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Chap 14


Meaning of Interpretation:
Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from
the collected facts after an analytical and experimental
study. Interpretation has two major aspects.
The effort to establish continuity in research through
linking the results of a given study with those of another.
The establishment of some explanatory concepts.
Thus interpretation is a device through which the factors
that seems to explain what has been observed by researcher
in the course of the study can be better understood.
Why Interpretation?
Abstract Principle
Explanatory Concepts
Real Significance
Hypothesis Testing

Techniques of Interpretation:
Explanation of Relations
Extraneous Information
Factors Affecting Problems
Precautions in Interpretation:
Appropriation, Adequacy, Trustworthy, Proper
Cautious About Errors
Precautions concerning Reliability of data,
computational checks, validation and comparison of
Sight of the Fact
Constant interaction between Initial Hypothesis,
Empirical Observation, and Theoretical Conceptions.
Significance of Report Writing:
Research report is considered a major component
of the research study for the research task remains
incomplete till the report has been presented
and/or written. As a matter of fact even the most
brilliant hypothesis, highly well designed and
conducted research study, and the most striking
generalizations and findings are of little value
unless they are effectively communicated to others.
The purpose of research is not well served unless
the findings are made known to others.
Steps in Report Writing:
1. Logical analysis of the subject matter
2. Preparation of the final outline
3. Preparation of the rough draft
4. Rewriting and polishing of the rough draft
5. Preparation of the final bibliography
6. Writing the final draft
Logical Analysis of the Subject
Two ways o develop a subject;


•Logical treatment often consists in developing the material from the

simple possible to the most complex structures.
•Chronological development is based on a connection or sequence in
time or occurrence.

Preparation of the final outline:

Outlines are the framework upon which long written works are
Preparation of the Rough Draft:
Procedure adopted in controlling material.
Limitations faced during collecting material.
Techniques of analysis adopted.
Broad findings.
Suggestions regarding problems.

Rewriting and polishing of the rough draft

More time required in this step.
Check report for weakness in Logical Development or
Attention to fact that in his rough draft he has been
consistent or not.
Check the mechanism of writing, grammar spelling etc.
Preparation of the Final Bibliography
List of book, which has been done.
All consulted work.
Arranged Alphabetically.
Divided into two parts.
•Names of books and pamphlets.
•Names of magazine and news paper articles.
For books and pamphlets the order may be as under:
Name of author, last name first.
Title, underlined to indicate italics.
Place, publisher, and date of publication.
Number of volumes.
Kothari, C.R., Quantitative Techniques, New Delhi, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., 1978.
For magazines and newspapers the order may be as under:

Name of the author, last name first.

Title of article, in quotation marks.
Name of periodical, underlined to indicate italics.
The volume or volume and number.
The date of the issue.
The pagination.


Robert V. Roosa, “Coping with Short-term International Money

Flows”, The Banker, London,
September, 1971, p. 995.
Writing Final Draft:
Last Step.

Concise and objective style, avoiding vague


Incorporate Illustrations and Examples based on

common experience.
Layout of
What report contain?
Research Report:
Research Report should compromise;

1. Preliminary Pages
2. Main Text
3. End Matter

Preliminary Pages

Title and date followed by Acknowledgement in the form of

Table of Contents. So that the decision-maker or anybody
interested in reading the report can easily locate the required
information in the report.
Main Context
Main text include complete outline of research report along with the
details. It includes;
Statements of findings
The Results
Implication Drawn from results

End Matter:
Types of Reports:
1. Technical Report
2. Popular Report

Technical Report:

In the technical report the main emphasis is on;

(a) The methods employed
(b) Assumptions made in the course of the study
(c) The detailed presentation of the findings including their
limitations and supporting data.
A general outline of a technical report can be as follows:

Summary of results:
A brief review of the main findings just in two or three pages.
Nature of the study:
Description of the general objectives of study, formulation of the
problem in operational terms, the working hypothesis, the type of
analysis and data required, etc.
Methods employed:
Specific methods used in the study and their limitations. For
instance, in sampling studies we should give details of sample design
viz., sample size, sample selection, etc.
Discussion of data collected their sources, characteristics and
limitations. If secondary data are used, their suitability to the
problem at hand be fully assessed. In case of a survey, the manner in
which data were collected should be fully described.
Analysis of data and presentation of findings:
The analysis of data and presentation of the findings of the study with
supporting data in the form of tables and charts be fully narrated. This, in
fact, happens to be the main body of the report usually extending over
several chapters.

A detailed summary of the findings and the policy implications drawn from
the results be explained.
Bibliography: Bibliography of various sources consulted be prepared and

Technical appendices:
Appendices be given for all technical matters relating to questionnaire,
mathematical derivations, elaboration on particular technique of analysis
and the like ones.
Index: Index must be prepared and be given invariably in the report at the
Popular Report:
The popular report is one which gives emphasis on simplicity and
attractiveness. The simplification should be sought through clear
writing, minimization of technical, particularly mathematical,
details and liberal use of charts and diagrams.

We give below a general outline of a popular report.

The findings and their implications:

Emphasis in the report is given on the findings of most practical
interest and on the implications of these findings.

Recommendations for action:

Recommendations for action on the basis of the findings of the
study is made in this section of the report.
Objective of the study:
A general review of how the problem arises is presented along with the
specific objectives of the project under study.

Methods employed:
A brief and non-technical description of the methods and techniques used,
including a short review of the data on which the study is based, is given in
this part of the report.

This section constitutes the main body of the report wherein the results of
the study are presented in clear and non-technical terms with liberal use of
all sorts of illustrations such as charts, diagrams and the like ones.

Technical appendices:
More detailed information on methods used, forms, etc. is presented in the
form of appendices. But the appendices are often not detailed if the report
is entirely meant for general public.
Oral Presentation:

Use of Slides
Distributing about Outline
Tables and Charts concerning
research Results
Make Listeners Attractive.
There are very definite and set rules which should be followed in the
actual preparation of research report or paper
Size and physical design
Treatment of quotations
The footnotes
Documentation style
Punctuation and abbreviation in footnotes
Use of statistics, charts and graphs
The final draft
Preparation of the index
Precautions of Writing Research Reports:
Long to cover but short to maintain interest.
Sustains reader interest.
Abstract Technology and Jargon should be avoided.
Ready availability of findings.
Lay out of report.
Free from mistakes.
Represent Logical analysis.
Attractive in Appearance.
Confidence Limit.
Objective of study.
I spite of all that has been stated above,
one should always keep in view the fact
of report writing is an art which is
learnt by practice and experience,
rather than by more doctorination.

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