
The quality of products can be inferior in
emerging market economies.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Business
Some transition economies have
products that are unique in
performance and can be successfully
traded internationally.
Consumer products in transition
economies are gaining favor
because of competitive pricing.
There are substantial opportunities
for technology transfer.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Reasons for State-owned

The reasons for the existence of state-owned
enterprises in emerging market economies
Increased national security
Increased economic security
The investment is too large for the private sector
Governments rescue failing private enterprises by
placing them in government ownership
State-owned firms are more socially-oriented than
private firms which are more profit-oriented
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

State-owned Enterprises and

International Business
The three types of activities where firms are
likely to encounter state-owned enterprises:

The Sourcing or
Marketing Process

Market Entry
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Drawbacks to State-owned
Competition is restrained, which results in
lower quality of goods and reduced
The international competitiveness of state-
owned enterprises declines, resulting in
the need for government subsidies.
Many government-controlled corporations
are losing money because the focus is on
job allocation rather than business.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Reasons for Privatization

Through privatization, budgets can be reduced
and more efficient services can be provided.
Goods and services can be more competitive
and innovative.
Experience indicates that private enterprises
outperform state-run companies.
Privatization attracts foreign investment
Governments can use proceeds from
privatization to help fund other pressing
domestic needs.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Privatization Opportunities
for International Firms
Existing firms can be acquired at low cost,
often with governmental support through tax
exemptions, investment grants, special
depreciation allowances, and low-interest
Since wages are low in countries where
privatization takes place, there is more
opportunity to build low-cost manufacturing
and sourcing bases.
The international firm can act as a catalyst by
accelerating the pace of transferring business
skills and technology and by boosting trade
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Less-developed Markets

The less developed markets in
the world include countries in:
Eastern Europe
Latin America
the Middle East
The emergence of these markets
presents a great opportunity for
citizens and companies alike.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The World Economic Pyramid

Annual Per Capita Income Tiers World Population

More than $20,000 1 75 to 100 million

1.5 to 1.75
$1,500 to $20,000 2 and 3

Less than $1,500 4 4 billion

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Multinational Firm’s Role

Multinational firms have experienced a
high rate of success when entering
transition economies for several reasons:
They tend to enter sectors that allow high profit
potential with minimal capital investments.
They increase in size only after they gain
experience and knowledge of the local markets.
The governments in transition economies award
special privileges to multinational firms.
As multinational firms mature in these economies,
the domestic market itself becomes a market
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

World-class Competition
Many economies now recognize that they must
be world class competitors in order to develop

Domestic firms enter into joint ventures with

global firms to tap into their knowledge base
and success.

This can be difficult, given that domestic firms

rarely have significant capital to contribute.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Building the Knowledge Base

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To gain an understanding of the need for
To explore the differences between
domestic and international research.
To learn where to find and how to use sources
of secondary information.
To gain insight into the gathering of primary
To examine the need for international
management information systems.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International and
Domestic Research
The tools and techniques
of international research
are the same as those of
domestic research.
The difference is in the
environment to which
the tools are applied.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International and Domestic

Research (cont.)
The four primary reasons for the differences
between international and domestic research

New Parameters

New Environmental

An Increase in the
A Broader Definition Number
of Competition of Factors Involved
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

New Parameters
In crossing international borders, a firm
encounters parameters not found in
domestic business.
Examples include:
Foreign currencies and changes in their value
Different modes of transportation
International documentation
Differing modes of operating internationally
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

New Environmental Factors

Many of the domestic assumptions on
which the firm and its activities were
founded may not hold true
Management needs to:
Learn the culture of the host country
Understand its political systems and level of
Comprehend the existing differences in societal
structures and language
Understand pertinent legal issues
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Number of Factors

When a firm enters a new international
market, the number of changing
dimensions increases.
Coordination of the interaction among the
dimensions is crucial to the international
success of the firm for two reasons:
In order to exercise some central control over
international operations, a firm must be able to
compare results and activities across countries.
The firm must be able to learn from its international
operations and must find new ways to apply the new
lessons learned to different markets.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Broader Definition of
The international market
exposes the firm to much
greater variety of competition
than that found in the home
Firms must:
Determine the breadth of the competition,
Track competitive activities,
Evaluate their actual and potential impact
on company operations on an ongoing
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Lack of International
International research is often less rigorous,
less formal, and less quantitative than
domestic research.
The four reasons why managers are reluctant
to engage in international research are:
Their lack of sensitivity to differences in culture,
consumer tastes, and market demands.
Limited appreciation for different environments abroad.
Lack of familiarity with national and international data
Firms build international business activities gradually,
frequently based on unsolicited orders.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Importance of
International Research
Firms must learn where the opportunities are,
what customers want, why they want it, and
how they satisfy their needs and wants.
Research allows management to identify and
develop international strategies.
Firms must identify, evaluate, and compare
potential foreign business opportunities and
the subsequent target market selection.
Research is necessary for the development of a
business plan.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Determining Research
As a starting point,
research objectives must
be determined for a firm.
These objectives will
depend on the views of
management, the
corporate mission of the
firm, the firm’s level of
internationalization, and
its competitive situation.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Going International-
A frequent objective of international
research is that of foreign market
opportunity analysis. The aim is to utilize a
broad-brush approach.
Steps to this approach include:
A cursory analysis of general variables of a country.
A preliminary evaluation of each individual country.
Selection of appropriate markets for in-depth
Finally, a competitive assessment must be made.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Process of Researching Foreign

Market Potentials
Stage One
Preliminary Screening for Attractive Country Markets
Key Question to be answered:
Which foreign markets warrant detailed information?

Stage Two
Assessment of Industry Market Potential
Key Question to be answered:
What is the aggregate demand in each of the selected markets?

Stage Three
Company Sales and Promotion Analysis
Key Question to be answered:
How attractive is the potential demand for our products and services?
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Going International-
When importing, the major focus shifts
from supplying to sourcing.
Management must identify markets that
produce suppliers or materials desired.
The importer needs to know:
The reliability of a foreign supplier,
The consistency of its product or service quality,
The length of delivery time,
Government rules and restrictions of the exporting
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Secondary Data
Secondary data is information that already has
been collected by some other organization.
This data should be evaluated regarding the
quality of the source, how recent the data is,
and the relevance to the task at hand.
Because secondary data were originally
collected to serve another purpose, they can
often only be used as proxy information.
Precautions should be taken due to increasing
sensitivity to data privacy. Firms must inform
their customers of privacy policies.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Sources of Secondary Data

Other Firms



Trade Associations Service

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Conducting Primary Research

Primary data are obtained
by a firm to fill specific
information needs.
The researcher must decide
whether research is to be
conducted in the consumer
or the industrial product
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Determining the Research

Selection of the research technique
depends on a variety of factors:
The objectivity of the data sought must be
determined. Unstructured data will require more
open-ended questions and more time than
structured data.
Whether the data should be collected in the real
world or in a controlled environment.
Whether to collect historical facts or information
about future developments.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Research Techniques


Focus Groups Observation

Surveys Use of Web

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The International
Information System
An information system is the systematic and
continuous gathering, analysis, and reporting
of data for decision-making purposes.
To be useful, the information system must be:
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Export Complaint Systems

An export complaint system allows
customers to contact the original
supplier of a product in order to inquire
about products, make suggestions, or to
present complaints.
A firm must be able to aggregate and
analyze complaints and to make use of
them internally.
Increasingly, the Internet enables
customers to provide feedback on their
experiences with a firm.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Mechanisms of Export

Complaint Systems

Delphi Studies Scenario Building

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Environmental Scanning
Environmental scanning activities
provide continuous information on:
Political, social, and economic affairs
Changes of attitudes of public institutions and
private citizens
Possible upcoming alterations
Two significant methods of
environmental scanning are obtaining
factual input and content analysis.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Delphi Studies
Delphi studies are a means for
aggregating the judgements of a
number of experts who cannot
come together physically.

The Delphi technique is particularly

valuable because it uses mail, fax,
or electronic communication to
bridge large distances and therefore
makes experts accessible at a
reasonable cost.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Scenario Building
Scenario building involves the identification of
crucial variables and the degree of variation.
The possibility of joint occurrences must be
For scenarios to be useful, managers must
analyze and respond to them by formulating
contingency plans.
Through the anticipation of possible problems,
managers hone their response capability and
in turn shorten response times to actual
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Entry and Expansion

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To learn how firms gradually progress
through an internationalization process.
To understand the strategic effects of
To study the various modes of entering
international markets.
To understand the role and functions of
international intermediaries.
To learn about the opportunities and
challenges of cooperative market
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Management
Successful international managers tend to:
Be active
Be aggressive
Display a high degree of international orientation

Managerial commitment is critical because

foreign market penetration requires a vast
amount of market development activity,
sensitivity toward foreign environments,
research, and innovation.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Steps to Developing

International Commitment
Become aware of international
business opportunities.
Determine the degree of the
firm’s internationalization.
Decide the timing of when to
start the internationalization
process and how quickly it
should progress.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Motivations for Going

Proactive Motivations Reactive Motivations
Profit advantage Competitive pressures
Unique products Overproduction
Technological Declining domestic sales
advantage Excess capacity
Exclusive information Saturated domestic
Tax benefit markets
Economies of scale Proximity to customers
and ports
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Psychological Distance
Sometimes cultural variables, legal
factors, and other societal norms make
a foreign market that is geographically
close seem psychologically distant.
The two major issues of psychological
distance are:
Some of the distance seen by firms is based
on perception rather than reality.
Closer psychological proximity makes it easier
for firms to enter markets.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Profit Risk During Early

In the short term, firms may experience
increased risk and decreasing profits when
going international.
Profit Gap

International Experience
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Keys to Successful

International Performance

Efficiency Competitive
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Entry



Foreign Direct Interfirm

Investment Cooperation
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Exporting and Importing

Firms can export and import using two
Indirect involvement means that the firm
participates in international business through
an intermediary and does not deal with
foreign customers or markets.
Direct involvement means that the firm works
with foreign customers or markets with the
opportunity to develop a relationship.
Firms decide on the desired method by
implementing transaction cost theory.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Intermediaries
Importers and exporters often use
international intermediaries who
provide assistance in:
Identification of foreign suppliers and trading
Providing business contacts
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Export Management
Firms that specialize in
performing international
business services for other
companies are known as
export management
companies (EMCs)
The two primary roles of
EMCs are:
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Trading Companies
Trading companies help firms by importing,
exporting, countertrading, investing, and
The sogashosha of Japan are the most powerful
trading companies in the world for four reasons:
They efficiently gather, evaluate, and translate market
information into business opportunities.
Economies of scale give them preferential treatment.
They operate around the world, not just Japan.
They have vast quantities of capital.
In the U.S., export trading company legislation is
designed to improve the export performance of
small and medium-sized firms.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Facilitators are entities outside the firm
that assist in the process of going
international by supplying knowledge and
Private sector facilitators include:
Accounting firms
Consulting firms
Public sector facilitators include:
Departments of commerce
Export-Import Banks
Educational Institutions
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Under a licensing agreement, one firm
permits another to use its intellectual
property for compensation designated as
The property licensed may include:
Technical know-how
Specific business skills
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Benefits and Costs of

Benefits Costs
It requires neither capital It is a very limited form of
investment nor detailed foreign market
involvement with foreign participation.
customers. It does not guarantee a
It capitalizes on research basis for future expansion.
and development already The licensor may create its
conducted. own competitor.
It helps avoid host country
regulations applicable to
equity ventures.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Franchising is the granting of the right by a
parent company to another independent entity
to do business in a prescribed manner.
The major forms of franchising are:
Manufacturer-retailer systems such as car dealerships,
Manufacturer-wholesaler systems such as soft drink,
Service-firm retailer systems such as fast-food outlets.
To be successful, the firm must offer unique
products or propositions, and a high degree of
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Key Reasons for Franchising

Market Potential

Financial Gain Saturated Domestic

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Interfirm Cooperation
A strategic alliance is an arrangement between
two or more companies with a common
business objective.
To better compete, many companies form
strategic alliances with suppliers, customers,
competitors, and companies in other industries
to achieve goals.
Reasons for interfirm cooperation include:
Market development
To share risk or resources
To block and co-opt competitors
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Types of Interfirm Competition

Number of Partners
Equity 2 More than 2
Informal Cooperation
(no binding agreement)

None Contractual
New Joint Venture

Some Participation
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Contractual Agreements
Strategic alliance partners may join forces for
R&D, marketing, production, licensing, cross-
licensing, cross-market activities, or
Contract manufacturing allows the corporation
to separate the physical production of goods
from the R&D and marketing stages.
Management contracts involve selling one’s
expertise in running a company while avoiding
the risk or benefit of ownership.
A turnkey operation is a contractual agreement
that permits a client to acquire a complete
system following its completion.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Equity Participation
Some companies have acquired
minority ownerships in companies
that have strategic importance for
Reasons for engaging in equity
participation include:
It ensures supplier ability
It builds working relationships
It creates market entry and support of
global operations
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Joint Ventures
A joint venture involves the participation of
two or more companies in an enterprise in
which each party contributes assets, has some
equity, and shares risk.
The 3 reasons for establishing a joint venture
Government policy or legislation.
One partner’s needs for another partner’s skills.
One partner’s needs for another partner’s attributes or
The key to a joint venture is the sharing of a
common business objective.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

To combat the high costs and risks
of research and development,
research consortia have emerged in
the United States, Japan, and
The Joint Research and
Development Act of 1984 allows
domestic and foreign firms to
participate in joint basic research
efforts without the fear of antitrust
Since this act passed, over 100
consortia have been registered in
the United States.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Managerial Considerations
Issues to address before the formation of a venture include:

1. clear definition of the venture 7. government assistance,

and its duration, 8. transfer of technology,
2. ownership, control, and 9. marketing arrangements,
management, 10. environmental protection,
3. financial structure and policies, 11. record keeping and
4. taxation and fiscal obligation, inspection, and
5. employment and training, 12. settlement of disputes.
6. production,
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Full Ownership
For some firms, foreign direct investment
requires full ownership. Reasons include:
An ethnocentric approach
Financial concerns
In order to make a rational decision about the
extent of ownership, management must
evaluate the extent to which total control is
important to the success of its international
marketing activities.
Increasingly, the international environment is
hostile to full ownership by multinational
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Market Entry

and Development Model

Alternative Level of Motivations

Strategies Management Concerns
•Trading Commitment •Information
•Aware •Reactive
Export/Import •Mechanics
•Licensing/ •Interested •Communication
Focus Franchising •Trial •Sales Effort
•Local •Evaluation Inter- •Service
presence mediaries
•Adaptation •EMC •Regulations
full ownership •Trading Co.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Planning
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
Outline the process of strategic planning in
the context of the global marketplace.
Examine both the external and internal
factors that determine the conditions for
development of strategy and resource
Illustrate how best to utilize the environmental
conditions within the competitive challenges and
resources of the firm to develop effective
Suggest how to achieve a balance between local
and regional/global priorities and concerns in the
implementation of strategy.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Planning
The Strategic
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Globalization reflects a business
orientation based on the belief that
the world is becoming more
homogeneous and that distinctions
between national markets are not
only fading but, for some products,
will eventually disappear.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Globalization Drivers
Both internal and external factors
will create favorable conditions for
development of strategy and
resource allocation on a global basis.
These factors can be divided into:
Market Factors
Cost Factors
Environmental Factors
Competitive Factors
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Market Factors
The world customer gains new meaning.
Developed infrastructures lead to
attractive markets for other products.
Similarities in demand conditions
facilitates product design.
Channels of distribution are becoming
more global.
Technology changes the landscape of
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cost Factors
Two powerful
Cost inefficiencies
Duplication of effort
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Environmental Factors
Removal of physical, fiscal, and
technical barriers to further facilitate
globalization of markets.
Rapid technological evolution
contributes to globalization efforts.
Smaller bureaucracies of mininationals
facilitates new product development
and allows for opportunities to seize
new markets.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Competitive Factors
Companies may have to
be the first to do
something new, or to
preempt competitors’

Market presence may be

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Strategic Planning Process

Formal strategic planning contributes to:

Financial Performance Objectives
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Strategic Planning

Process Involves:
Adjusting the core strategy.
Formulating global marketing
Developing global programs.
Implementing global programs.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Core Strategy
Assessing and Adjusting:

Forces determining business Companies must

success are common to assess their own
different countries. readiness for
Necessary Participants: moves
Executives from marketing,
production, finance, logistics
and procurement.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Formulating Global
The choices:


International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Country-Market Choice
Three factors should determine
country selection:
The stand-alone attractiveness of a market.
Global strategic importance.
Possible synergies
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The recognition that groups within
markets differ sufficiently to
warrant individual approaches.
Allows global companies to take
advantage of the benefits of
Involves looking at markets on a
global or regional basis.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Developing Global Programs

Decisions involved in developing a
global program.
The degree of standardization in the
product offering.
The marketing program beyond the
product variable.
Location and extent of value-adding
Competitive moves to be made.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Product Offering
standardization may
result in significant
cost savings.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Marketing Approach
Uniformity is sought especially in
elements that are strategic in nature,
whereas care is taken to localize
necessary tactical elements.

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Location of Value-Added
Cost Reduction: Pool


International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Competitive Moves
Global companies may
have to respond to
competitive moves a
variety of markets.
Cross-subsidization may
offer competitive
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Implementing Global
Successful companies strive to
balance local and global
Too much local production may reduce
import positioning.
Too little planning involvement by the
country organization may lead to NIH.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Avoiding The
Not-Invented-Here Syndrome
Ensure that local
managers participate in
the development of
strategies and programs.
Encourage local managers
to generate ideas.
Maintain local and global
product portfolios.
Allow local managers to
control budget.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Localizing Global Moves

The role of headquarters staff should be one of
coordination, and leveraging the resources of the
Globalization calls for the centralization of
decision-making authority beyond that of the
multidomestic approach.
Executing global account management programs
builds relationships with customers and allows for
development of internal systems and interaction.
Decision-making in global companies supports
the goal of treating the world as a single market.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Implementation, and
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
Describe alternative organizational
structures for international operations.
Highlight factors affecting decisions
about the structure of international
Indicate roles for country organizations in
the development of strategy and
implementation of programs.
Outline the need for and challenges of
controls in international operations.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Organizational Structure
Companies must change strategies
as their structures evolve from
domestic to multinational. The
basic functions of an organization
are to provide:
A route and locus of decision making and
A system for reporting and communications.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Organizational Designs
Types of structures used by companies
to manage foreign activities:


International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Little or No Formal Organization

Domestic operations assume
responsibility for international
activities in the early stages.
The organizational structure
reflects the increased demands
from the international
The export department structure
becomes obsolete as the firm
becomes more involved in foreign
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The International Division

Centralizes in one entity all
of the responsibility for
international activities.
Best serve firms with few
products that do not vary
Coordination is important.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Global Organizational Structures

Types: Most often used by
Improved cost
Product Structure efficiency is a major

Second most used

approach. Follows the
marketing concept
most closely.
Area Structure
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Global Organizational Structures


Types: The simplest from the

viewpoint. A variation
is one that uses
Functional processes as a basis
Structure for structure.

Especially used if
customer groups are
dramatically different.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Global Organizational Structures

Types: Combines two or more
Integrates the various
Mixed Structure
approaches. Most
companies find this
Complexity of this
structure may increase
Matrix Structure the reaction time of a
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Locus of Decision Making
Decentralized systems have loose and
simple controls. Subsidiary operates
as a profit center.
Centralized systems have tight controls.
Strategic decision making is at
Coordinated decentralization calls for
overall strategy to come from headquarters.
Subsidiaries are free to implement within
agreed upon range.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Decision Making
Factors that impact structure and
decision making.
Degree of involvement in international
Products that the firm markets.
Size and importance of the firm’s markets.
Human resource capability of the firm.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Networked Global Organization

The network avoids problems
of effort duplication,
inefficiency, and resistance to
Subsidiaries are able to make
local business development
decisions within the global
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Internal Cooperation
Success for a global firm involves the
ability to move intellectual capital.
Boundarylessness describes a situation
in which people can act without regard
to status while feeling the freedom to
search elsewhere for innovative ideas.
International teams promote
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Internal Cooperation

Greatly assisted
by Internet-based
Access to virtual
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Country Organizations

k Hole
Implementor Blac
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Country Organizations
Strategic Leader
A competent national subsidiary that
may be serving as a partner in
developing and implementing strategy.

Country organization with a distinctive
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Country Organizations
Most entities hold this role. It provides
critical mass for the global effort.

Black Hole
The international company has a low
competence country organization, or
none at all.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD


Internal benchmarking is of great

importance in today’s market.

General instruments of control:

Bureaucratic/Formalized Control
Cultural Control
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Bureaucratic/Formalized
Control System
International budget and
planning system.
Functional reporting system.
Policy manuals to direct
functional performance.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cultural Control

Requires personal

Requires careful
selection and
training of
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Exercising Controls
Manufacturing subsidiaries tend to
be controlled more intensively
than sales subsidiaries.
U.S.-based multinationals place
more emphasis on quantitative
Control systems must consider the
impact of the environment.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
Suggest how markets for international
expansion can be selected, their demand
assessed, and appropriate strategies for
their development devised.
Describe how environmental differences
generate new challenges for the international
marketing manager.
Compare and contrast the merits of
standardization versus localization strategies for
country markets and of regional versus global
market efforts.
Discuss market-specific and global challenges
facing the marketing functions: product, price,
distribution, and promotion within both the
traditional and e-business dimensions.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

A look at: Target Market

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Identification and Screening

Preliminary Screening
Estimating Market
Potentials by Product
Estimating Sales
Potential for Company’s
Identifying Segments in
Target Market
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Preliminary Screening
This process must rely
chiefly on secondary
data for country-
specific factors as well
as product and
industry specific
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Estimating Market Potential

The international
marketer needs to
assess the size of
existing markets and
forecast the size of
future markets.
The marketer uses both
quantitative and
qualitative techniques
for assessment.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Estimating Sales Potential

Collect product
and market
specific data
Channel structure
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Identifying Segments
Individuals and
organizations vary in their
wants, resources,
geographical locations,
buying attitudes, and
buying practices.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Concentration Versus Diversification

Major alternatives for choosing an expansion policy:

Concentration on
a small number of
Diversification is
growth in a
relatively large
number of
markets in early
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Marketing Management
The extent to which elements of the
marketing mix should be

Marketers may consider every
situation independently, or rely on
decision-support systems to aid in
program adaptation.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Product Policy
The Core of the Firm’s Operations


International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Factors in Product Adaptation

Regional, Country, or Local
Governments hold stringent requirements.
Consider nontariff barriers.
Competitive offerings may provide a
baseline for resource measurement.
Economic development must be accounted
Customer preferences must be considered.
Consider economic status of users.
Consideration of geography.
Purchase patterns must be considered.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Product Characteristics
characteristics are
the inherent
features of the
product offering.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Company Considerations
Cost of adapting
Is It Worth Organization
It? Market
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Pricing Policy
The only element in the
marketing mix that is revenue
Export Pricing
Foreign Market Pricing
Price Coordination
Intracompany Pricing
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Export Pricing
Standard worldwide pricing is based on
average unit costs of fixed, variable, and
export-related costs.
Dual pricing differentiates between
domestic and export prices.
Market-differentiated pricing is based
on demand-oriented strategy making it
more consistent with the marketing
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Foreign Market Pricing

Determined By
Corporate Objectives.
Consumer Behavior and Market
Market Structure.
Environmental Constraints.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Price Coordination
Standard worldwide
pricing may be
mostly theoretical.
Significant price
gaps lead to the
emergence of gray
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Intracompany Pricing

The pricing of
sales to
members of
the corporate
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Distribution Policy

Channels of
provide the
essential links
that connect
producers and
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Channel Design
Determined by the 11 C-Factors
Customers Cost
Culture Coverage
Competition Control
Company Continuity
Character Communication
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Is forecast to grow at a
compound annual rate of 50+
percent within 5 years.
Western Europe has most
Governments work to come
to terms with security,
privacy, and access to the
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Promotional Policy

Personal Selling
Sales Promotion
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
Examine the important role of services
in international business.
Understand why trade in services is more
complex than trade in goods.
Appreciate the heightened sensitivity required
for international service success.
Learn that stand-alone services are becoming
more important to world trade.
Examine the competitive advantage of firms in
the service sector.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Differences Between Sales and Goods

“a good is an
object, a device, a
“a service is a deed,
a performance, an
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Links Between Services and Goods

Services may
goods; at other
times, goods
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Stand-Alone Services
Services Can Compete Against Goods
Types of Communication
Intangible car rentals, etc.
Food and drink,
cars, books,
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

How Services Differ From Goods

Services are difficult to
For services offerings, the
time of production is close
to the time of consumption.
Services are more often
Services are often custom-
Services often require new
forms of distribution.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Role of Services in the U.S.

Since the Industrial Revolution, the
United States has seen itself as a
primary international competitor in:

The Production of Goods

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Role of Services in the U.S.

In the past decades the U.S. economy
has increasingly become a:

Service Economy
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Role of Global Services in the

World Economy
The rise of the service sector is a global
Economies of developing countries
generally first establish agricultural and
manufacturing sectors before entering into
the services sector.
As more countries enter the sector, the
global services business will become more
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Global Transformations in the

Services Sector

The rise in services trade is due to

changes in the environment and in
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Global Transformations in the

Services Sector
Reduction of

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Problems in Service Trade

New problems have emerged in

the service sector together with
the increase in the importance of
service trade.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Problems in Service Trade

Data Collection Problems.
Data is often sketchy.
Service transactions are often statistically
Global Regulations of Services.
National and economic security issues result in
barriers to entry.
Additional problems in the performance of services
abroad—tradition, regulation, etc.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Corporations and Services Trade

Services and E-Commerce
Easy access to
global markets.
Little-known firms
can become known.
Electronic business
media occurs at
different rates in
different countries.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Corporations and Services Trade

Typical International Services
Banking and consulting services can
become internationally competitive.
Insurance services can be sold
Communication services have excellent
success in international operations.
Institutions successfully offer
international teaching services.
Tourism is a major service export.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Starting to Offer Services

Novices follow the path of
the good, if the service is
delivered in support of a
New marketers search for
similar market situations
abroad if the service is
independent from goods.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Indications

Will the service be

directed at people or

Will the service act

result in tangible or
intangible actions?
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Indications
Services Aimed at People
Directed at People’s Minds:
Directed at People’s Bodies:
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Indications
Services Aimed at Things
Directed at physical possessions:
Directed at intangible assets:
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Strategic Indications
Gaining Credibility Abroad
Providing objective verification
of their capabilities.
Providing personal guarantees of
Cultivating a professional image.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Role of Personnel in International

Customer interface is intense.
Proper provisions must be
made for training of personnel.
Major emphasis must be placed
on appearance.
The person delivering the
service communicates the
overall attitude/value of the
service corporation.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Pricing and Financing in

International Strategy
Because services cannot
be stored, there is greater
responsiveness to demand
Greater pricing flexibility
must be maintained.
The intangibility of
services makes financing
more difficult.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Logistics and Supply-Chain

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To understand the escalating importance
of logistics and supply-chain management
as crucial tools for competitiveness.
To learn about materials management and
physical distribution.
To learn why international logistics is more
complex than domestic logistics.
To see how the transportation infrastructure in
host countries often dictates the options open to
the manager.
To learn why international inventory management
is crucial for success.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Logistics

International logistics is the

design and management of a
system that controls the forward
and reverse flow of materials,
services, and information into,
through, and out of the international
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Logistics (cont.)

Through the implementation of international
logistics, the firm can implement cost-saving
programs such as just-in-time (JIT), electronic
data interchange (EDI), and early supplier
involvement (ESI).
The two phases of the movement of materials
materials management, or the timely movement of
materials, parts, and supplies.
physical distribution, or the movement of the firm’s
physical product to its customers.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Three Concepts of Business

Systems Concept

Total Cost Concept Trade-off Concept

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Supply-Chain Management
Supply-chain management is the
integration of business processes from
end user through original suppliers, that
provide products, services, and
information that add value for
Supply-chain management connects a company’s
supply side with its demand side.
It opens up supplier relationships for companies
outside of the buyer’s domestic market.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The International Supply Chain

Suppliers Corporation Customers

Domestic/Import Inbound Outbound Domestic/Export

Sourcing Throughflow
Materials Materials Distribution

Order Order
Order Order Processing Placement
Processing Processing

Supplier-Firm Transportation Transportation

Physical Costumer-Firm
Transportation Transportation Materials Distribution Interface
Management Management
Customer Physical
Service Distribution

Storage Storage Inventory Storage Inventory Inventory

Management Management Management

Forward and Reverse Flow of Information, Products, and Funds

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Transportation Infrastructure
A firm’s logistics platform is determined by a
location’s ease and convenience of market
reach under favorable cost circumstances.
The public sector’s investment priorities,
safety regulations, tax incentives, and
transport policies can have major effects on
the logistics decisions of firms.
The logistics manager must learn about
existing and planned infrastructures abroad
and at home and factor them into the firm’s
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Vessels Used in Ocean Shipping

Liner Service

Bulk Service Tramp Service

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Airfreight is available to and from most
countries, including the developing world.
International airfreight is expected to grow to 190
billion tons in 2005, compared to only 70 billion
tons in 1995.
Forty percent of the world’s manufactured travel
by air.
Items that are high-value or high in density tend
to travel by air.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Considerations for Selecting a

Mode of Transport

Transit Time Predictability

Cost Non-economic
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Export Documentation
A bill of lading is a contract between the exporter
and the carrier indicating that the carrier has
accepted responsibility for the goods and will provide
transportation in return for payment.
A commercial invoice is a bill for the goods stating
basic information about the transaction, including a
description of the merchandise, total cost of the
goods sold, addresses of the shipper and seller, and
delivery and payment terms.
A freight forwarder specializes in handling export
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Inventory Issues

Inventories tie up a major portion of corporate
funds, therefore proper inventory policies
should be a major concern to the international
Just-in-time inventory policies minimize the
volume of inventory by making it available
only when needed.
The purpose of establishing inventory systems
to maintain product movement in the delivery
to have a cushion to absorb demand fluctuations
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Three Factors that Decide the

Level of Inventory
Order Cycle Time

Desired Customer Use of Inventories as

Service Levels a Strategic Tool
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Packaging Issues

Packaging is instrumental in getting the merchandise
to the destination in a safe, presentable condition.
Because of the added stress of international shipping,
packaging that is adequate for domestic shipping
may be inadequate for international shipping.
Packaging considerations that should be taken into
account are environmental conditions and weight.
One solution to the packaging problem has been the
development of inter-modal containers.
Cost attention must be paid to international
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Storage Facilities
A stationary period is involved when merchandise
becomes inventory stored in warehouses.
The location decision addresses how many
distribution centers to have and where to locate
Storage facilities abroad can differ in availability and
The logistician should analyze international product
sales and then rank order products according to
warehousing needs.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Special Trade Zones

Foreign trade zones are areas
where foreign goods may be held or
processed and then re-exported
without incurring duties.
Trade zones can be useful as
transshipment points to reduce
logistics cost and redesign marketing
Governments and firms benefit from
foreign trade zones.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Export Processing Zones and

Economic Zones
In export processing zones, special rules apply
that are different in other regions of the country.
These zones usually provide tax-free and duty-free
treatment for production facilities whose output is
destined abroad.
The maquiladoras of Mexico are one example of a
program that permits firms to take advantage of
sharp differentials in labor costs.
Through the creation of special economic zones,
the Chinese government has attracted many foreign
investors bringing in millions of dollars.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Centralized Logistics
In international logistics, the existence of a
headquarters staff that retains decision-
making power over logistics is important.
To avoid internal problems, both headquarters
staff and local management should report to
one person.
This individual can contribute an objective
view when inevitable conflicts arise in
international logistics coordination.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Decentralized Logistics
When a firm serves many diverse international
markets, total centralization might leave the
firm unresponsive to local adaptation needs.
If each subsidiary is made a profit center in
itself, each one carries the full responsibility
for its performance.
Once products are within a specific market,
increased input from local logistics operations
should be expected and encouraged.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Outsourcing Logistics Services

The systematic outsourcing of
logistics capabilities is a third option.
By collaborating with transportation
firms, private warehouses, or other
specialists, corporate resources can
be concentrated on the firm’s core
One-stop logistics allows shippers to
buy all the transportation modes and
functional services from a single
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Supply Chain and the

Because of the internet, firms are able to
conduct many more global comparisons among
suppliers and select from a wider variety of
When customers have the ability to access a
company through the internet, the company
must be prepared for 24-hour order-taking and
customer service.
For all countries, but particularly in developing
nations, the issue of universal access to the
internet is crucial.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Logistics and Security

After the terrorist attacks of 2001, companies
have to deal with the fact that the pace of
international transactions has slowed down
and that formerly routine steps will now take
Logistics systems and modern transportation
systems are often the targets of attacks.
The need to institute new safeguards for
international shipments will affect the ability
of firms to efficiently plan their international
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Logistics and the Environment

Since environmental laws and regulations
differ across the globe, the firm’s efforts need
to be responsive to a wide variety of
Reverse distribution systems are instrumental
in ensuring that the firm not only delivers the
product to the market, but also can retrieve it
from the market for subsequent use,
recycling, or disposal.
Companies need to learn how to
simultaneously achieve environmental and
economic goals.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Financial Management
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To understand how value is measured
and managed across the multiple units
of the multinational firm.
To understand how international business
and investment activity alters and adds to
the traditional financial management activities
of the firm.
To understand the three primary currency
exposures that confront the multinational firm.
To examine how exchange rate changes alter
the value of the firm, and how management can
manage or hedge these exposures.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Goal of Management

The goal for most Anglo-American markets is
stockholder maximization - the management
of the company seeks to maximize the returns
to stockholders by working to push share
prices up and to continually grow dividends.

The goal for most Continental European and

Japanese firms is corporate wealth
maximization - considering the financial and
social health of all stakeholders.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Global Financial Goals

The three primary
financial objectives are:
1. Maximization of
consolidated, after-tax
2. Minimization of the firm’s
effective global tax
3. Correct positioning of the
firm’s income, cash flows,
and available funds.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Genus Corporation and

Foreign Subsidiaries
Genus Corporation

Brazil Germany China

Moderate Tax High Tax Low Tax

Unstable Currency Stable Currency Stable Currency
Limited Funds Movement Free Funds Movement Blocked Funds
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Multinational Management at
The primary goal of the firm is the maximization of
consolidated profits, after tax.
Consolidated profits are the profits of all the individual
units of the firm originating in many different
Each of the incorporated units of the firm has its own
set of traditional financial statements, which are
expressed in the local currency.
The shareholders of Genus track the firm’s financial
performance on the basis of earnings per share (EPS).
Each affiliate is located within a country’s borders and
is therefore subject to all laws and regulations within
that country.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Evaluating Potential Foreign

Evaluating the potential for foreign investment
Capital budgeting - the process of evaluating the financial
feasibility of an individual investment.
Capital structure - the determination of the relative
quantities of debt capital and equity capital that will
constitute the funding of the investment.
Working capital and cash flow management - the
management of operating the financial cash flows passing
in and out of a specific investment project.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Financial Trust
Unlike most domestic business, international
business often occurs between two parties that
do not know each other very well.
In order to conduct business, a large degree of
financial trust must exist.
Financial trust is the trust that the buyer
of a product will actually pay for it
on or after delivery.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Financial Trust Using a Letter

of Credit (L/C)
Yokohama Bank Pacific First Bank
(Japan) (United States)

1 2
Financing of trade & 4
with L/C

Endaka Construction Vanport Lumber

(Japan) pine lumber Company
exported (United States)
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Financial Trust Using a Letter

of Credit (L/C)
1. Endaka Construction requests a letter of credit to be
issued by its bank.
2. Yokohama Bank will determine if Endaka is financially
sound and capable of making the payments required.
3. Yokohama Bank issues the letter of credit to the
exporter’s bank, Pacific First Bank.
4. Pacific First assures Vanport that payment will be
made after evaluating the letter of credit.
5. The lumber order is loaded onboard the shipper.
6. Vanport draws a draft against Yokohama Bank for
7. Pacific Bank confirms the letter of credit and collects
from Yokohama Bank.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Multinational Investing
An investment is financially justified if it has a
positive net present value (NPV).
The construction of a capital budget is the
process of projecting the net operating cash
flows of the potential investment to determine
if it is indeed a good investment.
A capital budget is composed primarily of cash
flow components.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Capital Budget Components

Initial Expenses and
Capital Outlays

Operating Cash Flows Terminal Cash Flows

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Risks in International
Risks are higher for international investments
than domestic investments.
The risk arises from the different countries,
their laws, regulations, potential for
interference with the normal operations of the
investment project, and currencies.
Foreign governments have the ability to pass
new laws, increasing risk for a parent
Another risk issue is that the viewpoint or
perspective of the parent and the project may
no longer be the same.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Cash Flow

Cash management is the financing of short-term
or current assets.
Operating cash flows arise from the everyday
business activities of the firm such as paying for
materials or resources or receiving payments for
items sold.
Financing cash flows arise from the funding
activities of the firm. The servicing of existing
funding resources, interest on existing debt, and
dividend payments to shareholders constitute
frequent cash flows.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Transfer Prices
The prices at which multinational
firms sell their products to their
subsidiaries and affiliates are
called transfer prices.
Theoretically, they are equivalent
to what the product would cost if
purchased on the open market.
Sometimes, transfer prices are set
internally, which may result in the
subsidiary being more or less
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cash Management
Netting, which combines cash flows between subsidiaries
and parent companies, is particularly helpful if the two
way flow is in two currencies.
Combining capital, or cash pooling, allows a firm to
spend less in terms of foregone interest on cash balances.
A foreign subsidiary that is expecting its local currency to
fall in value relative to that of the parent company may try
to speed up, or lead its payments to the parent.
If the local currency is expected to rise versus that of the
parent company, the subsidiary may want to wait, or lag
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Cash Management (cont.)

Reinvoicing occurs when one
office in a multinational firm takes
ownership of all invoices and
payments between units.
An internal bank can be
established within a firm if its
financial resources and needs are
either too large or too sophisticated
for the financial services that are
available in local subsidiary markets.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Types of Foreign Currency

Transaction Exposure

Economic Exposure Translation Exposure

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Transaction Exposure
Transaction exposure is the risk associated
with a contractual payment of foreign
It is the most common type of exchange risk.
The two conditions necessary for a
transaction exposure to exist are:
1. A cash flow that is denominated in a foreign
2. The cash flow will occur at a future date.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Transaction Exposure (cont.)

Managing transaction exposures usually is
accomplished by either natural hedging or
contractual hedging.
Natural hedging describes how a firm might arrange to
have foreign currency cash flows coming in and going
out at roughly the same times and same amounts.
Contractual hedging is when a firm uses financial
contracts to hedge the transaction exposure. The most
common foreign currency contractual hedge is the
forward contract.
Firms that import or export on a continuing basis
have constant transaction exposures.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Economic Exposure
Economic exposure is the risk to the firm that
its long-term cash flows will be affected,
positively or negatively, by unexpected future
exchange rate changes.

It emphasizes that there is a limit to a firm’s

ability to predict either cash flows or exchange
rate changes in the medium to long term.

Management of economic exposure is being

prepared for the unexpected.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Translation Exposure
Translation exposure is the
risk that arises from the legal
requirement that all firms
consolidate their financial
statements of all worldwide
operations annually.
Unlike transaction and economic
exposures, which are “true”
exposures, translation exposure
is an economic problem.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Countertrade is a sale that encompasses more
than an exchange of goods, services, or ideas
for money.
Historically, countertrade was mainly conducted
in the form of barter, which is a direct exchange
of goods of approximately equal value, with no
money involved.
Conditions that encourage countertrade are:
lack of money,
lack of value of or faith in money,
lack of acceptability of money as an exchange
greater ease of transaction by using goods.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Reasons for Countertrade

Increasingly, countries and companies are
deciding that sometimes countertrade
transactions are more beneficial than
transactions based on financial exchange.
The use of countertrade permits the covert
reduction of prices and therefore allows the
circumvention of price and exchange controls.
Many countries are responding favorably to
the notion of bilateralism.
Countertrade is viewed as an excellent
mechanism to gain entry into new markets.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Corporate Governance,
Accounting, and Taxation
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To explore the purpose and structure of corporative
governance as it is practiced globally
To examine the failures in corporate governance
in recent years and how authorities are responding
to these changes
To understand how accounting practices differ across
countries and how these differences may alter the
competitiveness of firms in international markets
To isolate which accounting practices are likely to constitute
much of the competitiveness debate in the coming decade
To examine the primary differences in international taxation
across-countries and in turn how governments deal with both
domestic and foreign firms operating in their markets
To understand problems faced by many U.S.-based
multinational firms in paying taxes both in foreign countries
and in the United States.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The structure and conduct of
corporate governance and the
methods used in the measurement
of company operations,
accounting, principles, and
practice vary dramatically across
Taxation and accounting are
fundamentally related
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Corporate Governance
The relationship among stakeholders
used to determine and control strategic
direction and performance of an
organization is termed corporate
The way in which order and process is
established to ensure that decisions are
made and interests are represented
properly for all stakeholders
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Goal of Corporate

The single The most widely accepted
overriding statement of good corporate
governance practices are
objective of
those established by OBECD
corporate The rights of shareholders
governance is the The equity treatment of
optimization over shareholders
time of the return The role of stakeholders in
corporate governance
to shareholders Disclosure and transparency
The responsibilities of the board
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Structure of Corporate

The internal forces, the officers of the corporation
and the Board of directors, are those directly
responsible for determining the strategic direction
and the execution of the company’s future

The external forces include:

The equity markets
The analysts
The creditors and credit agencies who lend them money
The auditors
The multitude of regulators
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Auditors and Regulators

Auditors are Regulatory oversight
responsible for of publicly traded
providing an external firms in the U.S. is
professional opinion provided by
as to the fairness and governmental and
accuracy of corporate nongovernmental
financial statements agencies
These individuals Securities and
follow the generally Exchange Commission
accepted accounting
Applicable stock
principles exchange
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Comparative Corporate
Corporate governance
practices differ across
countries, economies, and
cultures and may be classified
by regime
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Comparative Corporate
Governance (cont.)
Corporate governance regimes
are a function of three major
factors in the evolution of
global corporate governance
principles and practices
Financial market development
Degree of separation between
management and ownership
Concept of disclosure and
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Case of Enron

Many of the issues related to
corporate governance and its
failures are best described by the
Enron case
Enron Corporation declared
bankruptcy in November 2001 as a
result of a complex combination of
business and governance failures
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Corporate Governance
The debate regarding what needs to be
done about corporate governance
reform depends on which systems and
regimes are deemed superior
To date, reform in the United States has
been largely regulatory
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Board structure and compensation
Transparency, accounting, and auditing
Minority shareholder rights
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Accounting Diversity
The fact that accounting
principles differ across
countries is not, by itself,
a problem
The primary problem is
that real economic
decisions by lenders,
investors, or government
policymakers may be
distorted by the
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Principal Accounting Differences

Across Countries
International accounting diversity
can lead to problems in international
business conducted with the use of
financial statements
Poor or improper decision making
Hindering the ability to raise capital in
differing markets
Hindering from monitoring competitive
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Principal Differences: The Issues

The resulting impact of accounting differences
is to separate or segment international
markets for investors and firms alike
Communicating the financial results of a
foreign company operating in a foreign country
and foreign currency is often a task that must
be undertaken separately from the accounting
duties of the firm
Nine major areas of significant differences in
accounting practices across countries serve to
provide understanding of this issue and
highlight some of the major philosophical
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Principal Differences: The Issues

Accounting for research and development
Accounting for fixed assets
Inventory accounting treatment
Capitalizing or expensing leases
Pension plan accounting
Accounting for income taxes
Foreign currency translation
Accounting for mergers and acquisitions
Consolidation of equity securities holdings
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Process of Accounting

First strong movement
There is still some conflict
toward accounting
over the terminology of
standardization was the
establishment of the
standardization, or
International Accounting
promulgation of uniform
Standards Committee
(IASC) in 1973
1966 study of accounting
Two other recent
differences across
developments concerning
countries conducted by
standardization merit
International Study
General Electric Company
Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB)
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Taxation
Governments alone have the
power to tax
Governments want to tax all
companies within their
jurisdiction without placing
burdens on domestic or foreign
companies that would restrain
Each country will state its
jurisdictional approach in the tax
treaties it signs with other
Treaties establish the bounds of
jurisdiction to prevent double
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Tax Jurisdictions and

Tax Types
Nations usually Taxes are generally
follow one of two classified one of
basic approaches two ways
to international Direct Taxes
Indirect Taxes
The value-added
approach tax (VAT) is the
primary revenue
Territorial or
source for the
source approach
European Union
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Income Categories and

There are three primary
methods used for the
transfer of funds across
tax jurisdictions
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

U.S. Taxation of
Foreign Operations
The U.S. exercises its rights to tax U.S.
residents’ income regardless of where the
income is earned
The income of a foreign branch of a U.S.
corporation is treated the same as if the
income was derived from sources within the
Corporations operating in more than one
country are subject to double taxation
The calculation of foreign income taxes
deemed paid and the additional U.S. taxes due
involves the interaction of four components
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Calculations of U.S. Taxes on

Foreign-Source Earnings: Four Cases
Foreign affiliate of a U.S. corporation
in a high-tax environment
Foreign affiliate of a U.S. corporation
in a low-tax environment
Foreign affiliate of a U.S. corporation
in a low-tax environment, 50 percent
Foreign subsidiary of a U.S.
corporation is a CFC in a low-tax
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Concluding Remarks Regarding U.S.

Taxation of Foreign Income
Recent accounting and tax rule changes
may actually result in worsening the
effective tax rate and excess foreign tax
credit problem for U.S. corporations
Fuel is being added to the fires of world
governments and their shares of the
world tax pie
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Human Resource Management

International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
To describe the challenges of managing
managers and labor personnel both in
individual international markets and in
worldwide operations
To examine the sources, qualifications, and
compensation of international managers
To assess the effects of culture on managers
and management policies
To illustrate the different roles of labor in
international markets, especially that of labor
participation in management
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Organizations have two general human
resource objectives
Recruitment and retention
Increased effectiveness
To attain the two major objectives, the
skills and activities needed include:
Personnel planning and staffing
Personnel training
An understanding of labor-management
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Managing Managers
The importance of the
quality of the workforce in
international business
cannot be stressed enough,
regardless of the stage of
internationalization of the
Early stages
Advanced stages
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Early Stages of
The marketing or sales manager of the firm
typically is responsible for beginning
export activities
The firm starting international operations
will usually hire an export manager from
outside rather than promote from within
This individual will have obtained experience from
another corporation or Foreign Service duty
High entrepreneurial spirit with trader mentality
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Advanced Stages of
As the firm progresses, human
resources planning activities will
initially focus on the needs of various
markets and functions
One of the major sources of
competitive advantage of global
corporations is their ability to attract
talent from around the world
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Interfirm Cooperative
Global competition is
forging new
cooperative ties
between firms from
different countries,
thereby adding new
challenges for the
firms involved
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Sources for Management

The location and the The recruitment
nationality of approach changes over
candidates for a the internalization
particular job are process of the firm
the key issues in When international
recruitment operations are
Internal or External
expanded, a
Local or Expatriates
development dilemma
may result
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Sources for Management

Currently, most managers in subsidiaries are host-
country nationals
Local managers, if not properly trained, may see
things differently from the way they are viewed at
The decision as to whether to use home-country
nationals depends on several factors
The number of home-country nationals in an
overseas operation rarely rises above 10% of the
workforce with 1% being typical
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Sources for Management

The use of third-country nationals is most often seen
in large multinational companies that have adopted a
global philosophy
The ability to recruit for international assignments is
determined by the value an individual company
places on international operations and the experience
gained in working in them
In an era of regional integration, many companies
are facing a severe shortage of managers who can
think and operate regionally or globally
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Selection criteria for

Overseas Assignments
The traits that have
been suggested as
necessary for the
manager range from
the ideal to the real
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Competence Factors
An expatriate manager usually has
far more responsibility than a
manager in a comparable domestic
position and must be far more self-
sufficient in making decisions and
conducting daily business
Factual cultural knowledge
Area expertise
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Adaptability Factors
The manager’s own
motivation to a great
extent determines the
viability of an overseas
assignment and
consequently its
Interpretive cultural
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Personal Characteristics
Despite all of the
efforts made by
companies to recruit
the best person
demographics still
play a role in the
selection process
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Selection and Orientation

Due to the cost of The candidate
transferring a selected will
manager participate in an
overseas, many orientation
firms go beyond
standard selection program on
procedures internal and
Adaptability external aspects
screening of the assignment
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Culture Shock
The effectiveness of orientation
procedures can be measured only after
managers are overseas
Culture shock is the term used for
pronounced reactions to the
psychological disorientation that is
experienced in varying degrees when
spending an extended period of time
in a new environment
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Causes and Remedies

The culture shock Four distinct
cycle for an stages of
overseas adjustment exist
assignment may during a foreign
last about fourteen
Initial euphoria
months Irritation and
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Returning home may
evoke mixed feelings
on the part of the
expatriate and the
Their concerns are
both professional and
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Base Salary and Salary-

Related Allowances
A manager’s base salary depends
on qualifications, responsibilities,
and duties
The purpose of a cost of living
allowance (COLA) is to enable the
manager to maintain as closely as
possible the same standard of
living that he or she would have
at home
Foreign service premium
Hardship allowance
Housing allowance
Tax equalization
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Other types of allowances are made
available to ease the transition into the
period of service abroad
Housing related
Automobile protection
Temporary living expenses
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Labor Participation in
Over the past quarter century, many
changes have occurred in the traditional
labor-management relationship
To enhance workers’ role in decision
making, various techniques have
Minority board membership
Work councils
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Improvement of Quality of
Work Life
The term quality of work life has
come to encompass various
efforts in the areas of personal
and professional development
Individual job-related programs
Work redesign
Team building
• Quality circles
Work scheduling
• Flextime
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Role of Labor Unions

The role of labor unions varies
from country to country
Internationalization of business
has created a number of
challenges for labor unions
The relations between companies
and unions can be cooperative
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Human Resource Policies

The objectives of a human
resource policy pertaining to
workers are the same as for
management to anticipate the
demand for various skills and
to have in place programs
that will ensure the
availability of employees
when needed
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Human Resource Policies

Compensation of the work
force is a controversial issue
Comparisons of compensation
packages are difficult
Differences in compensation
packages may come to a head
in merger and acquisition
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

New Horizons
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Learning Objectives
Understand the many
changing dimensions that
shape international business.
Learn about and evaluate the
international business forecasts
made by a panel of experts.
Be informed about different career
opportunities in international
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

New Horizons
The International Business
Globalization and Trade Negotiations
Government Policy
The Future of International Business
Careers in International Business
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The International Business

Conditions of Change in:
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Political Environment

Reshaping of
existing political
Formation of new
Breakup of old
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Planned Versus Market Economies

Eastern and Central Europe will
continue to be attractive for
international investment.
The distinction between developed and
less-developed countries is unlikely to
Environmental protection will be a
major force in economic growth.
Much of the growth of the global
economy will be fueled by the emerging
markets of the Asia Pacific region.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

A Divergence of Values
Nations hold differing
values and priorities.
Divergence of values will
require readjustment of
activities of the
international corporation.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Finance
Debt constraints and low commodity
prices impose slow growth prospects
for developing countries.
Developed nations have an incentive
to help debtor nations.
The United States is the largest
debtor nation in the world.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Effects of Population Shifts

Population increase will
become a national
priority in the
industrialized world.
Population stabilization
continues to be the
challenge in the
developing world.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Technological Environment
Internet is democratizing
global business.
enterprises can now be full
participants in the global
High technology is a
controversial area of
economic activity.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Globalization and Trade

Globalization will continue and trade
negotiations will continue to
experience difficulties.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Globalization and Trade

Long-term differentiation of
countries and firms includes:

Those WhoGrow
Grow Those

Those WhoMake
Make Those
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Government Policy
International trade activity now
affects domestic policy more than
Governments will need to coordinate
policies that affect the international
business environment.
Policymakers need a better
understanding of the nature of
international trade issues.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Future of International

Business Management
Global change results in an increase
in risk.
International markets remain a
source of high profits.
International executives will need to
balance the public and the private
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Product Policy

Environmental concern is a key issue
affecting product planning.
Firms will have to plan for the “post-
mortem” stage in the product life cycle.
Product life cycle will be measured in
months or even weeks.
Companies will have to deliver more
mass customization.
An increase will occur in the trend
toward strategic alliance.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Communications
Advances made in international
communications will have a profound
impact on international management.
Most affected will be members of the
services sector.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Distribution Strategies
Innovation will determine new ways of
serving markets.
More sophisticated distribution systems will
also introduce new uncertainties such as risk
due to distribution interruptions.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

International Pricing
Will become increasingly heated.
Forward pricing will become increasingly
Price competition will be substantial.
Exchange rate movements may play a more
significant role in maintaining
Nations will attempt to stimulate their
international competitiveness through
subsidization, targeting, or government
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Careers in International Business

-- To Prepare:
Be well versed in a specific functional business
Take summer internships abroad.
Take language courses.
Obtain further in-depth training by enrolling in
International Business Courses!
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Opportunities for Women in

Global Management
In the mid-1980’s women held
3.3% of overseas positions in
U.S. firms.
By 2000, 13% of expatriates
were women.
Expatriates are not seen as
women, but rather as
“foreigners who happen to be
Advantages are added visibility
and increased access to clients.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Employment With A Large Firm

Employees are expected to be grounded
in the practice and management of
Managers are sent abroad because the
company expects him or her to reflect
corporate spirit.
Employees returning from the
international route may find few positions
available back at headquarters.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

Employment With A Small Firm

May have recently developed an
international outlook.
With a more limited budget, most of the
work may be done by mail, fax, e-mail,
or by telephone.
International work may involve
Small firms provide excellent training
ground for international activities.
International Business Aashiesh Tavkarr PhD

The Opportunity to Become a True
International Entrepreneur

Specialized services that might be

offered by a consultant include:
international market research,
international strategic planning,
beginning-to-end assistance for
international entry or international
negotiations. There may be a higher
degree of risk involved, but there is
also an opportunity for higher

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