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Unit 3: Language Use & Mechanics Part 1

How can you make
sure that your text is
How can you make
sure that what you
are saying is
Language Use
How you use language affects the tone of
the text and the readers’ interpretation of it,
same goes to the tone of your speech. Before
writing or speaking, you have to think about
and consider your target audience. It is
important that you make good choices when it
comes to language use .
Considerations in Language Use
1. Determine when it is appropriate to
use formal language or when
informal language is acceptable.
Informal vs. Formal Language
Informal language is usually used in writing for oneself or in writing
to family, friends, and colleagues. The writer used casual words such
as asked, call, and get permission, which made the sentence
On the other hand, formal language is used in writing academic,
business, and official texts. Uses more serious words such as
requested instead of asked, contact instead of call, and obtain
permission instead of get permission. This sentence is formal and is
appropriate to use when talking or writing to a person of authority.
Informal vs. Formal Language

Informal: We asked the secretary to call the professor and get her
permission for us to continue our research.

Formal: We requested that the secretary contact the professor and

obtain her permission for us to continue our research.
Considerations in Language Use
2. When you write, you should also make sure that
the language you use is direct and simple rather
than complicated so that readers would easily
understand the text.
If your readers are the youth, then you should use
words that are familiar to young people.*
Why Sunglasses Are a Must-Have for
Kids (An Excerpt)
(NewsUSA) Most parents know how damaging the effects of
ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can be to our skin, which is why they
dutifully slather sunscreen on their kids during the summer. But
one thing that often gets overlooked is protecting their children’s
eyes. According to vision-care experts, kids receive three times
more UV exposure than adults annually, yet less than 30 percent
of parents currently protect their children’s eyes with sunglasses.
The reason for concern is that children and adolescents are
particularly vulnerable to the sun’s rays because their ocular
lenses are not mature enough to filter UV light as effectively as
adults, causing damage to the retina.
Why Sunglasses Are a Must-Have for
Kids (An Excerpt)
(NewsUSA) Most parents know how damaging 1. What kind of academic text is the one shown?
the effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can be 2. How did you say that such a text is a scientific
to our skin, which is why they dutifully slather text?
sunscreen on their kids during the summer. But
one thing that often gets overlooked is 3. What technical and scientific terms are
protecting their children’s eyes. According to mentioned in the text?
vision-care experts, kids receive three times 4. What can you notice in the text? What kind of
more UV exposure than adults annually, yet less words were used to write it?
than 30 percent of parents currently protect
their children’s eyes with sunglasses. The 5. What is the goal of the text?
reason for concern is that children and 6. Is the text simple? Can the text be understood by
adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the a first grader? By a fifth grader?
sun’s rays because their ocular lenses are not
mature enough to filter UV light as effectively
as adults, causing damage to the retina.
Considerations in Language Use
3. You should also be sensitive enough to use unbiased
language, so you will not offend any individual or any
particular group of people.
Unbiased language is language that is free of racial bias,
free of religious bias, and free of gender bias.
◦ A teacher should make it a point to motivate her students.
◦ Teachers should make it a point to motivate their students.
More Examples
Level Sample Sentence
Formal “I am not sanguine about the decision of the Baras Senior
High School Board.”
Informal “I am not optimistic about the school board’s decision.”
Conversation “I’m not comfortable about the board’s decision.”
Colloquial “I’m not cool with what the brass decided.”
Slang “I’m ticked off at what the suits did.”
Vulgar “I’m royally pissed.”
Examples of Informalities
Word omissions
◦ Used in SMS and tweets
Informal words and phrases
◦ “I think…”
◦ “In my opinion…”
◦ “a lot”/“lots”

Dear my love,
I hope all is well. I miss you more each day that passes. I would have wished to be there
with you right now, but I am in Marawi serving the Army. I have no idea what I would do
without you. I think about you every night and day, and I wish to head back there as soon as
My serving term will finish in 3 months, and I hope to return by then. With every
moment of my every breath, I miss you. There were times when I almost died a couple of times
while even trying to write this letter. A lot has happened here, but don’t you worry because I’m
okay. I promise to come home to you in one piece.
Without you, I would not have the courage to be overseas, fighting for our country. I
miss you so much and I can’t wait to be back in your arms again. We just have to be patient. I
got to go now. Pray for me. I love you so much.
Yours forever,

Ayo what up Harvard,

This be Miguel tryna get accepted in this here University ya heard. I’m tryna get me
an education you dig. It would make everything easier if you just accept me instead of writing
500 essays ya heard. I hate writing lol kinda ironic right? Well anyways I heard from my
homies the other night that you guys throw some pretty bomb kick backs. The only reason im
applying here is cuz im tryna get invited to one of them kick backs ya heard. I also heard that
ur food be pretty bomb. I be hungry all da time foo. Im aight in school, dnt really like learning
or any school related activity. I aint no ratchet and im down to join ur university to try to go 2
one of dem parties. All these foos got nuting on me. I would appreciate if u let me in ur
university to go to dem parties nd den u can kick me out.... its kool. So wat do u say foo? am i
in or wat?
ur future homie,
Writing Task: Language Use
Informal: Her dad worked in a factory.
Formal: Her father worked in a factory.

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