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Exercise 1. Complete the words for transport.
You have the first letter.

1. Jacob meets his friends at the bus stop at half past eight.
2. Mario rides his b…………….. in the park.
3. The t……………… gets to the station at 9 pm.
4. Camila drives her c……………….. to work at 7 am. The roads are quiet then.
5. Marco is a t…………………. driver. He knows all the streets in the city very
Exercise 1. Complete the words for transport.
You have the first letter.

6. Daniel likes sailing his b………………… on the river.
7. Mariana can fly a p……………………….

8. Oliver is a c oach
………………….. driver. He takes lots of people to visit
different cities.
9. I live near my university, so I usually w………………. to school.

10. Jack uses public transport a lot because there is an

b…………………….. station near his house.
Exercise 2. Write the correct word in the box below the picture.

Hat Skirt socks Trousers shorts

Dress boots Jacket T-shirt Raincoat

1. T-shirt 2. Shorts 3. Trousers 4. Raincoat 5. Jacket

Exercise 2. Write the correct word in the box below the picture.

Hat Skirt socks Trousers shorts

Dress boots Jacket T-shirt Raincoat

6. Dress 7. Boots 8. Skirt 9. Socks 10. Hat

1. The gas station is next to the pet shop. T
2. The post office is on Orchard Road. F
3. The Internet café is across from the movie theater. ……..
4. City Hall is on the corner of Market Street and Orchard Road. T
5. The library is between the gym and City Hall. F
6. Jon’s Supermarket is on Market Street. ……..
7. The bus station is across from the hospital. T
8. The pet shop is between the gas station and the bus station. T
9. There are apartments behind the police station. F
10. The IELTS Testing Center is on the corner of Martin Street and Orchard Road. F
Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks below with Pronouns to
complete the sentences.

1. Do you know that man? Do you know ………………………..?
2. My friend and I have free time this weekend. ……………………………….. can go shopping.
3. Robert and Mark are late for the meeting. ……………………………….. should hurry.
4. She gave ……………………………….. a birthday gift. I really like it.
5. Elephants are very big, so ……………………………….. eat a lot of food.
Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks below with Pronouns to
complete the sentences.

6. My brother is studying because ……………………………….. has a test tomorrow.
7. Do you feel okay? Can I help ………………………………..?
8. My new neighbors are very friendly. I really like ………………………………. .
9. I need to find my key. Where did you put ………………………………..?
10. Spiders have eight legs, and ……………………………….. also have many eyes.
Exercise 5. Fill in the correct future tense - will future,
going to

1. They are going to drive (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.

is going to rain
2. Take your umbrella with you. It ………………………………. (rain).
will fly
3. They …………………………… (fly) to Seattle next summer holidays.
will go
4. I ………………………….. (go) to the cinema tomorrow.
am going to meet
5. On Friday I ………………………….. (to meet) my friend.
is going to fly
6. Paul ………………….…. (to fly) to London on Monday.
going to rain
7. Look at the clouds – it is …………………………. (rain) in a few minutes.
Exercise 6. Write the correct form of the adjectives

1. Is Angelina Jolie ……………………… (old) than Sandra Bullock?
more colorful (colorful) than this park.
2. My garden is a lot ……………………….
more comfortable
3. His house is a bit …………………………………………. (comfortable) than a
4. Julie is …………………………………..(quiet) than her sister.
the cheapest
5. These are ……………………………. (cheap) pants that I’ve got.
Exercise 6. Write the correct form of the adjectives

6. The blue sneakers are …………………………. (clean) than the pink ones.
7. His brother is …………………………… (short) than him.
the most expensive
8. This is …………………………………. (expensive) camera that I’ve bought.
9. Who is ……………………….. (tall) person in your family?
the coldest
10. December is …………………………. (cold) month of the year in my country.
He was born in Korea


He grew up in Korea

The past simple is the most common way of talking about past events or states which
have finished. It is often used with past-time references (e.g. yesterday, two years ago).
Past simple To be

• She was with her friends last • We were not cold yesterday.
Saturday. = We weren't cold yesterday.

S + was/ were + … S + wasn’t/ weren’t + …

+ I/ He/ She/ It/ singular N + was - was not = wasn’t
We/ You/ They/ plural N + were were not = weren’t
Past simple To be

• Was she at the park last Sunday? - No, she wasn't.

Was/ Were + S + …?

? - Yes, S + was/ were

- No, S + wasn’t/ weren’t
Wh- question word + was/were + S + (not) +…?
Past simple Verb

• We stayed at my grandparents' • S + did not + V-infinitive

house last summer.

+ S + V-ed/ V2 + …? - S + did not/ didn’t + V-inf …

Past simple Verb

• Did you pass? - Yes, I did.

Did + S + V-inf?
? - Yes, S + did
- No, S + didn’t
Exercise 7. Listen and write what they order. (File 1)

Penny: Meat / Fish: (1) …...chicken……

green beans
Vegetables / other: (2) ………………………….…….
Drink: (3) ………………………….…….

Ed: beef
Meat / Fish: (4) ………………………….…….
Vegetables / other: (5) ………………………….…….
Drink: (6) ………………………….…….
chocolate cake
Penny: Dessert: (7) ………………………….…….
Ed: Dessert: (8) ………………………….…….

Waiter Good afternoon.

Ed Hello. What do you want, Penny?
Penny Could I have chicken, please? Chicken with chips.
Waiter Anything else?
Penny Yes, please. A cup of tea, please.
Waiter And you?
Ed Beef, please. Can I have beef with salad?
Penny Salad? Are you OK?

Ed Yes. I’m on diet now. I must eat healthy food.

Penny Oh, I see.
Waiter And a drink?
Ed Yes. Water, please.

Ed That was great. Do you want a dessert?
Penny Yes, please. Can I have an ice-cream?
Ed Ice-cream? I’m not sure. I don’t want a dessert.
Exercise 8. What do you think the clerk says next?
Circle the correct answer. (File 2)

1. A. Okay. It’s $40.50. 5. A. Let me put it in a box for you.

B. Let me know if you need help. B. Let me check.
2. A. You’re welcome. 6. A. Great! Let me know if I can help you.
B. You pay in cash or by credit? B. Ok, it’s $45.
3. A. You’re welcome. 7. A. Let me know if you need help.
B. Can I show you something else? B. How many do you need?
4. A. Why not? 8. A. Would you like to pay by credit?
B. Okay. Let me know if I can help you. B. We may get more next week.

Conversation 1. Conversation 2.
A: Could I help you with anything A: What can I help you, sir?
today madam? B: Well, these are small and they’re too
B: Well. I really like this dress. Do you tight. Do you have a large?
have it in grey? A: Yes.
A: Yes, we do. B: Great! I’ll take them.
B: Great! I’ll take it, then.

Conversation 3. Conversation 4.
A: These are the most beautiful A: Do you need any help?
watches in the store. B: No, I’m just looking around for
B: They really are nice. How much is some gift ideas, thanks.
this one?
A: It’s $3,500. Would you like to buy it?
B: No, thanks. It’s too expensive for me.

Conversation 5. Conversation 6.
A: Those are really nice skirts. A: Do you need any help?
B: Yes, they certainly are. I love the B: Yes. I want to buy a shirt for my
design. Do you have one in a size 12? son. Do you have anything in cotton?
A: Yes, we do. Would you like to take it? A: Yes, we do. Look at these.
B: Yes, please. B: They’re perfect! I’ll buy the black

Conversation 7. Conversation 8.
A: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you A: May I help you with anything, or
find anything? are you just looking?
B: Oh, I’m not sure what I want. I’ll just B: I’d like these brown gym shorts,
look around for a while, thanks. please.
A: I’m afraid we don’t.
B: Oh, that’s too bad.
Exercise 9. Listen to Lia talking about her housemates, and for
questions 1 to 12 decide which person Lia is talking about:
Emma, Robert, William, or Ella. (File 3)

1. Who has got long, straight, black hair? …………………

2. Who is quiet and a little boring? Robert


3. Who is noisy and loves loud music? Emma


4. Who is bald? William


5. Who is about thirty? Ella

6. Who is the youngest? …………………
Exercise 9. Listen to Lia talking about her housemates, and for
questions 1 to 12 decide which person Lia is talking about:
Emma, Robert, William, or Ella. (File 3)

7. Who is tall and fat? …………………

8. Who is a little unfriendly? Ella


9. Who is kind and funny? William


10. Who has long blonde hair? Ella


11. Who has brown eyes and curly hair? Robert

12. Who is about forty years old? …………………

I've got a house near the city centre now. Five people live there. There's
me, of course, and there's Emma. She's 22 years old, like me, and she's slim
with long black hair. She's very friendly but she is noisy. She talks loudly
and loves listening to loud music.

Then there's Robert. He's a student. He's in his teens. He is very handsome.
He's got brown eyes and short brown curly hair. But he's very quiet and a
little boring.

Then, there's William. He's 40, really tall, fat, and he's bald. He looks a little
scary, but he isn't. Actually, he is really friendly and he's funny too.

Last, there's Ella. She's about thirty, and she's got long straight blond hair.
She's clever, but she is very tidy and a little unfriendly with us. She is a little
scary sometimes, but I am happy with my housemates.
Exercise 10. Read the passage below and decide whether the
statement is true (T) or false (F)

1. It’s a busy neighborhood with lots of activity. …………….

2. There are only a few cars on the streets. …………….
3. He enjoys playing basketball in the playground. …………….
4. People decorate their flower gardens in the fall to make …………….
them beautiful.
5. Venice Road is in the city. …………….
6. The police station is near the hospital. …………….
My neighborhood
My neighborhood is very quiet and pleasant. It is a new area, and there are a lot of big houses
and apartment buildings. The streets are very clean, and there aren’t many cars on the road.
My school is close to my house. I can get there in 10 minutes by walking.
There’s also a park with a small playground for children. After school, I enjoy playing baseball
with my friends there. The houses all have small front yards but large back yards. Most of my
neighbors have a swimming pool, and some even have a trampoline!
My neighborhood
Everybody has a flower garden, which looks especially lovely in the spring. Venice Road is the name
of my road. It's not located in a city. It's situated in a suburb. On my road, there are no pubs,
restaurants, or movie theaters. However, there are lots of things to do on Main Street. My favorite
store is there. It’s called Knick-Knack, and they sell everything you can imagine.
I love this neighborhood because it's very safe. There's no crime in the neighborhood, and all my
neighbors take care of one another. There's a police station right next to the school, which is very
nice. But the hospital's a long way from here. It's in the city, and we're going to have to drive 30
minutes to get there.
I've got friends who live near me, and we play or talk all the time. We're having so much fun playing
hockey on the street because there's no traffic. I'm happy to be living in my neighborhood.
Exercise 10. Read the passage below and decide whether the
statement is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

1. It’s a busy neighborhood with lots of activity. FALSE

2. There are only a few cars on the streets. TRUE
3. He enjoys playing basketball in the playground. …………….
4. People decorate their flower gardens in the fall to make …………….
them beautiful.
5. Venice Road is in the city. …………….
6. The police station is near the hospital. …………….
Exercise 11. Read the text about Alice’s plans for the next
winter holidays and answer the questions.

1. Where is Alice going to go next winter holidays?

2. What is her dream job?
3. What does she do in a restaurant in London?
Exercise 11. Read the text about Alice’s plans for the next
winter holidays and answer the questions.

4. How is she going to travel?

5. What is she going to do in the afternoon?
6. When is going to work at the restaurant?
7. Are her parents happy about her plans? And why?
Next winter holidays, Alice is going to travel to England. She wants to be a chef so,
she is going to work as a waiter in a restaurant in London. This year, she is studying
English very hard and she is working as a nanny, to save money for the tickets. She is
going to take the plane to London on 15th August.

She’s going to live with a family in a big house in the centre of the city. They have a
girl called Charlotte and two boys called Simon and Johnson. In the morning, Alice is
going to go to school with them. In the afternoon, she is planning to visit museums,
walk around the city, and practice cooking recipes. In the evening, she is going to
work at the restaurant, from seven o’clock to half past eleven at night.
She can’t wait to go, but her parents feel differently: they’re a little worried and
sad because she is going to travel alone.

Alice is very happy because she is sure it is going to be a completely different

experience. She’s going to meet different people and live in a different culture for
some days. She knows it’s going to be a great experience.
Exercise 11. Read the text about Alice’s plans for the next
winter holidays and answer the questions.

1. Where is Alice going to go next winter holidays?

She is going to travel by plane.
2. What is her dream job?
She wants to be a chef
3. What does she do in a restaurant in London?
She works as a waiter
Exercise 11. Read the text about Alice’s plans for the next
winter holidays and answer the questions.

4. How is she going to travel?

She is going to travel by plane.
5. What is she going to do in the afternoon?
She is planning to visit museums, walk around the city and practice cooking recipes.
6. When is going to work at the restaurant?
From seven to half past eleven at night.
7. Are her parents happy about her plans? And why?
No, they aren’t. Because she is going to travel alone.
Exercise 12. Read the text and complete the summary by
filling in the suitable words. (NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS)

Can you cook?

Tom is like any other teenager. He goes to school, does his homework, meets his friends,
and enjoys doing sports.

But between 5.30 and 6.30 from Monday to Friday, Tom does something different. He
cooks dinner for all the family: mum, dad, younger sister Joe, and brother Robert.

Tom’s mon: “I think it’s important for teenagers to learn how to cook. Maths and English
are important, of course, but they need other skills too to help them in today’s world. First
I taught Tom how to cook easy meals like pizza or egg and chips. Then, he started using
recipes in my cookery books. Yesterday, he made vegetable soup. It was very good!”
Exercise 12. Read the text and complete the summary by
filling in the suitable words. (NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS)

Can you cook?


Tom: “I love cooking and I think I’m really good at it. None of my friends cook. I don’t
know why, it isn’t difficult and is great fun!”

In the past, Tom didn’t help out at home and his mum wasn’t very happy with him.
Today, things are different and she is very happy.
Exercise 12. Read the text and complete the summary by
filling in the suitable words. (NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS)

Tom does everything like any other (1) …………………………… such as going to
cooks dinner
school or doing homework. But he (2) …………………………… for his family from
5.30 to 6.30 every day except for the weekend. His mother thinks that
teenagers need other (3) …………………………… to help them in real life and
cooking was the first thing she taught Tom. Tom loves cooking and it isn’t (4)
difficult happy
…………………………….. . His mother is very (5) ………….…………………… with him
Exercise 13. Describe someone that you love or admire.
(Who is the person? What does he/ she look like? What is
he/ she like? Why do you love/ admire him/ her?)

Exercise 14. Describe your neighborhood.

Exercise 15. Conversation!

Conversation 1

A: You are a customer. You come to the

restaurant and want something to eat.

B: You are a waiter at the restaurant.

Exercise 15. Conversation!

Conversation 2

A: You are a customer. You want to buy

some new clothes.

B: You are a shop assistant at a

clothing store.
Exercise 15. Conversation!

Conversation 3

A: You are a customer. You want to buy

some vegetables and fruits at the market.

B: You are a shop assistant.

Exercise 15. Conversation!

Conversation 4

A: You have an idol and want to tell your

friend about him/ her.

B: You are A’s friend, ask for some

Exercise 16. Answer the questions about yourself.


1. Talk about your family.

2. Who cooks in your family?
3. Who washes the dishes in your family?
4. How many siblings do you have?
Exercise 16. Answer the questions about yourself.


1. What’s your favorite food?

2. What do you usually eat for breakfast/
lunch/ dinner?
3. What kinds of food you don’t like?
Exercise 16. Answer the questions about yourself.


1. How do you go to work/ school/ university?

2. What kind of transportation do you usually take?
3. Would you like to travel by plane or motorbike?
Exercise 16. Answer the questions about yourself.


1. What are you going to do at the weekend?

2. What will you do if the weather is hot?
3. What will you do if it’s cold?
4. What are you going to do next holiday?
Exercise 16. Answer the questions about yourself.


1. What clothes do you like to wear?

2. What do you wear when you go to school/ work?
3. What do you wear to the party?
4. Did you enjoy shopping for new clothes?
Do you have any questions?

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