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Electric Motors

ESM 288 Betty Seto Kat Wuelfing

Electric Motor
Converts electricity into mechanical motion Works by electromagnetism Lorentz Force Law
Current flowing through a wire produces a magnetic field (labeled M here) around the wire.

Simple DC Motor
Armature or rotor Commutator Brushes Axle Field magnet DC power supply

Simple DC Motor
A magnetic field is generated around the armature. The left side of the armature is pushed away from the left magnet and drawn toward the right, causing rotation. When the armature becomes horizontally aligned, the commutator reverses the direction of current through the coil, reversing the magnetic field. Momentum keeps the motor moving the right direction. The process then repeats.

3 Pole Motor
A motor can have any number of poles Most common form Doesnt get stuck in horizontal position In 2 pole, always shorts out the battery when the commutator flips the field

Examples of everyday motors

Your car is loaded with electric motors: Power windows (a motor in each window) Power seats (up to seven motors per seat) Fans for the heater and the radiator Windshield wipers The starter motor Electric radio antennas Motors in all sorts of places: Your iPod Several in the VCR Several in a CD player or tape deck Many in a computer Most toys that move Electric clocks The garage door opener Aquarium pumps The fan over the stove and in the microwave oven The dispose-all under the sink The blender The can opener The refrigerator - Two or three in fact: one for the compressor, one for the fan inside the refrigerator, as well as one in the icemaker The mixer The tape player in the answering machine Probably even the clock on the oven The washer The dryer The electric screwdriver The vacuum cleaner and the Dustbuster mini-vac The electric saw The electric drill The furnace blower Even in the bathroom, there's a motor in: The fan The electric toothbrush The hair dryer The electric razor At home:


Motor efficiency matters

In U.S. Industry, electric motors consume:
~680 billion kWh/year ~63% of all industrial electricity consumption ~23% of all U.S. consumption

These percentages are typically higher in developing countries, while the motors are typically less efficient

Source: U.S. DOE. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).

How is power lost in a motor?

Mechanical (friction and windage) losses
friction in bearings and seals and power consumed by the motor cooling fan

Magnetic (core) losses

hysteresis and eddy current losses in steel laminations of the stator and rotor

Electrical (I2R) losses

Stator winding losses Rotor conductor bar losses

Stray losses
miscellaneous losses associated mainly with electromagnetic radiation
Source: U.S. DOE. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).

U.S. standard for determination of motor efficiency: IEEE 112-B

Based on Energy Policy Act legislation Need for a standard:
Efficiency changes as grease breaks in Output and input power can vary Readings of speed, torque, volts, amperes, watts are not steady of constant values
(The value of efficiency is then normally converted from a decimal fraction to a percent for convenience.)


Overview of motor efficiencies

The following table of results from three different testing standards:
Test Method IEEE 112 B (U.S.) IEC 34-2 (International) JEC 37 (Japanese) 15 HP 87.4 89.2 90.1 75 HP 90.0 92.7 93.1 800 HP 95.9 95.6 95.9 1500 HP 95.9 96.0 96.8

Improving motor efficiencies

According to U.S. DOE, use of only Premium Efficiency motors could save ~20 billion kWh/year in the U.S.
Covers wide-range of motor specifications 680 billion kWh/year consumption by electric motors

Joint specification by:

National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA ) Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE)

NEMA Premium motors

Example One 50 hp, 1800 rpm, 460 V EPAct Standard Full Load Efficiency Efficiency (at 75% load) Demand Reduction (at 75% load) Meets EPAct? Incremental Motor Cost Energy Savings at 75% Load (6000 hrs/year) 93.1* 93.6 NEMA Premium 94.5 95.1 0.47 kW Example Two 25 hp, 1800 rpm, 460 V EPAct Standard 92.4 93.1 NEMA Premium 93.6 94.1 0.16 kW

yes -

yes $176 2,829 kWh/y

yes -

yes $96 958 kWh/y

The Future
Expanding the definition of motor Solar powered nano motor

Thank you. The end.

Background: AC Induction Motor

This is the most commonplace motor. It has a rotating stator field. The rotor has imbedded electroconductive bars resembling a pet rodent exercise wheel, which inspired the name, squirrel cage. The rotating stator field induces current in the cage creating a magnetic field which causes the rotor to follow the stator field.
First Induction Motor, 1888 Inventor Nikola Tesla

1894 Induction Motor. Worlds largest when new. 65 HP

How is efficiency determined?

There are different standards in use around the world for the determination of motor efficiency. They yield slightly different results.

IEEE 112-B (United States) IEC IEC60034.2 (International Electrotechnical Commission) JEC-37 (Japanese Electrotechnical Committee) C-390 (Canadian Standards Association)
Source: U.S. DOE. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).

Whats in an efficient motor?

Same components; just more and better materials and closer tolerances.
Larger wire gage Lower stator winding loss Longer rotor and stator Lower core loss Lower rotor bar resistance Lower rotor loss Smaller fan Lower windage loss Optimized air gap size Lower stray load loss Better steel with thinner laminations -Lower core loss Optimum bearing seal/shield Lower friction loss

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