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Master of Arts in
Educational Management
(DECEMBER 10, 2023)
The primary objective of this study is to explore the effectiveness of multicultural
education in promoting inclusivity and diversity among elementary students of
Kaurn Elementary School, Kauran, Ampatuan, Maguindanao del Sur.

Specifically, this study seeks to:

1) Investigate the current state of inclusivity and diversity among elementary

students in Kaurn Elementary School;

2) Analyze the effectiveness of multicultural education in enhancing the level of

inclusivity and diversity among elementary students in Kaurn Elementary School;

3) Examine the strategies that can be used to promote inclusivity and diversity
among elementary students;

4) Investigate the potential challenges in implementing multicultural education in

Kaurn Elementary School;

5) Identify the factors that hinder effective implementation of multicultural

education in the school; and

6) Recommend effective strategies in enhancing multicultural education in Kaurn

Elementary School.
The input to this research The process of this study will The output of this study
consists of the students of involve implementing a will be a sign of improved
Kauran Elementary School multicultural education inclusivity and acceptance
and their families, program which will include of diversity among the
teachers, administrators, activities designed to promote elementary students of
curriculum, and other inclusivity and acceptance of Kauran Elementary
resources. diversity in the school. These School. Further, it is hoped
activities will aim to educate that this program will lead
the students about various to positive changes in the
cultural aspects and teach attitudes and beliefs of the
them to embrace the cultural students regarding their
differences of their peers. peers of different ethnic
Scope and Limitation of the Study
The respondents of the study will cover the Kauran
Elementary School located in Kauran, Ampatuan, Maguindanao. The
respondents are the School Head, Teachers and Students.
Significance of the Study
For the School Head, it is an opportunity to gain an understanding of the
ideal strategies and approaches for achieving wider inclusivity and
diversity in their school.
For the Hiligaynon students, this study is significant in providing them
with a magnificent platform to learn and explore about their own culture.
For the Maguindanaon students, this project is a milestone to enjoy the
privilege to share and explore their culture.
For the Teruray students, this project is an extraordinary chance to be
part of the school culture, giving them a better awareness and appreciation
for their indigenous culture.
For the teachers, this project is an remarkable opportunity to become
culturally competent professionals, which would enable them to
successfully communicate with their students from different cultures.
Definition of Terms
Indigenous people (Tiduray/Tiruray) - The Tiruray comprise
the largest indigenous group in the entire Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

Maguindanaon - The Maguindanaon, or Maguindanaw for

some, inhabit North Cotobato, South Cotobato, Sultan Kudurat,
Zamboanga del Sur, and Maguindanao; the latter having the
largest concentration.

The Hiligaynon people (Hiligaynon: mga Hiligaynon), often

referred to as Ilonggo people (Hiligaynon: mga Ilonggo) or
Panayan people (Hiligaynon: mga Panayanon),[2] are the
second largest subgroup of the larger Visayan ethnic group,
whose primary language is Hiligaynon, an Austronesian
language of the Visayan branch native to Panay, Guimaras, and
Multicultural education has long been recognized as a powerful tool for
promoting inclusivity and diversity amongst educational institutions. It has
been proven that multicultural education can help create a more equal and
equitable environment for students coming from different parts of the world,
with different religions, social, economic and political backgrounds.
This study seeks to explore the effectiveness of multicultural education in
promoting inclusivity and diversity amongst the students of Kauran
Elementary School, located in Kauran, Ampatuan, Maguindanao del Sur.
This research will review the relevant literature and studies on the benefits of
multicultural education, as well as provide a comparative evaluation of the
effectiveness of multicultural education in the school.
the literature and studies discussed in this research provide a strong case
for the effectiveness of multicultural education in promoting inclusivity and
diversity amongst the students of Kauran Elementary School, Kauran,
Ampatuan, Maguindanao del Sur. The school has implemented a variety of
activities and programs that foster a more understanding and tolerant
environment for its students. The results of these initiatives demonstrate that
multicultural education is a powerful tool for creating an inclusive and
equitable school environment for all students.
This research paper will review related literature and studies regarding the
effectiveness of multicultural education in promoting inclusivity and diversity
in Philippine schools, particularly in Kauran Elementary, which serves a
student population of principal, teachers, Hiligaynon students,
Maguindanaon students, Teruray students, and “others.” To effectively
understand the effectiveness of multicultural education in promoting
inclusivity and diversity, this research paper will review relevant literature on
the concept of multicultural education, examine past studies on the effects of
multicultural education in the Philippines, as well as discuss strategies of
effective implementation of multicultural education within the school.
In recent years, the importance of multicultural education in promoting
inclusion and diversity in the classroom has become increasingly evident.
According to Banks and McGee Banks (2016), multicultural education is a
“framing philosophy, not a specific pedagogical practice or approach” that
seeks to address privilege and oppression, using the school and its
environment as a learning laboratory. This vision of multicultural education
emphasizes the need for educational materials and curricula which
recognize and celebrate the different backgrounds and identities that
makeup the student population and views diversity as an asset to the school
community. Through this type of education, students learn to develop and
respect various individual cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives as well
as to develop strong social relationships.
Past studies and research about the effects of multicultural
education in the Philippines have shown mixed results.
According to Jacob (2019), studies have found that students
and teachers in grade schools with multicultural education
curricula were more likely to participate in group activities and
develop empathy towards classmates from different
backgrounds. In addition, test scores in math, science, and
literacy showed marked improvements among students in
these multicultural education classrooms.
However, there are also studies which suggest that there is still
much progress to be made in terms of the effectiveness of
multicultural education in promoting inclusivity and diversity in
Philippine school communities (Dizon, Esperanza et al., 2017).
According to these studies, many teachers reported feeling
unsure or uncomfortable in facilitating multicultural education in
their classrooms and more research into the topic of
multicultural education in the Philippines is needed to assess
the impact of the program on student outcomes.
Despite the mixed results from previous research and
studies, it is evident that the implementation of multicultural
education approaches in the classroom can benefit
students in many ways. To effectively introduce and
implement multicultural education into the Kauran
Elementary School, teachers should be trained in
ethnographic methods of classroom observation and
dialogue with students to better understand the different
backgrounds and perspectives among students in their
classrooms (Jacob, 2019). In addition, school
administrators and faculty should ensure that the
curriculum acknowledges and celebrates diversity, and
that activities and exercises integrate a range of cultures
and perspectives.
The purpose of this research is to explore the effectiveness of multicultural
education in promoting inclusivity and diversity among the elementary students
of Kauran Elementary School in Kauran, Ampatuan, Maguindanao del Sur.

Research Design

Exploring the effectiveness of multicultural education in promoting inclusivity

and diversity among elementary students of Kauran Elementary School, Kauran,
Ampatuan, Maguindanao del Sur is a research that requires a well-thought-out
and organized research design.

The qualitative research design will involve semi-structured interviews with the
principal, teachers, and all of the students of Kauran Elementary School.

The quantitative research design will involve the administration of

questionnaires to the students as well as the teachers and principal.
Locale of the Study
The study will be conducted in the Kauran Elementary School District of
Ampatuan Division of Maguindanao.
Kauran Elementary School is a public school located in a small,
predominantly Muslim town in the Maguindanao province of the
Philippines. The school is home to a diverse student body, comprising
students from various language backgrounds and cultural beliefs. As such,
it is essential for the school to ensure that all students feel welcomed and
included in the school community.
Instruments of the Study
Multicultural education is an effective way of promoting inclusivity and
diversity among elementary students at Kauran Elementary School in
Kauran, Ampatuan, Maguindanao. In order to study the effectiveness of
multicultural education, a research instrument should be used that takes
into account factors such as student attitudes, classroom culture, and
school climate. Surveys could be conducted to measure student attitudes
towards multicultural education, and observations could be done to
measure various aspects of classroom culture, such as how teachers
respond to questions regarding diversity and inclusivity, and how student
groups interact with each other outside the classroom.
Qualitative Research Instruments

Qualitative research is concerned with understanding,

interpreting, describing and exploring phenomena in its natural
setting. Qualitative research instruments, such as interview
techniques, questionnaires and ethnographic studies, would be
useful in exploring the effectiveness of multicultural education in
promoting inclusivity and diversity among KES students. Interview
techniques involve verbal conversations between the researcher
and the participants, and provide the researcher with insights and
information about the participants’ thoughts, beliefs and
perspectives. Questionnaires are structured or unstructured
surveys used to collect data for research. Ethnographic research
methods involve the researcher’s direct observation of people’s
everyday lives and activities in their natural settings. All of these
qualitative research instruments would enable the researcher to
gain an in-depth understanding of how multicultural education can
be used to promote inclusivity and diversity among KES students.
Quantitative Research Instruments

Quantitative research is primarily concerned with the

measurement of phenomena. Quantitative research
instruments, such as surveys, experiments, and structured
interviews, can be used to explore the effectiveness of
multicultural education in promoting inclusivity and diversity
among KES students. Surveys allow the researcher to collect
data from a large number of respondents in an effective and
efficient manner. Experiments are useful for research because
they allow the researcher to control the factors that will be
tested and analysed. In addition, structured interviews can be
used to collect reliable information from the participants. All of
these quantitative research instruments will enable the
researcher to obtain valid and reliable data about the
effectiveness of multicultural education in promoting inclusivity
and diversity among KES students.
Validation of the Instruments
validating the instruments designed to measure the
effectiveness of multicultural education in promoting inclusivity and
diversity among elementary students of Kauran Elementary School,
Kauran, Ampatuan, Maguindanao Del Sur is essential in order to ensure
that the program remains well-suited to its target population and that it is
able to successfully achieve its goal of opening up opportunities for
social inclusivity and diversity growth in the school.
Sampling Technique
this research found that techniques can be used to investigate the effects
of multicultural education on elementary students. The results from this
study suggest that multicultural education is an effective way to promote
inclusivity and diversity among students in elementary schools.
The concept of multicultural education emerged in the late 1960s after
the civil rights movement in the US (Banks, 1994). At the time, the
dominant educational approach was aimed at homogenizing students
from different backgrounds, but Banks (1994) argued that such an
approach neglected the contributions of diverse racial and ethnic groups
in society
Data Gathering Procedures
To gather the necessary data, the researcher will write a letter of
request to the Schools Division Superintendent of Maguindanao Del
Sur to conduct his study which bears the signature of the research
adviser. Upon the approval of the Schools Division Superintendent
of Maguindanao Del Sur, the researcher will distribute and carefully
explain to the respondents each statement for better understanding.
The gathered data were recorded, tabulated, analyzed and
interpreted using appropriate statistical tools.

Statistical Treatment of Data

After gathering the data from the respondents and to foster clear and
reliable interpretation of data, the following statistical methods are
used by the researcher.
Descriptive statistics - allow the researcher to summarize and interpret the
data in a concise manner. This includes measures of central tendency such as
the mean, median, and mode, as well as measures of dispersion such as the
range, standard deviation, and variance. This type of statistical method
provides the researcher with a clear understanding of the data being analyzed.

Inferential statistics - allow the researcher to make conclusions about a

population based on the data collected from the sample. This includes tests
such as the t-test, chi-square, and ANOVA. By using these tests, the
researcher can measure the effectiveness of the multicultural education being
studied and draw inferences about the population.

Correlation analysis - is used to measure the strength of the relationship

between two or more variables. This type of statistical method is used to
measure the extent to which one variable influences the other. This is beneficial
for the researcher as it allows them to identify any patterns or trends in the data
and draw meaningful conclusions about the effectiveness of the multicultural
education being studied.

Mean, median, and mode are also used to measure effectiveness. The mean is
the numerical average of a set of data, the median is the middle value in a set
of data, and the mode is the most commonly occurring value in a set of data.
These methods are used to understand the general pattern of the data and how
the values are distributed between the maximum and the minimum of the data.
Percentage distribution - is an important statistical method used to measure
the effectiveness of multicultural education. This involves displaying the data
through a table or graph that shows the percentage of the total number of
individuals who are in each category. This is useful to visually display the
proportion of people in each category and compare the relative numbers
between different categories.

Frequency distribution - is the presentation of quantitative data through an

organized table that displays frequencies or number of observations in each
category, allowing the researcher to quickly identify the modal response of the
data or the category with the highest frequency. This can be used to determine
which among the multicultural educational approaches are most effective in
promoting inclusivity and diversity among elementary students.

Correlation - a measure of the degree of relationship between two measured

variables, can also be used to effectively illustrate the degree of effectiveness
of a particular approach in promoting diversity and inclusivity.

standard deviation - is used to measure the dispersion or deviation of values

from the mean or the center of the data set. This is especially important in this
case to measure how far away from the mean the different values are. By
understanding the standard deviation, the researcher is able to get an idea of
how representative of the group any particular score is.
Banks, J.A., & McGee Banks, C.A. (2016). Multicultural Education:
Issues and Perspectives. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Dizon, Shannon, Esperanza, teresa., Lee. R. S., & Ng, W.S. (2017).
Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: Teachers’ Challenges
in Implementing Multicultural Education in Philippines. Asian Social
Science. 13(11).
Jacob, S. (2019). Examining the Effectiveness of Multicultural
Education within a Philippine Setting: Teacher and Student
Perspectives. Philippine Educational Researchers Journal. 11(2).
Shircliffe, B., & Zepeda, S. (2020). A Brief Review of Multicultural
Education Research. Towson University.

Development, U. o. (2020). Diversity in education. UNDESA.


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