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What is consumerism?

Consumerism is the set of activities of

government consumers that are designed
to protect the rights of the consumers.
When are
consumers are
likely to conserve

who is most
likely to conserve

can consumer be
motivated to
Public policy issues are concerns or problems that affect society as a
whole and require governmental action or intervention to address.
These issues can range from social, economic, environmental, and
political challenges such as healthcare, education, poverty, climate
change, immigration, and criminal justice. Public policy issues often
involve complex interactions among various stakeholders, and their
resolution typically requires careful analysis, debate, and decision-
making by policymakers and government officials.

Right to safety

Right to inform

Right to choose

Right to heard

Right to consumer education

Right to recourse & redress

Right to an environment that enchances the quality of

Groups involved with public policy and consumerism

Federal trade commission (FTC)

Federal trade commission (FTC)

Federal communications commission (FCC)

Consumer product safety commission (CPSC)

National highway traffic safety administration (NHTSA)

Deceptive advertising and labeling refer to practices
where companies mislead consumers through false or
misleading claims about their products or services. This
could involve exaggerating benefits, hiding negative
aspects, or providing inaccurate information to
influence purchasing decisions. It's unethical and often
illegal, as it violates consumer protection laws in many
Types of deception

False Misleading Hidden Fake False

advertising packaging fees reviews scarcity
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