Motivation and Human Resources

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Motivation & HR Management

Some hints how to transform this...

into this...

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003

Motivation & HR Management

What is motivation

Why do we need motivation?

Achieving motivation

Preventing demotivation
Practical hints

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003

What is motivation?
From Latin "movere" - to move Forces "acting either on or within a person to initiate behaviour" (Britannica) An incentive The drive that makes you act in a certain way Motivation can grow, leave or change!

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003

What is motivation?
My dearest AEGEE: you changed my life. You made me European, introduced me to some great people, let me share a glass and a smart discussion with them. (...) You created a European paradise for us.
Angle Postolle, former AEGEE activist

Its hard to explain, but I just feel so comfortable in your company. Although I met so many people for the first time I never felt like a stranger.
Barbara Strebel, AEGEE contact Zrich
Stefan Hauk Regional Meeting Lund 2003 4

Motivation & HR Management

What is motivation Why do we need motivation? Achieving motivation

Preventing demotivation
Practical hints

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003

Why motivation?

Formerly we demanded very little from our staff because we couldnt pay much. Now we pay nothing and demand a lot!
representative of a charity organisation

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003

Why motivation?
The background of the outside world:
Increasing individualism "Fun generation" No common student identity any more Study conditions get tougher Time is precious -> cost/benefit calculation People more critical towards structures BUT: still open to commitment if MOTIVATED
Stefan Hauk Regional Meeting Lund 2003 7

Why motivation?
Motivation in AEGEE is important because... Lack of active members AEGEE depends on voluntary work "Soft" profile of AEGEE Lack of immediate returns in AEGEE

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003

Motivation & HR Management

What is motivation

Why do we need motivation?

Achieving motivation

Preventing demotivation
Practical hints

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003

Achieving motivation
Motivation depends on the personality. Typical classification of AEGEE members:

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Achieving motivation
But keep in mind: There is no clear distinction between the types What drives you forward is a combination of those Motives change in the course of time AEGEE activists usually don't reflect their motives for being active in AEGEE, they just do it...

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Achieving motivation
Motivation depends on: Human Relations Vision Personality Motivation produces motivation!

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Motivation by Relations
Principle: RESPECT
People need to be appreciated People need to be taken seriously Conflicts are allowed, if they are constructive! Avoid strategic use of praise, seduction, bribery, bad conscious ... if you want motivation to last! Don't try to buy people Tell the truth about AEGEE
Stefan Hauk Regional Meeting Lund 2003 13

Motivation by Relations
Try to create friendship among activists It is hard to let a friend down People feel at home everywhere "AEGEE Spirit" Be honest all the time Smile

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Motivation by Relations
Culture of decision-making Take care of information flow Communication, communication, communication! Lack of transparency destroys trust & motivation

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Motivation by Relations
Payment is not decisive, if motivation is stable Leadership is indispensible, don't be afraid! Leadership has to be accountable Be pragmatic, credible and fair Leader is in charge of team spirit and personal satisfaction of team members Don't exploit yourself, AEGEE should never be a mere sacrifice!
Stefan Hauk Regional Meeting Lund 2003 16

Motivation by Vision
When we didnt see the meaning of our work anymore, we started to talk about motivation... A vision is always linked to individual persons People find their role in AEGEE according to their personal vision Motivation is in danger when there is a serious gap between personal vision and AEGEE's vision ... or if personal visions are not sufficiently reflected in AEGEE
Stefan Hauk Regional Meeting Lund 2003 17

Motivation by Personality
The more you believe in yourself, the easier you get involved and motivated Personality can be trained only to a limited extent But AEGEE is a perfect platform for discovering ones potential, abilities and limits! AEGEE is a playground, not a battle field. The atmosphere is friendly, failure is allowed (in certain limits) Fears and doubts about ones qualities can be removed by positive experience!
Stefan Hauk Regional Meeting Lund 2003 18

Motivation & HR Management

What is motivation

Why do we need motivation?

Achieving motivation

Preventing demotivation
Practical hints

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Preventing Demotivation

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Preventing Demotivation
Motivating is difficult, demotivating is easy! Dont demand things you wouldnt do yourself! Dont be a pedant! The results count! Mistrust demotivates Lack of communication demotivates Lack of transparency demotivates Observe! Ask! Listen! And learn! The successor phenomenon

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Motivation & HR Management

What is motivation

Why do we need motivation?

Achieving motivation

Preventing demotivation
Practical hints

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Practical hints
Involve new members immediately with small things Find something interesting to do for everyone Turn motivation into responsibility Organise small local events: especially important for small or "far-away" locals Encourage members to travel

Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


Human Resources
Human Resources need long term planning Boards are getting old... make sure you have enough people to follow! Look in time for possible successors Take into account time until new members are ready to join board Ensure proper knowledge transfer (manual!) Take Advisor from previous board Contact to oldies (knowledge, FR)
Stefan Hauk Regional Meeting Lund 2003 24


Stefan Hauk

Regional Meeting Lund 2003


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